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Everything posted by WilliamJ

  1. I have the same issue. Cant get it to work for the Life of me.
  2. Hello, I was thinking of renting a VPS. If the VPS COULD handle two servers. Is there any possible way to make them 12 hours off from one another? So Nighttime players can play during the day and Daytime players can play at night if they wanted to? We have many members that play DayZ, Just half are 3rd shift workers. I want to make the game enjoyable for both. I myself like to play at night... Thanks for anyone that helps.
  3. WilliamJ

    Quick Question About Servers.

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9427 Thanks for the heads up. ok.. it seems like not a good idea. From what I am reading here. I thank you all for the fast reply. I will get a VPS and just run one server. Seems it will just make things easy. Thanks again. :)
  4. WilliamJ

    Quick Question About Servers.

    I did.... I know there are VPS that run this game fine. Is that want you wanted me to read? Pointless post.....