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About Jeanluctate

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Dunno about you, but DayZ does have it's funny moments, I came across some dude with the new skin and was quite surprised to say the least, he looks like a heavy off tf2 with a slightly disjointed neck. Also, in the other picture, you better start playing more DayZ or else... SOON... O__O
  2. Jeanluctate

    Tents. Guidelines?

    Hurr, let me try place a tent in the middle of this field... Nope, not flat enough, or too many objects around...
  3. Jeanluctate

    Tents. Guidelines?

    Are there any specific tent placing guidelines, because the '3x3' radius and the area being flat doesn't seem to help me choosing a spot. I can't place a tent ANYWHERE. Also, are tents not allowed in forests? Cause I can't seem to place a tent in there either, when realistically you could... and would... Collecting the evidence. These are perfectly legit spots to place a tent, why can't i place a damn tent here? More evidence.
  4. Jeanluctate

    Waiting for character to create

    To fix this problem all you have to do is right click on Arma II operation arrowhead on the steam list and reinstall BattlEye AntiCheat and it should work fine. :angel: You're welcome.