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Everything posted by Sutinen

  1. Sutinen

    Side Chat Blues

    "why u shoot me u prick" "Watch out guys, *somerandomguy* is a bandit" "where can i find weapon ???" <-- I have a picture which had this in it.. "i hear a helicopter" "can anyone give me a lift" And of course "anyone in Cherno?". You will always see that one.
  2. You can also get infected if you are bleeding and you attack zombies with a melee weapon. Getting zombie blood in your system can't be good. You might want to shoot those zombies instead of risking it, right?
  3. Sutinen


    There's one South of Berezino.
  4. Do you have any samples or pictures you have edited? I'm not really sure if I understood that, but it sounds good.
  5. Sutinen

    Pay a development company to make DAYZ

    Yeah he needs to read this and yard it himself. That is because if the game changes it's engine, it wont be DayZ anymore. He has already made changes to it, he's improving some parts of the engine that are lacking and not changing the good parts.
  6. Sutinen

    Entrenchingtool for digging up hidden body?

    ...You're saying you would shoot people on sight IRL...?
  7. I can't fly in 3rd person.. Even while landing.
  8. The foldable stock shouldn't make it more compact when moving indoors, but it should require less space if you put it in a inventory.
  9. I'll probably see "all 50,000 slots are taken" and keep on going.
  10. Oh gummy... You're not making any sense right now. It's a WIP, you understand that right? And it's not showing the fanciness of the menu, it's showing how it works.
  11. Sutinen

    50 cal crybabies

    By the way OP, I wasn't talking about nerfing or "balancing" the game in any way, the 1-hit kill doesn't make the .50's unrealistic, it's just that you can carry it like it was an MP5. There's really no difference between the two (as in carrying it around) And I noticed you are using the "carrying an engine block" in your defense, well I think that is also fixed, since the weight system is also getting implemented. And you probably wouldn't like a weight system for weapons.. Like adding fatigue if you aim it standing for too long or for carrying it in your hands. So we can't make anyone happy. They should just be removed.
  12. Sutinen

    50 cal crybabies

    I believe Chicago and other major cities in U.S. do have arms trafficking going on, but a remote place in Russia has arm trafficking? You must be joking.. In such a remote place, everyone has a completely legal gun and there's no crime problems. Oh yeah, a valid point to remove them? You can carry a 30 kilo rifle in your hands, aim it standing for infinity and you're still as fast as a guy with a smaller rifle. You can shoot it standing and hit targets 800 meters away too easily. More valid points?
  13. You know what W.I.P means, right?
  14. Sutinen

    Zombie Herdes

    Are we talking about greek gods?
  15. Sutinen

    Learning to fly

    I can fly, but I'm bad at landings. I can get it to land gently, but it's not stable when I land it. Usually it goes fine, but some half-broken parts might show up.
  16. Sutinen

    Disagreement between a friend

    I play on all lowest and I get choppy framerate on full servers.
  17. Sutinen

    Civilian grade armory

    3,800 is enough for a concealable short barreled gun. If we can carry concealed weapons in the SA.
  18. Sutinen

    Oil Filter Silencer

    Expect when you don't have subsonic rounds, it echoes pretty far and the guy getting shot at will hear the "cracks"
  19. Sutinen

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    Go home zeds, you're all drunk.
  20. Sutinen

    Civilian grade armory

    I love it. The Mosin pistol is definitely my favorite. Why not make it craftable? You can cut the barrel + the stock with a hacksaw. < Or scratch that, I just noticed the other shortened parts, that would make a very nasty homemade mosin pistol And as for the 10/22, I think some .22 Toz rifle would do. I'm a big fan of .22's too.
  21. Sutinen

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    You can tell that a game is good when the creator is amused by it :D
  22. Sutinen

    You see a hero

    I wouldn't. I've met a few very heavily armed players (M107) and we never shot each other.
  23. Sutinen

    [SA] No snipers, no choppers.

    No full auto weapons or scoped rifles in DayZ... And this game is supposed to be unforgiving. Oh yeah and I do use CCO sight weapons for longer ranges too. M4A1's CCO hits 300 meter targets just below the dot.