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About wh1tey

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. wh1tey

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    hm after the update i stuck at the loadingscreen, the timer count over 40 and than i get kicked with the message "something went wrong, disconnect and try again" or i get kicked by script restriction #21. anybody else who got this massive problems?
  2. wh1tey

    DayZ Mod Update

    this update is really awesome but 2 things are really annoying. - the zeds were agroed when ur char drinks or eat, when u repair a car and so on, i think this really unrealistic in my opinion. - the zeds can hit u when there are 2-3 meters away from ur char. keep up the good work. best regards, wh1tey
  3. wh1tey

    where the fck did my stuff go?!?

    hello guys, i lost my char today after the server connection lost i tried to reconnect a few minutes later on the same server then the screen with the male or female choice appears :( is there any chance to get my char back? best regards, wh1tey
  4. wh1tey

    Battleye Script Restriction #41

    hey guys, is this problem fixed now? if not can somebody please descripe step by step how i can downgrade my arma 2 to the second latest beta patch? i got the retailversion of arma2 operation arrowhead. best regards, wh1tey with one of the new beta patches i got no more problems to connect.
  5. its the one with the russian hat.
  6. press "I" and u see the toplist of the best scorer on the server, when ur in ur good enough if not try to kill more zeds ;-)
  7. maybe u were to fast there? try to go hundred metres in a other direction and then come back to the crashed huey.
  8. Caspar can u install the hotfix that came out yesterday, pls?
  9. wh1tey

    Pending Update: Build

    keep up the good work, its very nice that u give us some infos. and for the standalone i would pay 20€s for it. this game have so much potential and you are awesome rocket!
  10. which version runs on the other server?
  11. maybe the other server got his own hive? u can see it in the description in the server list or when u r connect to the server and idle in the lobby.
  12. this is right, but sometimes u got lucky and u place a tent put stuff in there, save and after the server restart all stuff is in there, but wenn u put other things in, save. on the next server restart the old stuff is back in it but not the new stuff. really annoying when u collect stuff all the day and then u go to ur camp and cant save ur collected stuff.
  13. no, no. i mean the tents are completely gone, not empty they dont stand there were we placed it. that the tents and vehicles dont save ur equipment that u put in after a server restart is another bug that should be fixed at the beginning of september 2012, i hope so they will.
  14. u should know that rocket dont get this money for the sales of arma2 combined operations, because he is a member of bohemia interactive since 1. august 2012. he will earn money now only for the standalone game. so stop talking about rocket put ur money in his pocket, pls.
  15. hello guys, after i connect today our camp completely disappeared. 4 tents are gone and 2 vehicles, too. somebody who experienced the same? best regards wh1tey