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Everything posted by Sutinen

  1. If they get the vicinity system to work well, it should be pretty useful since there wouldn't be "loot stashes" around. It annoys me when I accidentally drop a lot of items and then I find them all in separate "loot stashes", so I have to click "gear" or "take" on all of them, because they're not in the same pile.
  2. Sutinen

    Why don't people leave the coast?

    If the server is empty, I usually visit the first big city on my way, then start scaling up to Stary Sobor, taking all the deerstands along the way. I usually don't come down to the south coast unless I have done everything I can (NWAF, Berezino, western towns and Zeleno). Then I might want to get into some fights. If the server has over 30 people on it, I wont bother with big cities. You will only find geared up players that are there to kill you before you get your hands on a weapon.
  3. Mosin Nagant is one long rifle, but 10/22 is not that short compared to actual SBR weapons, it has a 18 inch barrel. If the weight system is implemented, 10/22 could be a long, but a very light rifle.
  4. Sutinen

    What if Zombies had a voice?

    "Players are OP"
  5. Sutinen

    Best places to find camping tents?

  6. If the sneaking wasn't broken, it would actually be a good feature. But right now, everything from sight radius to hearing is fucked over, so you can't really sneak. Seriously, I aggro zombies 50 meters away when the hearing meter only shows 2 of them shits (I don't know what to call them) And what did R4Z0R say when he heard all the feedback. "It's fine I can sneak behind zombies" that's because you were on grass idiot. I think the alert mode means when it hears something, it will see further and go look for the sound. If it sees you, it goes frenzy and starts chasing you.
  7. Sutinen

    Better Use for Machete

    One thing that pisses me off about the machete is that it has some random bloodsplatters on it. Every single of them have the same texture, so lets not make it so "unique", it looks ridiculous.
  8. I would be satisfied, but the broken zed aggro is annoying. That makes me unsatisfied.
  9. Sutinen

    Viral Zeds need to be easy to indentify.

    He was running from 100 meters away and I shot him in the chest. Players get knocked out from one .308 and since zombies can't get knocked out, they should die.
  10. Sutinen

    Viral Zeds need to be easy to indentify.

    They should reduce the health to 8000 blood. I literally tried wasting my precious .308 rounds to a zombie that chased me for 100 meters. Takes it to the chest like a boss and keeps running at me. Hilarious.
  11. Sutinen

    Show who you where killed by.

    No. You know when a hacker kills you, this is a very bad idea. You can report it and it's over. Killcam is one of the things that do not belong in this game. Even kill messages should be removed.
  12. Sutinen

    Hospitals are empty...

    Well you see, sometimes I come across buildings (and crash sites) with no loot at all and I'm not foot. Nothing to do with tables.
  13. Sutinen

    .357/10mm handguns and revolvers

    M16 jamming is old.. Those were the M16A1's that they used in Vietnam. I don't know the background that good, but all I know is that the soldiers were complaining about frequent jamming in the jungle. The modern AR's should be more reliable.
  14. Sutinen

    .357/10mm handguns and revolvers

    The Desert Eagle is an utterly useless heavy piece of shit. There. I said it. It's not controllable, it's not cheap, it's ammunition is not cheap and it's worthless in a combat situation. And I highly doubt a remote place like Chernarus has crime syndicates.
  15. I found 2 M14's and an 870 in Balota and I only checked one deer stand and the ACT.
  16. Sutinen

    Melee and Pistols

    I'd much rather have a separate knife and a pistol than a pistol with a knife. Imagine the clumsiness.
  17. Sutinen

    New handgun damages need changing

    I once killed a guy with a shotgun with my M9. I didn't get a headshot, but I emptied the whole mag in his chest pretty quickly. Adrenaline kicked in fast.
  18. Sutinen

    New handgun damages need changing

    9x19 pistols should do 2000 damage, while Makarov should do a little less.. Maybe around 1700?
  19. Sutinen

    1.7.* Infection WIP Update

    You should be fixing the zed aggro radius first.. People that run trough everything should be punished, not those who take their time sneaking. Especially if I have wasted my time crawling over roads and crouch-walking on anything else expect grass, it's frustrating when a zombie spots you from 60 meters when you were crouch-running. And when I say crouch-running on anything else expect grass, I mean that grass is the only surface that is good for sneaking. Especially the eyesight of the zeds should be all the same if you are crouching or standing. The only exception would be when you're prone, because then the grass actually covers you. And the hearing is even more frustrating, because that's what causing the problems. Grass is the only surface that you can run on. If you run on gravel or concrete, every zombie in 50 meters will somehow hear that. This pretty much forces me to run trough everything at the moment.
  20. By the way, instead of fixing the zed aggro radius, you just buff it up and expect me to crawl trough everything?
  21. Sutinen

    Stripping down weapons.

    Field stripping should be in the SA.
  22. I just found a very good video demonstrating just that:
  23. 5.45x39 AK doesn't kick much in reality..
  24. Okay, now I just lost my patience a little bit. I spawn at Balota, right? I go to the little military outpost. I find an M14 in the first deerstand. I climb up the second one, nothing. I come down from there and guess what? A fucking zombie is walking towards me, so I start shimmying left to lose him. Then, just before I can get to safety, that guy goes "BLLEEARRGGHHH" So next thing I know is, I'm running around the tents, trying to lose that one zombie, but then, my unrealistically loud footsteps make the ultra hearing zombies follow me too. Okay, so I fucked that up, because the sneaking is impossible. Right, so I go to the warehouses in the end of the airstrip. I try to patiently drag the zombie horde to the corner and run out, but the zombies start to go outside and try attacking me trough the walls. I go to the other one, losing half of them, but some of them have x-ray vision and ultra hearing and run inside there without seeing me. Then, I try dragging them to the corner, walking. So I very very sneakily walk outside without making noise on the grass and I finally think I have lost them (CROUCH-RUNNING, I was crouch-running now listen to the next part). But then, I look back using alt and one of the new zombies come running over hills from 100 meters away. Okay, so now I actually try wasting my DMR mags to the zombie. It takes one hit to the chest and doesn't die. On the other hand, I've aggroed all the hangar zombies from 200 meters away. I say fuck it and start running to the ACT tower. I find another M14 and an 870., so the loot seems to be okay. And it gets even better, I got infected after I have gotten punched in the face only twice. I think that's when I started swearing in the sidechat and got myself autokicked out (I joined some random server which had autokick on it after 3 swears.. What a joke.) I notice that's a bit long and might use this tl;dr thing everyone seems to like: tl;dr The major point is: Sneaking is fucked up. That's where it all starts. Now if the sneaking wasn't fucked up, this would be fine, but when you have fucked up sneaking and terminator zeds that can track you down, it gets annoying. I know I could just run and not care about the zombies, but I'd like to sneak and not inform every player in 800 meters that I'm here.