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Everything posted by Sutinen

  1. Sutinen

    Oil Barrels/Drums locations & related Q's

    Construction sites always have one in the middle room, one in the back of the hotel at Cherno, one near the fire station at Cherno, one near the supermarket at Cherno... I spend a lot of time looting Cherno :D It's good to know these, I got shot by an AKM one time and I happened to find a cow after that (I didn't have matches), so I went to a construction site and cooked the meat up.
  2. Sutinen

    3D Scopes

    I would love to have this.
  3. Sutinen

    Fat Zombies & Bitchin' Customizable Hairdos

    Who wants to look like an emo during the zombie apocalypse? Seriously.
  4. Sutinen

    DayZ Standalone Pre-order

    Standalone alpha, that is your pre-order. One and a half months left, then you can buy and play it. The actual "full" version will be released in 2013.
  5. Well, is 4 months new or old? You tell me.
  6. Sutinen

    Drunk Zombies

    I thought it was apache25 again, but not this time.
  7. Sutinen


    Please no more american modern military stuff.. It just doesn't fit this game.
  8. Sutinen

    CZ550 Estimating Range to Target

    M24 is pretty good one since it has the Mildot (The rifle is pretty much the same as CZ550, but the Mildot is the advantage). I hit two targets at 1000m with pinpoint accuracy, done without rangefinders.
  9. Sutinen

    Adding The MGL

    Operation Arrowhead has this. But I don't want this in the standalone. It's a post-soviet state, why would you find these in there?
  10. I also think zombies shouldn't go crazy when they hear one gunshot. If the zombies aren't very close to you, every zombie from 50m+ (Depends on the weapon, probably 200-300m or rifles) should just start wandering in (Not only towards, but inside the building) where the noise came from. And add some kind of awareness system for zombies, if they heard the gunshot, they could spot you from long distances, but while unaware, you could sneak past them easier. And to balance this, make them a lot deadlier and able to run inside (Just as I said in my last post.)
  11. Sutinen

    Clothing, Apparel

    The standalone will get rid of the ArmA 2 models and get brand new stuff. Rocket talked about waterproof and camouflage jackets (Obviously weather will become much more serious in the standalone) that can be probably found inside residental buildings. So we probably wont see Chernarussian insurgent outfits.
  12. Low? Maybe higher than ever. I haven't run into any hackers, but in the past two months I got teleported in the air about 3 times and that never happened before. BattleEye has banned a lot of hackers and I haven't gotten into any hacking situations, but that's probably because I haven't played a lot lately. And people still kill you just for laughs and don't want to team up.
  13. Sutinen

    The goal in Dayz should be survive, not pvp

    I agree on the weapon part, I mean who the fuck would use a .50 cal rifle with rare ammo on zombies, when it does about 8 times more damage than it's health? They are completely designed for PvP. I know their main use is supposed to be vehicles, but trust me, it's not. It's about as easy to carry and use as a smaller rifle, which makes it the perfect weapon for PvP.
  14. Sutinen

    Weapon Class of Choice?

    My favourite rifle is AKM. No doubt about it.
  15. If you kill enough to "earn" the bandit skin, every good survivor will know not to show you mercy if they have an advantage over you. So yeah, I guess that's the karma system.
  16. Sutinen

    Stealth kills

    What about "CHOP HIS MOTHERFUCKING HEAD OFF WITH A HATCHET" which has a 100% better chance to actually work in a real life situation than a goddamn butter knife. This is not assassin's creed.
  17. Sutinen

    What clothing do you prefer?

    I think the hero outfit is a great one, shows that you are friendly and will not shoot survivors on sight. But unfortunately, I don't have enough humanity for that, so camo clothing or a ghillie suit are the preferred ones.
  18. Wouldn't it be cool to have something like this? It would need new animations, but it would be totally worth it. It would have a few advantages over the crossbow, but obviously a few disadvantages: The bow is lighter, faster (Takes some time to practice, but it's a damn game) , much more silent and simpler, so if repairing becomes a part of the standalone, it would be faster to fix (Well, unless the string or the bow breaks in half). It also might be harder to aim with. The crossbow acts more like a rifle, so it's easy to aim and fire. And you also have it loaded all the time, so in some situations it can be a lifesaver. In standalone, it's also coming with a scope, so that's a pretty huge advantage.
  19. Sutinen

    Realistic helicopter control simulation

    In real life I wouldn't have any idea what I would be doing, other than increasing the throttle and controlling the helicopter. (Which would go terribly wrong)
  20. Sutinen

    Compound bow for the standalone.

    Oh man, here we go. I swear to god I used the search function on the suggestion forum by writing "bow" in there. No threads popped up, because no-one had tagged it. Are you happy now?
  21. Sutinen

    Compound bow for the standalone.

    That's awesome, I didn't even know. Well, then this is my "idea" for the bow.
  22. Sutinen

    Compound bow for the standalone.

    Yeah, that's the crossbow I talked about :D
  23. Sutinen

    Scripted Activity Animations

    Would be good if an AKM would take shorter time to disassemble than an AR-15 type weapon for example. And for the stealth kills, I thought it was kinda ridiculous that a dagger hurts more than a big fucking axe. Come on.
  24. Sutinen

    Green Mountain

    I once west past it and I heard a fully automatic Winchester. No joke.
  25. Sutinen

    Elektro is Burning!!! (Video)

    Once I woke up in the ruins of Cherno, I left myself at the fire station and I was standing on the remains of it when I logged in. The whole place was destroyed.