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Everything posted by Sutinen

  1. Sutinen

    Player/Survivor screams/yell when injured

    "Aww, fuck that hurts" There's your pain scream xD You can't hear it yourself, but your character screams: The female sounds are worse than male, males are like "UURRRHHH!" :D
  2. Sutinen

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    And yet I walked trough Cherno with only a crossbow, flashlight, some flares and some food during night while hearing gunshots in the dark. Does that make me a god?
  3. Sutinen

    Super fast zombies

    Buildings, hills and most importantly sneaking is what you're lacking. The only real way to sneak in this patch is crawling or crouch-walking in some situations. Otherwise it's completely trashed. Hatches aren't hard to find either. Sneak in or run in a industrial building and you're done.
  4. It doesn't matter if he rushes it or not, you are alpha testing... If you want something that is not "rushed" you better wait until january or february, when it has passed the alpha test thingy.
  5. Sutinen

    Awesome Heli Crash sites

    Two I have seen lately: Three FN Fals on one crash (One of them had the night optic) Some random trash loot like chemlights, FN Fal and a left behind AK-74.. The one I found a month ago (Probably the best loot): Bizon with no mags, DMR with no mags, an ammo box of Stanag mags (30 sd, 30 normal) and some random rifle I forgot. That ended up getting me sniped. The one I found on the first week I started playing: Bizon with 2 mags. I really didn't see anything else in there. Those are the ones that I have found. I don't have a huge list of them, since I don't play for a very long time.
  6. Not here to join, but please consider again of naming the team "420" You're from Netherlands for fucks sake, it's allowed to smoke weed there. Only little kids from other countries think it's cool to shout 420 everywhere.
  7. Sutinen


    What about a neon-pink jacket that glows in the dark, if you have used a script or combat logged? No, wait a "Chicken" skin for combat loggers. A huge chicken outfit.
  8. Sutinen

    New map discussion

    I tried Lingor, but it didn't feel like proper survival for me. More of a deathmatch with barracks in every town. And I'm too tired to try Fallujah, it looked a bit boring and loot seemed to be too rare in the big city. So Chernarus is a win for me. Also helps a lot when I know the map.
  9. Sutinen

    Mod to standalone over switch

    The main reason for me: New engine. This allows Rocket do all kinds of awesome things that he could not. Improving the melee, ragdoll physics, more realism... I'm not even gonna list everything, way too big list. And the other good reasons are updated map and new zombies. (Different from the engine thing, but important.)
  10. Sutinen

    DayZ map set in USA?

    Fuck yeah, Katanas, WW2 bunkers, awesome japanese buildings and woods.
  11. Sutinen

    Play Dead?

    Fail post, I didn't read the whole thread, so here we go again: I think it's a bad idea. Much simpler to just fight back, or hide. Even though this could be used as a good trap if you're playing with buddies. Would be great if zombies at 15 meter range would get interested of your body and would start eating you as well. Making this a bit riskier.
  12. Sutinen

    Bandits should have more consequences

    They do have consequences, Some people like murdering bandits, like me. That way I can kill people but not get any loss in humanity. And on top of that, the bandit skin in nothing except the scarf, while Hero skin gets body armor and faster run speed.
  13. Sutinen

    Stun Grenades

    Stuns for a few seconds? Trust me, you just wouldn't stand there for a few seconds and come back to normal. Flashbang will do a lot damage to your hearing and senses. (Temporarily, of course.)
  14. Sutinen

    A realistic suggestion for food and blood

    One simple fix for this: Make so you can't eat 7 steaks in one minute. Maybe 3 food items per minute would be balanced.
  15. Sutinen

    Remove NVG and TWS

    NVGs are already getting a debuff in standalone, not sure about Thermal sights, but I think they are getting durability/batteries too. With duping and hacking taken out, both are balanced.
  16. Sutinen

    DayZ map set in USA?

    Brooklyn in DayZ: Handguns found in every house.
  17. Sutinen

    DayZ map set in USA?

    Start working on it then :D Lingor is a custom map made by the community as well.
  18. Sutinen

    Why did I trust him

    That kill he mentions is fully legit, you're not supposed to combat log on everyone who is about to kill you for your own stupidity.
  19. Sutinen

    Spawn in groups.

    I know it makes sense if you could spawn with friends on the coast, but how is this possible to make? Time limit of 30 seconds to join the friend or some complex spawn area thingy?
  20. Sutinen

    DayZ Memes

  21. Sutinen

    Why did I trust him

    By reading this, I have to say you deserved it.
  22. Yep, every ghillie suit guy is a shoot on sight for me. I have a Ghillie suit on at the moment, but I'm actually positive on humanity. I've only killed bandits so far. (I got 2800 humanity at the moment.)
  23. Sutinen

    Rarest weapon you've found?

    Still, everyone saying CZ is rare, it's not. You need to slack from duping the military loot spots, farms are the only spot CZ's spawn in and there are shitloads of farms compared to military loot spots.