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Everything posted by Lamborghiniz

  1. Lamborghiniz

    AS50 turned into a DMR

    My tent did this same thing, I had an FN Fal With NV Scope in my tent, Now have an M14 AIM. :/
  2. Lamborghiniz

    Kill or be killed (PVP)

    Kill or be killed is definitely the name of the game. I've tried to be friendly, and very rarely does someone actually acknowledge it. I remember running through the woods above cherno when some dude with an einfield tried killing me. I VOIP him saying I was friendly but he kept shooting, so I told him over VOIP as soon as you reload i'm killing you. Sure enough, shots stopped and I sniped him in the head. Moral of the story, Everyone unless youre in a chat program with them is your enemy and treat them as such, Unless they are unarmed.. I don't killed unarmed.
  3. Lamborghiniz

    Hiding Vehicles

    I think it'd also be cool if they had say, a key item for each vehicle, and when you log off you take the keys with you. The only way someone can jack your car would be if they have a toolbox to "hotwire" the car to take it. But a camo tarp may work as well, but honestly, who can't miss a giant tarp in the woods?