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Everything posted by miragexl

  1. miragexl

    No competent player should die

    You camp in a city with a sniper shooting noobs? SO HARDCORE.
  2. miragexl

    How tu turn on the flashlight

    Some times it bugs. If it does just switch from the flash light to a weapon then back again.
  3. miragexl

    Looking for teammate

    Go to general discussion and at the top of the threads there is a bandit and survivor section choose your path and post there if your looking for team-mates.
  4. Run through a open building. I fully sprint while in Cherno and make it through and out alive with no damage taken.
  5. miragexl

    Can anyone here gift me Arma 2 on steam?

    And so the yog-beggars join.
  6. miragexl

    Never found a gun..

    Tip: Run to Cherno; You won't get shot till you recieve a weapon and if you do then that person needs to die anyway. http://dayzmap.info/ Map of 90% of the buildings which are loot able and what can be found.
  7. miragexl

    RIP DayZ - Yogcast started a LP

    Quote from the clip "The only reason i know about arma 2 is because of the steam sales because of this stupid mod" Leave us be.
  8. miragexl

    RIP DayZ - Yogcast started a LP

    Brace yourselves. I just read some comments on the video -.-' Retards.. Retards everywhere.
  9. You shoot at some of us and we stole your pick-up truck. However this isn't our home server so we will giving it away with whatever contents are in it. Post on here (if you've never had a vehicle now is your chance) Hopefully want to give it to a clan. The cars status is 5 jerry cans and half a tank wheels are on amber engine is on a light green and everything else is green.
  10. Long story short; They took out our sniper so we took their pick-up. Giving away a pick-up to a group of 2 or more. It's in good condition and on UK11. Screenies of the truck itself. Add me on skype: Morgan__Baxter You can even shoot us afterwards if you don't trust us -.-
  11. miragexl

    On a average how quick do you find a gun?

    Same as sparten once you know what buildings to loot you can get a Winchester/Enfield in a matter of minutes.
  12. miragexl

    What's Your Survival "Workflow?"

    Spawn, Look at a map to find myself; if not near cherno respawn. Loot some major buildings and run north to the smaller towns find an ak-47 or something similiar then head for NW Airfield and loot that, once finished i normally do a helicopter crash site hide and seek.
  13. Inbreeding. On a serious note I think the number of zombies are effected by the amount of loot around them. (don't quote me on that)
  14. miragexl

    Barbwire maddness!!

    I feel that barbed wire should be able to be hacked down by hatchets however tank traps and sandbags should be in-penetrable.
  15. miragexl

    First Car of DayZ :D

    Well my friend never found a vehicle till today.. We took out a clan and stole their truck then found a boat and then a fishing boat, so he found first 3 vehicles in one day. But awesome find!
  16. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=27361 Tells it all; As a nice survivor were giving it away because this isn't our home server. Any weapons/backpacks/equipment would be nice but not required.
  17. miragexl

    Uk24 owner?

    Just wondering who it is and if they are going to update; Not being inpatient but i like my home server and just want to play a decent game
  18. Phake want proof? I'll do whatever is needed; I'm not a bandit and never have been. Also there is only two of us who are going to the designated zone to drop the car off, Both with no weapons. If no clan or group of friends want to claim this pick-up im going to drive along the coast and give it to a randomer. Look im changing the way people think about players im nice. We can even do it discreetly.
  19. Today i was in a fire fight and i shot the guy so he was bleeding and i saw him D/c however his body remained and i was able to loot everything. Awesome either way. Anyone else can confirm this?
  20. My opinion is that the developers don't have a choice if they want pvp to go it's the community; This shoot on sight bollocks is what is creating the wars and mass death and if more players were like myself there would be a lot more trading and trust involved.
  21. They have to go to the home server to store the stuff though? @BRDominik
  22. miragexl

    Slightly frustrated new player

    Adapt or die. With weapons or not; If you don't know zombie traits your going to die. Run straight to cherno enter every building (Sprinting) pick up what you can and head north. Simple.
  23. miragexl

    Helicopter Crash Site Map

    Thank you so much, been looking for one for a while.
  24. Yeah hopefully it will be fixed soon enough.