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About GamerSenior

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  1. Amazing server, is it No-CD KEY? I have some friends that don't have the original game and want to play in it with me.
  2. GamerSenior

    Cannot equip anything

    The Very dark problem is because it was night... You have a lantern in your toolbelt, just use it... The problem to can't connect to any server, maybe you just need to wait, DayZ need some time to start.
  3. What if I'm getting "You can not play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.cherarus" when I launch via SixUpdater/Launcher.
  4. I'm having the same problem, but my game isn't from Steam... Please, can someone help us?
  5. I'm having the same problem here, I was playing OK last night, then it started to happen... I updated my Beta Patch and DayZ again and nothing happens... Any possible solution?
  6. GamerSenior

    Can I play Day Z, Please help.

    Yes, you can trust this site... If'll just ask you to accept some thinks, so It can see what hardware do you have, and the website you tell you if you computer support the game. I always use this site to check if I can run some game.
  7. Enter the Arma 2 via the Laucher, and see what version is it... If it's 1.60.93825 I don't know what's is happening, if it's something diferent, just try to download the updated Beta Patch again.
  8. GamerSenior

    Cannot equip anything

    I had the same problem, to fix it I just installed the updated beta-patch (found here www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php ) and run through the Launcher and the bug was fixed. Try it, wish you good luck ;]
  9. GamerSenior

    No zombies/No loot in DayZ

    I never played Single Player but when this happen on Multiplayer it's becaues you are without the correct beta-patch... Try to install the updated beta patch here, www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php If it works, just say ;D
  10. GamerSenior

    I have a problem when using my inventory!

    I'm having the same problem... Anyone have another solution to it? It's really hard to me use some itens, and others are impossible to use.