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Everything posted by Sutinen

  1. I don't call them infected.. The Walking Dead zombies or "walkers" are infected too. It just works the different way. Basically, anything that is a reanimated human and wants to eat your flesh is a zombie to me.
  2. Sutinen

    Hackers are not the enemy!

    Am I the only one who hasn't died from doors, rocks, ladders and stairs yet? I have gotten my legs broken from falling off stairs, but that's about it.
  3. Sutinen

    New spawn point - @ 10000 feet

    I think the current spawnpoints are good..
  4. Sutinen

    Zombie sounds :l

    "Ahh, fack dat hurt" A classic one :D
  5. Sutinen

    What skin do you want in DayZ?

    I want some utility vests.
  6. Sutinen


    I've already had a funeral for a hero, I threw a flare, saluted and hid his body. :D Well, that's it. Not going to Green Mountain again.
  7. Sutinen


    THIS GAMEPLAY IS FROM 2012, SO IT IS BASICALLY THE MOD + DOGS. THIS IS NOT THE CURRENT VERSION. Sorry for the huge disclaimer, but it had to be done. People would soon think this is the real Standalone. It's not. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYfyVjKuU18 I think the dogs will have the ability to hear, see and smell players/zeds from longer distances. And it's obvious that they have been improved since this.
  8. Sutinen

    Best place to start a hideout?

    Into some shithole like Bor, so if you would reveal your tents location in sidechat, no-one wont even bother to show up.
  9. Sutinen

    So rocket, a western city eh?

    Detroit? :murder:
  10. Sutinen

    noises and zombies

    *Kicks a tin can* BLEARHG ARRGHHH URGHGLG!!
  11. By the way, the Bizon is called "PP-19" not "PP-10" Not a flame, I just want to help you fix this. And yeah, 12 gauge slugs are very underpowered at the moment. That's a .729, compare that to anything else currently in the game.
  12. Sutinen

    Why do you use 3rd person?

    That is because 3rd person servers still exist.. If the Standalone didn't have 3rd person, you would still buy the game instantly. You're not fooling anyone, same goes with the migraine guy. And if anyone comes up with some kind of reply again, I'm not against 3rd person servers, just saying that you will play the standalone even if it didn't have 3rd person, yes you will.
  13. Sutinen

    Thoughts on the M107 / AS50

    50 cals are actually very hard to come by, just if loot farming and hacking gets dealt with. I found my first M107 only a month ago. Still got it.
  14. Sutinen

    92 Dayz... and Died... To a

    For me it was getting knocked out by a Mike Tyson zombie. His friends joined in and I died. End of story.
  15. Sutinen

    What's the best?

    I play on a private hive, (Almost) fully geared up. I only miss NVGs and rangefinders. Not that important, tbh. I've played at night a lot, even found my M107 at night. I also got an M4A3, M9SD and a 1911. Carrying all at once :D
  16. Sutinen

    Why do you use 3rd person?

    I mostly use first person, but it's nice to see my character and not be locked to first person all the time. People who say they will quit playing if 3rd person gets removed are lying. Not gonna happen. And I have set my FOV to 90-100 manually, so that's why I like playing in first person. FOV slider would help though.
  17. Sutinen

    Your Shoot On Sight Threshold?

    A bandit is shoot on sight for me. Anything else is avoid and kill if they have seen me/are shooting at me.
  18. Sutinen

    Zombie Occupations

    Make military zombies spawn with body armor and helmets that work, and make bodybuilder zombies too. :D Also, don't forget infected survivors, which weren't lucky to be immune to the virus. They would be carrying a backpack and some non-ordinary clothes (Camo pants, hunting equipment)
  19. Sutinen

    Third person vs First person view

    Yeah, because of few broken features, DayZ is suddenly unrealistic and needs arcadish features, right? I can't imagine myself playing in only 3rd person... What is the point of that? And to reaply to the thread, leave the 3rd person in the game and make "hardcore" servers. Which are on a different hive.
  20. Sutinen


    I know the 2x CTRL thing and this suggestion can be probably 'yarded, printed, soaked in gasoline and burned, because if this keeps on going on, it's gonna be 3 pages of "KEEP YOUR FINGER OF THE MOUSE" And to everyone saying "Don't point your gun at anythi- Well, guess what? I need to point at the player to bandage him.. And I also need to point at the vehicle to get in. I also have to point at the one fucking pixel to open every door and pick up items. E: OH and I forgot, using the safety would be completely optional. You might just aim a weapon with no safety on at your friends if you like, not for me to decide.
  21. Sutinen

    Namalsk: Why do folks like it?

    Because it's BIS made. Top reason.
  22. Sutinen

    Namalsk: Why do folks like it?

    I think the new Stalker stuff makes it better, but I still hate it. I played it for 30 minutes, deleted it and never played it again.
  23. Sutinen

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    And you guys getting excited about the Balota military base, just wait until you see the new one (New mil base, not an airfield) and the two other airfields. I'm pretty sure those have gotten bigger too.
  24. http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/ That's the tumblr. Better keep your fingers on the F5.