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About Baiiley

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Just to clarify, I create a new steam account Buy ArmA2 OA run it to the menu, then just use six launcher? All do I do something else?
  2. Thanks guys, So buy a new OA run it to menu then use six launcher and i should be good?
  3. So unfourtantly a hacker got my CD-KEY and went on a spree which got my account banned. As upset as I am it kills me not to be playing anymore, I saw a post that all you have to do is buy ArmA2 OA on a diffrent steam account then just run six launcher and you get a new cd-key? Is this true? If not does anyone have any other help?
  4. I could connect an hour ago then i loged for 10min. I tryed to rejoin but i cant join any server, it will not connect to a host. I have my two friends playing right now and they use six launcher and there playing. I have reset my internet 5 times, restarted my computer and it still want connect!
  5. I will love to play with you mate. I happen to be a aussie two. I'm only 12 so my voice might not be the best. But don't think of me as a little annoying kid. Im looking to try some new tactics. If you want to add me and have a little talk add me on skype. *baileystiff* is my username for skype. Hope to talk soon.
  6. Baiiley

    Nub kill FTW

    So I started a new person today and got a surprise when I spawned only with a pack, bandage, painkillers, and a flashlight. But I managed to find a hatchet which I used as a melee weapon. I managed to get to the fire station at Elecktro. As I started to look around for loot I started geting shots fired at me. All I had on me was my hatchet. So i managed to quickly sprint over to where this sniper was ontop of a factory. I climbed the ladders and got to the top where i saw his body dead. I tryed to loot him but only his guns showed up. I looked again and saw he was dead. He was only unconscious. I started slicing him with my hatchet. It came up with his gear and i will state of what i remember i looted. NV goggles. M24 - with 6rounds. Revolver - With 4 rounds. Map compass watch survival knife Rangefinder toolbox and a few other things. I cant imagine what he would of been thinking when he saw me leaning over him. I loged back on later and it was dark. I looked to where the fire station was and got a surprise. I saw lights flicking around. It was another survivor. I aimed up my sniper and gave a shot. I saw someone got killed and scoped in again and saw he was dead. Im now a bandit.