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Everything posted by Sutinen

  1. Sutinen

    Suggedtion: leave as50 and m107 alone!

    If someone shot you in the chest with a handgun, you would bleed to death. You don't in DayZ, because there's bandages that stop you from bleeding, no matter how big the wound is. And I like that, because it's still a game.
  2. Sutinen

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    He's gonna come stealthy :ph34r:
  3. Sutinen

    How to find a gun

    Well SNEAK in there. Can't be that hard to learn.
  4. You cough and lose your blood to 6000 (I think) until you cure it.
  5. I've been using it for a long time and it's pretty easy to use the sight. Arrow tip is 150 meters and the rest, you can figure out. Steel bolts are also ridiculously easy to find, you can find them literally everywhere.
  6. Well, I think the whole suggestion section can burn in hell. It's always the ridiculously realistic suggestions (It's good to have realism in this game, but the suggestions always go too far) or the ones that suggest a skill tree and special mutated zombies. Then the only comeback they can think of is "WHY DOES MORPHINE FIX YOUR LEGS THEN" No beans for that :emptycan: >:(
  7. Sutinen

    Reduced AKM/AK74 spawn, replace with SKS

    It makes no difference.. It's still 7.62x39 and semi-automatic. Bang bang bang, you're dead. I use AKM semi-auto all the time. Killed a guy at 30 meters with semi-auto in a couple of seconds. It would be a nice weapon to add, but the reason to add it can't be, because people "mow down" each other with the weapon. Fucking hell, I can't tell the last time I saw someone with an AK rifle. I've seen a lot of AR's and DMR's though.
  8. There's a few bad things about these fiddy cal rifles, but the worst one is that if it hits your toe, you're dead. I highly doubt that would happen in real life.
  9. Sutinen

    A new DayZ

    No.. Either I have no sense of humor or you are really suggesting this.
  10. Sutinen

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    I'm running out of patience.. Someone knock me out severely, so I can jump one day ahead!
  11. Sutinen

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Rocket has said that it's optimized, but the graphic upgrades compensate that, so it will run smoother but you wont be running the game at any higher settings.
  12. Sutinen

    [Standalone] Drugs ?

    Meth man & Redman :D
  13. Actually, it would be STV, some terrain vehicle :D
  14. Sutinen

    Crossbow kills?

    You can actually use the "sight" properly, the tip of the arrow you slightly see is 150 meters. I've shot a couple of zombies using that. But I agree that it needs some proper sights. The new recurve crossbow has a scope on it.
  15. Sutinen

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    Monday. No need to F5 the Tumblr :D
  16. Sutinen

    DayZ at "149 FPS"

    What is the point of the thread? Bragging or proving that you can run DayZ at high fps?
  17. Sutinen

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    There is bullet drop.. If you're talking about zeroing, that exists in real life.
  18. Sutinen

    Ammunition types

    Well, most bandits wont try to kill anyone with a 9mm weapon.. Any bigger caliber will punch trough it.
  19. The fire station "military loot" should be replaced with police stations in the three coastal big citites. They would have an armory which is protected by a locked gate. To get trough, bust it open with something. You could also replace the lock, so anyone else couldn't get their hands on the weapons. Of course you would have to guard it, but still.
  20. Sutinen

    I. Found. Mountain. Dew.

    I have one in my backpack. I don't know if it will give me bad luck, but we'll see.
  21. Sutinen


    I have accidentally shot a vehicle, nearly shot a friendly player and fired my weapon by accident tons of times.. So I suggest safety for weapons. You can bandage your friend and get in/fix/refuel cars with no problems. I have probably been tired and exhausted when I have done all these, but still.
  22. New engine = Bug fixes. The game not being a "mission" = Hacking solved.
  23. Sutinen

    Crossbow kills?

    I've only killed one survivor with it, I shot him in the head. He ran towards me and seemed pretty dangerous. That was probably the most satisfying kill I've gotten. Then, I got somewhere around 500 zombie kills with.
  24. Sutinen

    Ammunition types

    I would only add subsonic and "expanding", which refers to hollowpoint, right? Also, to add more bolts, I would like wooden and steel bolts. Wooden bolts would have a chance to break when retrieving/pulling the bolt out of your target.
  25. Well what are they, since some awful disease has got to their brain and made them attack humans? It's basically the same thing.