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Everything posted by Sutinen

  1. Sutinen

    adrenaline shots

    Yeah, why not to add flying cars and lazor weapons? Don't talk to me about no realism, because bloodbags already heal gunshots. You know what? I wish you wouldn't have to refuel cars. Don't you fucking say anything about realism, because injecting blood fixes up gunshots!
  2. Sutinen

    Take ideas from Wasteland Mod

    I have never flipped a car by a bug.. If you crash your car, it's your damn fault. Bikes and ATV's should be the only vehicles that can be flipped.
  3. Sutinen

    What is your favorite DayZ map?

    There's way so many new maps that I don't even bother to try them. I'm gonna test them and get back to Chernarus. Same happened with Lingor, Panthera and Namalsk.
  4. Sutinen

    Nightime Dayz Rocks!!!

    I usually go hatchet/crossbow with red chemlights, flares and a flashlight. I throw a red chemlight and pick it up, so if I get attacked by a zombie in the dark, I can see it. Flares and flashlights are just to spot zombies and distract players (Trust me, it works) By the way, smoke grenades work great while it's night time. As a distraction for zombies.
  5. I wish Rocket releases it right after it turns to 2013.. I know he wont, but still.
  6. Sutinen

    How to get better at gun fights.

    I'm pretty sure you're fucked if a bandit has opened fire on you from 300 meters and you start shooting him. Run and get cover is the best option at that point. What I do is shoot when I know I'm not gonna miss. And always aim for the head in short ranged fights.
  7. Sutinen

    Handcuffs, zipties and blindfolds.

    And wasn't that a hacksaw? I can imagine cutting the handcuffs not working with a saw which has large teeth, but a hacksaw would have cut the chains with ease. Just a little bit of sawing to get trough it.
  8. Sutinen

    Dayz yarn , The Beginning

    Woah, nice story. I didn't read it though.
  9. With the pick-up you need nothing.
  10. Sutinen

    New DayZ Combat Feature: Asssassination

    Fuck knives, if it was a real life situation, I would just split the skull in half with a hatchet rather than stabbing. And I don't like the "assassination" animation thing. Just stupid.
  11. Sutinen

    Handcuffs, zipties and blindfolds.

    I don't like the idea of being kidnapped and going blind.
  12. Sutinen

    What clothing will YOU wear???

    Ohhh, a Philly thug in a zombie apocalypse. :D
  13. Here's how you can avoid them; PLAY ANOTHER FUCKING MAP!!
  14. Sutinen

    I know it's late in the game and all...

    I've had 2 camps. One with two tents and one with three tents. They were very close to Cherno, but unraided, because I hide them in spots where no-one never runs by. They were also separated from the other tents, so if he gets one, he wont find the other two. Oh and I just noticed that Balota Buddies banner, I'm not in there. I don't have a mic and it was required.
  15. That's not a fix, that's more of a nerf. No walking zombies, only running ones please. Crawlers and hoppers need their own attack animations though.
  16. Sutinen

    More clothing options & Else

    http://dayzdev.tumbl...t-november-2012 (The Tumblr post) Don't even worry about it.
  17. Sutinen

    Finally! I found NVGs!

    I found them on a bandit in Cherno. Haven't found any in loot though :|
  18. Sutinen

    Green Mountain.

    I went there for the first time ever few days ago and I met a zombie ghost that couldn't be seen, but you could hear the aggro sounds. I was crawling trough the road when I heard that. Then, when I thought I sneaked trough the walkers and made it on top of the tower, I saw 5 zombies climbing up. I took my revolver and shot them all. I hanged around for about 5 minutes before heading down. Then suddenly, 2 zombies were climbing up. I had to climb all the way up to kill them. When I went down, a fairly large group of zombies spawned. I crawled out and still heard the aggro sounds.
  19. Sutinen

    Fixing the little things.

    There's probably nothing to fix in the first one, since that seems way too complex. Just don't press it at the wrong time. You might click your mouse and accidentally shoot your friend too, but that doesn't happen often, right? 2 and 5 are completely useless. The hatchet thing will be fixed, because it's the only thing to actually "fix" here. The temperature icon will probably get changed as well.
  20. Sutinen

    Helicopter music

    Just use direct chat..
  21. Sutinen

    DayZ Mythbusters

    Might as well call it "ArmA 2 Mythbusters" since only one "myth" is actually based on a DayZ feature. And when you mention the myth, you reveal too much. When some newb sees "Smoke grenades might destroy buildings partially" they know it's gonna happen.
  22. Sutinen

    Tips for a new DayZ Player?

    If you find a Bizon in a hospital, you know you're fucked. That's basically the same thing as finding a car in the middle of an Airfield. Try not to shoot or aggro any zombies and move quick when you can. Never run or even crouch run on roads, because the zombie hearing is complete bullshit at the moment. Crawl across roads and you'll be fine. Sometimes you can crouch-walk across roads if you don't feel safe (If you feel like someone might see you crawl), just make sure there's no zombies around. Stay close to buildings and move very carefully, looking around with alt. Grass is the only spot that is fine at the moment, so crouch-running there should be fine, just make sure there's no zombies around in 20 meters around you. And if you ask why you should be so careful about aggroing zombies, well: If there's any other players around, they know you are close. If they hear you shoot, they know exactly where you are.
  23. Sutinen

    Backpacks and Weapons

    I know, I have to keep an eye on my backpack all the time when a fellow "friendly" survivor kneels over and checks his loot/does something. I always think they try to pickpocket me.
  24. Sutinen


    I have no idea what this is about, but I could cook meat on a open fireplace with no fancy survival pots and pans.