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Everything posted by Sutinen

  1. Sutinen

    [SA] Firearm Safeties

    I made a similar thread in january and everyone hated me. Go check it out, maybe throw out a hating response too: http://dayzmod.com/f.../120082-safety/
  2. Sutinen

    Make more guns!

    .22 rifles would be cool.. More shotguns and hunting rifles too. And don't forget the Mosin Nagant.
  3. I didn't think anyone would start cutting a meat steak into pieces and calling it "bacon" in the apocalypse.. I thought it would be found in supermarkets.
  4. How do you cook bacon on a campfire? And you should add a bacon package as the "raw bacon". I don't see how cooking one bacon strip turns it into 4 of them. The quivers need to be part of the clothing system, like holsters and pockets. Obviously I mean the standalone.
  5. Sutinen

    The Reason your a Hero/Bandit?

    I often help and team up with random people, I usually put my gun away and talk to them. Unfortunately, there has been some people who liked my gear and shot at me, so I had to kill them. I also kill every bandit I see, unless it's a fresh spawn who is friendly. And I have the survivor skin.
  6. Sutinen

    Better Boats

    Utes pirates attacking the south-coast, awesome :D Yeah and it does need the option to shoot while you're a passenger.
  7. Careful, Icemoto. You can't eat that.
  8. One thing we should be able to make is wooden arrows for crossbows. They would have different trajectory and also break very easily. And I'm not a gunsmith, but I don't think I would ever be able to make a bullet with a case that is safe to shoot.
  9. Sutinen

    [SA] Firing from cars

    Add it. Just with short weapons, sticking a sniper rifle out of your window isn't the best idea ever. Along with this, allow boat passengers to shoot. And don't forget bicycle drive-bys, you could shoot a handgun with one hand :D
  10. Also, the delay of death is annoying. And not being able to move while throwing is annoying, I died many times to this.. I was trying to attack zeds and I had my firemode on "throw", so I paused for a second and got knocked out + eaten.
  11. Sutinen

    DayZ SA NEEDS basements (seriously)

    I'm gonna capture Rocket and feed him human meat.
  12. Sutinen

    DayZ SA NEEDS basements (seriously)

    I would gather snipers, line them up and execute them like "BAM, you're next BAM, you're next BAM.." No?
  13. Sutinen

    .::Who the fuk is that guy ?::.

    Oh shit, that's why I saw "Michael L. Jackson" or something very similiar when I was playing DayZ SINGLEPLAYER I didn't wanna post a topic about it, because I thought I was tripping. I exited an ATV and I saw the nameplate for only a second.
  14. Sutinen

    Just saw Rocket again.

    I want your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle.
  15. Sutinen

    DayZ Mod Update

    You should also do some modelling and add a CCO sight/ front iron sight for the crossbow. I already learned how to zero with the current "scope", up to 150 meters, but it's terrible. I remember when I missed all the shots.
  16. Sutinen

    key to push for continous running?

    I used two small magnets and some weight once. The hive was empty on night and I decided to go for the loot. I went to do some other shit for a while and I was 4000 meters up North :D
  17. Our house is unheated.. It wasn't that cold either, if I was outside, it would have been a little more "chilly" because of the wind and all.
  18. Sutinen

    Is it still worth it?

    20 bucks for ArmA 2? It's not that bad.. I hate when people go and buy new 60 dollar games every year and then think "20 bucks... Is that even worth it?"
  19. Oh my god... They are looking nice but please don't make the "streamers" egos any more bigger. Now the fuckers got their name on the game..
  20. I've had my pants completely wet many times and they dried out when I was sitting inside. So it would be pretty unrealistic if your clothes were wet forever if you didn't use a fireplace..
  21. Sutinen

    How zombies should work.

    If you make them walk, it will be even easier than the mod.. Imagine the players just COMPLETELY ignoring the zombies and just running past them. That's what it would be like.
  22. Sutinen

    Just in case you missed it...

    I said slightly more, so the zombies can catch up to you.. Not like you should literally fall on your knees after running that long.
  23. Sutinen

    Just in case you missed it...

    You guys better learn how to sneak quickly, you'll be eaten otherwise. Also, I think you should be able to run forever, the fatigue just needs to be improved. When you have ran for a few hundred meters (Some gear on), you get slow enough that the zombies can reach and attack you.
  24. Sutinen

    Bear Traps : Do they exist?

    I found one and kept it for a while, creating traps when I'm looting places. It leaves a ghost-bear trap though (Bug), so even if you pick it up, you might break your leg.
  25. Sutinen

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Read his Twitter. They had been working on the Standalone whole week, so I doubt they had the time for a tumblr last week. That only means we are getting it faster, so don't worry.