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Everything posted by Sutinen

  1. Sutinen

    [Namalsk] Found an ural.

    The tl;dr part is almost as long as the full story, why did you do that?
  2. No-one gives a fuck. If you knew this was another one of "those threads", then why did you make it?
  3. Sutinen

    Epic places

    Green Mountain *holds laughter back*
  4. Sutinen

    Will this computer run it? Please help

    You only need a fuckin toaster to play War Z. That is a pretty good computer compared to mine and I play DayZ.
  5. Sutinen

    Russian Crashed Helicopters

    Groza is a 9x39 rifle isn't it? I would leave the modern AN-94 out and add some spetsnaz rifles in. Maybe Groza and Val (With a night optic variant, to replace FAL) as heli exclusives. While at it, remove the current helis completely, only leaving the Bizon from the old loot.
  6. Sutinen

    Best map besides chernarus?

    Namalsk sounds pretty good, I should try it.
  7. Sutinen

    Bandit Logic

    >Spend a few hours grinding trough NWAF barracks to find a DMR >Realize you can practice shooting weapons in ArmA 2
  8. I play on public hive, but that's just because I'm too tired to apply into the private hives. I have gotten hacked about 4 times, but none this month (I started playing again when the new patch came out)
  9. Sutinen

    Compound Bows??

    I support the idea as well, I even made a thread about it (which is pretty old now so don't bump it): http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/101794-compound-bow-for-the-standalone/ Let this thread be the new one :D
  10. Sutinen

    More body studying options

    Have you ever thought about using the hunting knife instead of having to add a bayonet? And how exactly are you gonna use the bullet without the case? Throw it at enemies?
  11. Sutinen

    Bandit Logic

    It really is fun to get into random firefights, but it gets fucking stupid when every survivor just wants to kill you on sight.
  12. Sutinen

    Best place for CZ?

    You were doing it right, you're just out of luck.
  13. Sutinen

    Zombie Running speed

    Fast and serious damage. How about that?
  14. The fuck are you talking about? I don't understand why people getting shot by a suppressed weapon would not be combat...
  15. Hahahaha, I just killed a bandit who probably would have combat logged me, but I shot him in the back with a buckshot round. I love the new feature.
  16. Sutinen

    killing people without weapons

    So you're telling me you would run up to an armed guy and choke him? Good luck with that in real life. It's not an action movie simulator. And from what I understand, you could just run up to a guy and insta-kill them, which is not good, at all.
  17. Armor? No. Well, unless you want to be slow as fuck and a target for other survivors. Even a makarov would penetrate medieval armor. Swords? Yes. BUT: That's what you think it is. If you go fight a few hundred furious infected that don't feel pain, I don't think so. It might work for a few zombies, but firearms are still good to have. One thing I would like to have is modern body armor. The Hero skin style body armor, just to be found as a clothing piece.
  18. Sutinen

    Gore. Gore. WE NEED GORE!

    A 9mm hollow point should be enough to split your head in half in close quarters.. So yeah, the head exploding should be considered, but it wont knock your head off or make it explode, more likely would leave a mush of flesh hanging from your neck. Blergh.
  19. Sutinen

    What Does DayZ Mean To You? (PvP or Survival)

    It's both for me. I never go looking for fights if I'm not seriously bored, the fights usually begin when I go into a city.
  20. Sutinen

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    When will people stop moaning about engines? The new engine it will be using will be fine. And on top of that, if Rocket wont use an ArmA engine for the game, how the fuck can he recreate the weapon mechanics for it in a few months?
  21. Sutinen

    What DayZ Night Should Be Like

    I'm pissed off and confused at the same time. No-one ever told you to go grind trough barracks to find yourself NVG's. You can do the same exact thing in this game, I have done it many times. I raided Cherno in middle of the night with only a crossbow, a flashlight, some flares and some chemlights. I heard gunshots in the dark at the same time, but made it out without a scratch. I actually used flares as a distraction for the guy, he seemed to follow them.
  22. Sutinen


    Good luck finding any other survivors after that.
  23. I'm not sure if I like it or not, because it has it's downsides as well. It would require shitloads of servers and would make joining a server you want almost impossible. What I like about it is that it really makes surviving a lot harder and more realistic.
  24. Sutinen


    I don't know if people are stupid or think this is some kind of an RPG game. Wolves and bears wont attack you on sight, if their cubs aren't near or you approach them aggressively. Sure, it would be great to have something dangerous in the woods, but this isn't the best idea.