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Everything posted by Sutinen

  1. You need to "aim" with the hatchet. I mastered that and I can take down a zombie horde without losing any blood. I once teamed up with a stranger and when I went outside to kill a few zombies, he said "wtf how didn't you get hit" or something like that.
  2. Sutinen

    AA-12 in dayz?

    No. That's a mod.
  3. Sutinen

    Starting Gear.. sucks.

    Stop being a douchebag. I personally hate when servers give you shit at spawn. If you already got what you're looking for, you can't just drop it and start over. And I also don't like the idea of the admins being so bad at this game that they need handouts to survive the first moments.
  4. Sutinen

    AA-12 in dayz?

    I've used the gun in ArmA 2 and it sucked. I'd rather use an 870.
  5. It's not Rocket.. It's the community dev team, they all have the ability to make things worse.
  6. Sutinen

    Zombies attacking animals

    Near big citites, you could also scare the animals off to attract a zombie horde. Distraction.
  7. Sutinen

    Anyone else miss when you were a noob?

    Yep, I was paranoid, got an adrenaline rush everytime I heard or saw another player and also didn't know anything about the loot spawns and which buildings are enterable. Nowadays I know everything so well, I'll just go straight to the buildings I know are good and get out. I can get geared up in one hour, but when I was a noob, I spent many days with minimal loot and nearly starved. And I don't fear other players at all, I don't even get adrenaline rushes in firefights anymore. I also was afraid of big cities, I thought I would surely get killed if I went anywhere near Cherno or Elektro.
  8. I want some fur slippers. "Hey, where did my dog go?"
  9. Sutinen

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    The whole "zombies moving towards players over time" thing is fucked. I sneaked inside a house and saw someone moving up in the hills, so I got my binoculars and tried to find out where was. I had to stay quiet and invisible. I was making no noise, not moving and in crouch position when a fucking zombie strolls inside there, like he knew where I was. He attacked me while I was busy getting my hatchet out for one annoying zombie kill. Now everything turned okay, since the guy didn't see the zombie, but still.. No super-sense zombies, please.
  10. Sutinen

    Usual cause of death: Bleeding

    I haven't gotten killed once for bleeding. To me it's surprising to hear this. I know the zombies are almost impossible to avoid currently in the mod, but try to sneak past them.
  11. Sutinen

    Make banditry be punished

    "Your character starts crying" I lost it. By the way, I don't think there will be bandits or heroes in the Standalone. I'm still gonna keep helping people, because it's way more fun than just killing anyone you see.
  12. I was 1/5 serious when I posted that. Jason Voorhees, you know.
  13. Sounds like public servers to me.
  14. Sutinen

    Kicking a Weapon away

    I don't think anyone has ever been able to make their enemies drop their weapons in DayZ. You have to be stupid to do that.
  15. You know what, I want THIS mask, so I can chase everyone with a hatchet or a machete:
  16. I found a guy that had killed bunch of zombies in deer stand near Berezino. That alerted me of his presence and I got him with my CZ550.
  17. No action in Berezino? I killed 2 guys in there and got killed once. I also met a friendly guy with a fiddy cal, who helped me find a wheel for my bike. From my experience, Cherno is full of people who run on roads and have nothing but hatchets and enfields. I didn't even know about all the players that I met in Berezino until I took a good look or got ambushed. However, in Cherno you can see zombies running on their backs from 800 meters and can hear them going off with the enfields. You don't even need to track them down, they do that for you.
  18. Sutinen

    black screen when unconscious

    Hearing also needs to be completely gone. So if you get knocked out for a while, you can be surprised to find a bunch of guys dragging your body around :D
  19. Sutinen

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    There's gonna be brand new anims + skeleton.. You didn't listen, right?
  20. I found nothing... No loot at all.
  21. Sutinen

    Diving, Underwater Bases/Caves and Water Vehicle's

    You know, atleast I wouldn't start diving in an apocalypse... Because it doesn't make any damn sense. But this is a suggestion so I'll just leave.
  22. Sutinen

    Your favorite car?

    The red hatchback. :ph34r:
  23. Sutinen

    Define what a "Bandit" is.

    Bandits are people who kill other people for their loot. Killing an armed survivor with a shitty weapon on sight "in self-defense" doesn't count either.
  24. Sutinen

    Lock a car, break window to steal

    Pointless.. If you can just break the windows and steal the car, what's the point?
  25. Hatchet gladiator fights. They're fun.