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Everything posted by Sutinen

  1. Sutinen

    "Oh, it's night. Guess I'd better leave"

    Playing at night is way more fun than playing at day. Especially without NVGs. 870 and flares = Win :D
  2. Sutinen

    What type of player are you?

    I'm all of them at once. I murder bandits and other hostile survivors. I never help anyone, because that's not my style. I usually sneak past people who are firing weapons if it's not threatening or aimed at me. I would never kill a hero, but I'll be damned if a hero attacks me. Then he leaves me no choice. My humanity is usually positive, last time it was 3380. I have no idea why, since I don't help other survivors. Oh, forget the scenarios: 1. Probably go in a bush see what he can do by himself. 2. Kill him. Then hide his body for shits and giggles. 3. I think the guy fixing a vehicle would "greet" me with a .45 in the head, but in this situation I would probably pass on the ride.
  3. Both of you need to chill out. I wasn't hating, I was just pointing that out. Rocket himself has said it many times, they are not "classic" zombies, but infected. Don't get angry on me.
  4. Sutinen

    Makarov SD...wtf, please explain

    Uhh, glitch from ArmA 2? It exists in ArmA 2, but it can't be found legit in DayZ. So in other words, hacked.
  5. No, because the zombies in this game are not dead, they are humans with infection. You are one of the people who are immune to the virus, but that doesn't mean the infected can't beat you to death.
  6. I had a Bizon months ago. It was a great weapon.
  7. The ability to make 4 "2 round" slugs and pellets into "8 round" ones is a good feature, but it really doesn't make sense that you have to waste 4 spaces of your inventory just to load them into an 870 or an M1014. So, it would help a lot if you could load 2 rnd slugs and pellets into the 8 round magazine shotguns. That wouldn't be too hard, right?
  8. Sutinen

    "2 round" slugs and pellets

    This suggestion is not for standalone, just something small for the mod. It can't be that hard, I imagined it being as simple as switching between SD rounds and normal rounds on a rifle for example. Some of you guys are way off the point, I wasn't talking about realistic shotgun loading, just so you could load 2 rnd "magazines" into the other shotguns with 8 round magazines.
  9. Sutinen

    Famous last words... Dayz edition

    As a fresh spawn with no weapons, I wrote: "FRIENDLY!" in the direct chat when someone shot at me. That is pretty much the usual.
  10. Sutinen

    Ridable/edible horses

    There is an optional called "bicycle" which is much easier to maintain and keep.
  11. Sutinen

    North East Airfield

    You don't even need a sniper to be a marksman in there. Check out the hill behind the supermarket. A silent weapon and you are set.
  12. Sutinen

    Favorite Primary in Dayz

    AKM every time I can. I just love that rifle. I even left a suppressed M4 behind.
  13. Sutinen

    North East Airfield

    Inland spots are nothing compared to the newbie deathmatch going on the coast. I know this, since I have been murdered on the coast only 2 times and inland about 5 times. I went in North-West Airfield once and I looted the North barracks with no sign of other players. While at Stary, I meet a bandit almost every time.
  14. Sutinen

    Advice on which gun to use

    I would suggest an AKM instead of an FN Fal or a M14. Common ammo and will kill very fast on close quarters, as well as longer ranges (Zeroing + Semi-auto). It's generally the best weapon you can get your hands on, at least in my opinion.
  15. Sutinen

    DayZ Stories

    I was on a bandit hunting session just a while ago, I got one in the Balota ACT tower. He was sitting under the stairs, so I lighted him up with my trusty AKM (Always an AKM). Then I decided to go into Cherno, scouted the area around very carefully with my binoculars, I saw some zombies around and went in. I see one guy run trough, then I hear a lot of gunshots. I decide not to get too excited and I start pursuing him slowly, sneaking past zombies. Then, when I got a clear shot on him and I tried to take him out, but some shots missed him and he gets cover. I'm pretty sure I hit him with the first shot though and an AKM shot is pretty fatal. I run trough the fire station and take a look at the area around. Then out of nowhere, he or someone else stars firing a suppressed weapon and I have no other thing to do than just roll on the floor. That was some great fun though, I tried to be a hero.
  16. Sutinen

    A realistic suggestion for food and blood

    Or then you are forced to play alone, since almost all of my friends are playing on consoles and none of the friends with PC's wont play this game. And to add, I don't have a mic, which makes communication impossible, other than direct chat in-game. Do not punish lonewolves.
  17. Sutinen

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    You're killing me Rocket, you said they will be out soon :(
  18. Even if the zombies one-hit kill you, the bandits wont stop. It will affect normal survivors even more, since they go into loot spots to get supplies, unlike bandits who mostly kill other people for it. (They don't need to go in the loot spot, they can easily take you out from a distance.)
  19. Sutinen

    Dragging dead bodies.

    When the body physics are done as well, I would like to see that done in dragging of dead bodies as well, so you can identify a corpse from an alive player.
  20. Sutinen

    Can I download the DayZ Map?

    It is really hard to get a good picture with the loot spots lapping over each other if you take a screenshot, but you're looking for an image here, it's hard to get a map with zoom in and other cool features if it's not online. Just write "DayZ loot map" to google images and see if there are any clearer images. Atleast I found a good vehicle spawn one.
  21. Sutinen

    Cherno inside of Balota

    Well that explains it. Just seemed a bit odd when the accounts were online basically at the same time.
  22. Sutinen

    Cherno inside of Balota

    Call them buildings. Some hacker has spawned them. By the way, why did you make two accounts? 1 posts on both accounts and they are on the same topic.
  23. ArmA 2 Launcher and DayZ Commander are both good ones. I use both. DayZ breaks the singleplayer, so it's disabled when you have it loaded.
  24. My computer runs this game 8 fps with the highest settings (Just showing how weak it is, on low graphics it's +100fps) and yet this hasn't happened to me once. Check your visibility setting.