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Everything posted by Sutinen

  1. Sutinen

    Bandit skin for defending myself???

    Well yeah, that is true..
  2. Sutinen

    Bandit skin for defending myself???

    Or then the complete opposite way. That could also mean that you have been shooting newbies with your hacked in AS50 which requires no skill at all. A survivor can also kill people, that meaning bandits.
  3. Sutinen

    things to attract zombies?

    You don't even need a Lee-Enfield to attract zombies, try sprinting on a road. Literally all the zombies from 100 meters will hear it. I highly doubt it's a feature.
  4. I would like to zombies become more deadly, especially in hordes. Give melee weapons a slot, so you can carry a pistol, a rifle and your melee weapon. I would also like to see new kinds of melee weapons, like a big fire axe and a small hatchet for quick strikes. And then lastly, I would like to see distraction to actually work on zombies. So if you throw a tin can, all the zombies that heard it would slowly wander towards it and then split up again. Right now it's a bit bugged. You might think this makes the game easier, but when zombies are more dangerous and can run inside, you can expect it to be harder.
  5. Sutinen

    new zombie:)

    He just asked for one additional zombie type, not for an RPG game...
  6. Sutinen

    Additional Player Type?

    I don't like the idea of spawning with a military weapon. The current system is way better.
  7. Attack a sniper with tin cans.
  8. Sutinen

    Do you shoot bandits?

    No it doesn't.. Hurting or killing a bandit does nothing to your humanity. You can kill bandits without even worrying about it. I have killed around 3 bandits lately and my humanity is 2800.
  9. Thanks, Rocket! You promised the pictures and here they are :D
  10. Sutinen

    Do you shoot bandits?

    Every time I see a dead hero, I salute and hide his body. :D
  11. Sutinen

    Do you shoot bandits?

    Eveytime I see a bandit, I make sure he dies. Otherwise I don't kill on sight.
  12. Sutinen

    How do you control your DayZ Rage?

    Try Forza games.. I was on a 30 lap race on a 24 km track, which takes about 1.30 hours to complete. Then, just as I was about to complete the race, I accidentally spin and damage my whole car. Fun times.
  13. Sutinen

    How do you control your DayZ Rage?

    Punching or throwing something works. Once I hit a pen trough my leather chair. Speaking of rage, try this yourselves: At the current patch, try sprinting in circles on a road. Only works on a road, can't be grass or anything else like that. You will probably notice that you just attracted all the zombies from +100 meters, even those what were looking the complete opposite way.
  14. I know right, once I made friends with half of the guys on one server. We even tried to meet up. That obviously didn't work out, but we kept talking about what we found and saw :D Then there were the bushwookies with 1000 kills that just were silent. And if you hate some guys talking on the sidechat, you can mute them. I once ended up in a Russian server and I had to mute 6 people..
  15. Sutinen

    Why does my character....

    I made a thread about the weapon switching and throwing as well. I thought you should be able to do both while running/walking. (Heard about the new animations being added)
  16. Probably about 7 times. Just like the others, I was a noob at start. Some of those were caused by wall clipping zombies..
  17. I like sneaking around. I sneak past zombies when I go to a loot spot and leave when it's still safe. I usually look other survivors as a threat, but I don't kill on sight unless I have to. On the other hand, I hunt down every bandit I see.
  18. I love Steam for buying games and downloading updates, but I don't like logging in just to play a game. So, I hope that's not required.
  19. Sutinen

    What would you think of that?

    Well, I saw a few dozen of green cars all over Novy Sobor and the fields around it when I logged in. I didn't even wanna know what they did to Stary Sobor, so I ran out of there.
  20. I don't like Steam that much.. Hopefully you can launch it without having to log into Steam.
  21. Sutinen

    Morphine = Unrealistic

    Okay, have your way, let's forget the a little bit worse than now thing and do the real-life scenario. I didn't say I would walk with a broken leg after taking painkillers, but I really think everyone would commit suicide rather than crawl for 2 months in DayZ. Let's be serious for a second.
  22. Sutinen

    Morphine = Unrealistic

    I think painkillers should work as a temporary cure for a broken leg, you could limp for 10 minutes before falling over again. Then, morphine would fix a broken leg, but you would have to limp for 10 minutes. Making it a little bit more realistic, but still not too much.
  23. M9. The best sidearm I have had. People say sidearms are useless nowadays, but I actually killed a bandit armed with an M1014 at Stary Sobor tents. He didn't even get to fire one round when I emptied one mag at his chest.
  24. Sutinen

    What kind of player are you?

    I guess you could call me a hero, since I kill bandits and leave survivors alone. But I have found only one friendly survivor, so it's hard to get the actual skin. Voted for survivor.
  25. M16A2 and a Glock. Not an uber pro murderer, just a survivor. The reason I got an M16 this time is because that's the first weapon I found. And on top of that, I have 6 SD mags for it. And then 6 of the normal mags.