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Everything posted by Sutinen

  1. Sutinen

    What's your longest survival time?

    Maybe my current one, it's probably on 39 days. I have played on 4 of those days :D But for real, the longest one is 27 days until I got bored and killed myself.
  2. Sutinen

    melee with guns

    Hatchet is chambered in "hack" and uses an invisible belt of 10000 rounds. "Killing zombies quietly with your buttstock?" There's no such thing as killing zombies "quietly" with your buttstock. You would have to beat the living shit out of the zombie and that wont be quiet.
  3. Sutinen

    Sa/Vz 58 Pleaaaaaase!

    It's already being added, I have wanted it in-game as well. Check out the new patch notes (Not yet released): https://github.com/R4Z0R49/DayZMod/blob/master/Documentation/Changelog.md
  4. Sutinen

    underwater loot

    Oh lewk, a water pool in Siberia! Hmm... I wonder if someone would hide his loot in that disgusting cold pile of shit? I KNOW! I'm gonna dive in with all my clothes on, maybe that will work, of course.
  5. Sutinen

    Please allow Axe as second weapon

    Fuck no, make an entire new melee slot. Then it just needs to be nerfed a bit.
  6. Sutinen

    Night Time .... lets take it seriously.

    It's dark as hell during 10pm-2am, after that the moon starts to light the night. And as early as 5am, the sun starts to rise. Not that bad. Flares and the hatchet are really useful in the night time. If you can't see shit and you're being attacked, swing your axe around.
  7. Sutinen

    add a few new guns for all maps

    .22 rifles, bows, hunting shotguns and civilian rifles is what we need. Talking about prototype weapons and shit...
  8. Sutinen

    Zombie Doctors and Zombie Nuns.

    Hopping zombie priests look like moving rocks until you recognize the head.
  9. I knew the same type of medical tents do have the ability to heal in ArmA2, but I thought those were simply objects.
  10. Sutinen

    Dose anything really need to change?

    "Pretty good"? Ahaha... Hahahaha, HAHAHAHAHAHAH! HAHAHAHA- For real, if you think the mod at the moment is good for a standalone game that is gonna be on Steam, then I hope your joking..
  11. Bots to replace combat loggers?? Zeds pulling players out of vehicles!? Zed hearing fixed!!? and last but not least: FASTER LOADING TIMES! :o
  12. Sutinen

    Explain Your Avatar!

    I always thought your avatar looks like a drawing made by a 4 year old :D
  13. Sutinen

    DayZ SA Hardware

    I know it sounds ridiculous, I usually have around 40-50 fps in games, but in ArmA 2 it gets choppy as fuck at those framerates.
  14. Sutinen

    Shooting birds?

    Yeah, shooting birds with military rifles, sounds so smart.
  15. Sutinen

    remove helicopter or nerf it

    It needs to be a light helicopter that doesn't go 300 kph if you ask me. The reason for that is because you can cross the map quite fast with the current heli.
  16. Sutinen

    Adrenaline meter.

    Well by the same logic you could say: "We don't need hunger or thirst, players themselves can eat and drink in real life" In reality, adrenaline makes you much stronger for a moment. Have you tried doing sports yourself or after a game of dodgeball? So we can't really hit the mouse harder or tap w harder to make our character faster or stronger. I think it would be a great addition.
  17. Sutinen

    DayZ SA Hardware

    I usually don't whine about FPS, but if you don't have 100+ fps in ArmA2, you are fucked. I play on all lowest and get 100 fps.
  18. Where's the "It feels like a survival game" part? In my opinion it does not feel like the real apocalypse (See The Walking Dead) and it's far from an open world PvP with looting.
  19. Sutinen

    what do you carry?

    AKM with at least 10 mags in total, 3 food items, 3 drinks, 2 painkillers, 2 morphine, 6 bandages, sidearm with 7 mags in inventory and a couple more in the backpack. That is pretty much the usual one for me. This gear I mentioned requires an ALICE pack, the most used backpack (my most used). Not finding the largest one every day.
  20. Sutinen

    Adrenaline meter.

    That's a pretty good idea. Epinephrine is the drug you're looking for, that's already in the game. Abuse of it should lead into bad effects though.
  21. The military loot should also be removed from industrial buildings and some tools/melee weapons and parts should replace them. If anyone has found M107 mags in a construction site in real life, I'm impressed. The supermarkets having revolvers and 1911's is also kind of weird. We will probably see more specific building types in the Standalone though, which could have handguns in them. There should be some more low chance military loot spots, but not a lot of them. A few random small military camps found between the coast and the inland would be good. This is because I want the military weapons off the deer stands.
  22. Sutinen

    Great new(maybe new?) map idea

    I agree though, the big cities should be a little bigger. With tunnels.
  23. Sutinen


    Losing gear is not that bad, I have lost three vehicles that I owned for about 10 minutes.
  24. Sutinen

    Two thoughts turned into one

    You need loads of antibiotics to not get yourself killed, but otherwise it's a great idea :D