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Everything posted by Sutinen

  1. The reason that one road might end is because people have logged off.
  2. Sutinen

    Forum fame

    I saw a guy named liam neeson once.
  3. Sutinen

    Your bad DayZ habits

    I always have 1 bandage and rest of it is mags. I keep the rest of my bandages in my backpack.
  4. I want something more like this though: As an additional scope
  5. Sutinen

    Share your /facepalm moments

    Accidentally started throwing a grenade (Damn you fire mode) and pressed nothing, hoping it would cancel the animation. My guy threw it right in front of me, so I ran and got knocked out from the blast + bled out.
  6. Sutinen

    I had a dream last night...

    Nice editing (Not in a sarcastic way, I mean nice editing)
  7. Sutinen

    DayZ underground

    I AM wrong, nuff said (Kind of an pointless post now... nuff said)
  8. Sutinen

    Your bad DayZ habits

    Constantly using ALT. It might not be a bad habit., but I look around me every 10 seconds even when running trough a field. Even if I already looked over there.
  9. Sutinen

    Zub VS Bor

    Bor is absolutely terrible. You can find deer stands everywhere, but if you want those in particular for some reason, I would take them instead of the caste. It's just residental spawns. E: Hold up, they changed the castle loot?
  10. Sutinen

    A Gun You Never Found Before?

    M249, M240, Mk 48, AS50, SVD, M4A1 Holo, L85, M136. Never cycled barracks.
  11. When you throw a brick into a hospital's window and take all the morphine. Then inject it and see parachuting cows.
  12. Sutinen

    Walking Dead

    You really don't need permission from Robert Kirkman to make a Georgia replica, but it takes ages to make and DayZ could probably use a more original western map. As an addition.
  13. AKM Kobra AK-74 AKS-74U AKM is on the top and the AKS-74U is only picked up if I'm unarmed. At least for me, the short barrel weapons are useless. I can't see any difference other than being less accurate and losing range.
  14. Sutinen

    Choking persons from the back!

    What? It already happens..
  15. Sutinen

    Better ways to troll?

    I once had a entire backpack full of Stanag mags (5.56 ammo box), so when I saw a hatchet guy running trough a field, I sprayed the entire mag at him, not aiming. He was skipping and hopping away. Just don't use SD rounds, they have to hear the cracks for full effect.
  16. <google translate> Подожди, есть русский раздел слишком <google translate> http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/26-dayz-%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%88%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BC/
  17. Sutinen

    A way to kill zombies without weapons

    My strategy is to run to a bush and watch as the zombies can't punch trough.
  18. Sutinen

    DayZ Forum Downtime

  19. Sutinen

    New Spawn - What Would Your Route Be?

    This is how you do it. I've done it a million times before. With that spawn. It's fast, it's sneaky and you get the best loot spots.
  20. Sutinen

    Still getting adrenalin?

    That was a year ago.. My veins used to pop out and I felt like I was twice strong afterwards.. I also felt panic and confusion when I got into a firefight, especially when my leg got broken. But nowadays, sadly no. I don't flinch and I don't panic if I get shot at. And I've told this many times before, but I once was in the construction site on the East coast and I was just checking my gear by the wall, crouched. I just went to prone and then a M107 goes off and it sounds like a big fucking explosion right in my eardrum. I don't know healthcare stuff and I don't know if it was a game feature, but my vision literally went orange for a second and I had no idea what was going on. I laid down there for at least 10 seconds to realize what it was. Then I just ran out, the guy and his spotter were still shooting at me. I hear some smaller rifle fire and atleast 6 more M107 shots when I'm zigzagging to a treeline. It was crazy.
  21. Learn the basic ArmA stuff in bootcamp, scenarios and editor. At least I ran trough the first bootcamp missions before even installing DayZ. Learning that on your own is stupid, but learning DayZ stuff on your own is fun and challenging. I knew about ArmA before DayZ, but never even thought of buying it because I thought it was only for those who have mics, good internet and are in some kind of group. That made the experience more fun, since I had no idea what Chernarus was about.
  22. Sutinen

    Deadly Animals

    No.. Bears do not attack humans on sight in real life. But if you see a bear standing up and looking at you from a distance, you better slowly back away.
  23. PHYSICS. No more floating characters or dead bodies. I don't need 3 things, I want this one 3 times more.
  24. Sutinen


    Oh, I can't wait to hear them.