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Everything posted by Sutinen

  1. M4A1 selective fire rifle is what we have and we don't need a semi-auto AR-15 because we aren't in the US where they are so common you can buy one at a grocery store.
  2. Sutinen

    any point in having a sidearm?

    I dunno, It just feels safer when you got a sidearm. And it only takes 4 slots, so you usually don't have any reason to drop it (Unless you don't go crazy and have like 200 rounds of ammo and 3 mags.) I have only killed one person with an FNX, that was when a Mosin dude logged right next to me in a barn. I heard the gun loading sound from the little side room and there he was. The dispersion gods were with me, because I somehow hit him right where I aimed at, maybe a little low from my original target, but hit him in the head still.
  3. Sutinen

    I find it sad that NEAF is still getting camped

    Learn how to clear out rooms correctly and you'll be able to kill everyone inside. Slicing the pie is an important thing, also leaning and NOT running in 3rd person and not using ALT. Seriously, every "SomeoneOnPCin1080p" guy does the same thing, full sprint on 3rd person, always weapon in the ready position. And they even fire from 3rd person, trusting the little dot..
  4. Sutinen

    Were Gorka camo jackets ever implemented?

    Tent cities and barracks is where you want to go
  5. Sutinen

    The Curse of Green Mountain

    Shit son, I heard a full auto Winchester up there back in the Mod and I already made the wise move to circle around the treeline but after that I backed away a little more. Also constantly heard aggroing zombie noises but none ever attacked me..
  6. Sutinen

    Loading magazines when opening doors/dates

    It's easy when you don't have to scroll wheel all the time though.
  7. Sutinen

    Chernarus++: No area left behind!

    I'm pretty sure the map makers are focusing on North at the moment, but they also probably will do bigger things than just adding a few police stations in the "old" areas. I've seen some good suggestions though, old factories could be interesting, just needs more loot than the existing industrial areas, they are pretty much useless
  8. Sutinen


    It's also worth saying that do not carry any guns or ammo in your pants either, because it doesn't matter if you just fall like 5 meters, the damage will be the same, your pants (and shoes?) will be ruined and everything inside them too.
  9. Sutinen

    Manual operating of the charging handle.

    Thanks for explaining your join date of 2014
  10. Sutinen

    Manual operating of the charging handle.

    DayZ is basically a "shooting simulator" in case you didn't know. The ballistics are incredible, but the current weapons are shit so you wouldn't know.
  11. Definitely hopper, because that's what I called them in the mod
  12. Sutinen

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    A bike helmet would be a hilarious addition, but I don't think it many people would seriously use it. It's like the child backpack of protective head gear. Other than probably not getting knocked out by punches on the top of your head, it would be completely useless. On the topic though, Rocket said they will use the same attachment system on vehicles too, so yes, everything can be done, except the frame. I guess the vehicle itself will be the frame. I think brake blocks probably will be a changeable part on top of the wheels. Adding too much things is just gonna get abused, people would take the chain, the pedals and shit to their inventories before logging out and you pretty much could just stare at it, or break it's wheels
  13. Sutinen

    New one handed melee weapon animation

    It's also weird how the character holds them in menu. The game doesn't have any other melee weapon animations so I guess it just wants to use the 2-handed one.
  14. The same thing works with firewood + fireplace kit. It uses the same attach system, so you just need to drop them, combine them and then take it in your inventory.
  15. Sutinen

    .380 ACP Coming To DayZ! [Torchia Reddit]

    I know most new SA players don't give a fuck about realism and will probably agree with you 100%, so please I don't need to get bombarded by these posts. I'm not trying to tell you to change your opinion either, ofc I can't see any difference other than the mag release and the magazine's curve. In my opinion even the smallest ballistic changes matter in a survival sim and I don't see anything bad about adding 5.45x39 to the military tents and making 5.56x45 rarer or exclusive to helicopter crashes. On top of that I feel like you're fucking with me by adding a huge black text asking me what's the difference between the guns, so apologize please and don't start a fight on the forums
  16. Sutinen

    .380 ACP Coming To DayZ! [Torchia Reddit]

    Wow, 5.56 AK-74's and 4 different pistol calibers? Makes sense.
  17. Sutinen

    Did the removed M4A1(M4) in update 0.45

    The server timer is kind of flawed though, I have had to disconnect from servers simply because they're so shit, lots of desync and overall lag that hurts my fps, etc. And I have also gotten disconnected and I've had to wait for ages to go back.
  18. Sutinen

    Favorite town now?

    I like Vybor the most, but I mostly move around and never stay at the same place so there's none.
  19. One thing that baffles me is that they want less calibers and they added a .357 Revolver when they could have done a .45 one like the Mod.
  20. Sutinen

    Gender Discrimination and Prejudice

    Racism, sexism, bullying little kids, whatever. You can just ignore all the talking and kill players to shut them up, that's how it works in DayZ.
  21. Sutinen

    Dayz silent Knife Kills ?

    What they need is different attacking animations and the way they damage someone. Right now you can only slash someone from the top, which will most likely hit the back of their heads instead (Knife not being heavy enough to really do any damage to your skull) Now, if we add stab attacks, you could stab someone in the neck. This would obviously cause more damage, but only if you aim there. In my opinion there is no need to make special Battefield Rambo knife silent kills, they just need more options for the melee system. Matter of fact you can already attack an armed player while he's prone and bang him over the head a couple of times, I've seen that even on video. Guy attacked with a shovel and knocked him out.
  22. Sutinen

    Gender Discrimination and Prejudice

    It's either DayZ players being dicks just for fun or then some immature people
  23. Sutinen

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Starting loot from Krasnotav (I ignored NEAF because it's an easy place to get killed at) I have never found a LongHorn or an anti-stab vest, or a P1 mag.
  24. Sutinen

    akm stock

    It needs the rail handguard for flashlights though. But I think that could be added as another handguard, because it looks cool.
  25. Sutinen

    CZ 527

    I hate when people classify rifles like that. An M4 would be a better sniper rifle than most "sniper" rifles in the game right now...