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About jackel2072

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    On the Coast
  1. Respectfully, i dont like how far a zombie can see now. It also seems like a real pain for new players who are just getting into the game, they have no real time to learn the mechanics of the game, that all of us who been playing for a while have taken advantage of. I know its an Alpha, and thats the double edge sword of letting people play an Alpha. The game you thought you knew and love changes on you. But even with that said. i dont know how well tough love for new players getting into this game is going to work.
  2. Yeah that be pretty awesome! im sure we'll get there in time.
  3. jackel2072

    F*CK all the players!

    Thats why i roll solo. the other day i noticed a guy running away from 2 infected. i killed both of them, he thanked me and wanted to team up. i simply said im sorry but i dont team up, i did you a solid and saved your life, but if you follow me i wont think twice about shooting you. You simply just cant trust people. the other day i was raiding an apartment when all of a sudden i heard 2 people talking. it was two guys who had just met on the street, they decided to team up. i followed them for a bit, because i was curious. after a while they both decided them now that they're a team, they should start killing survivors. If i didn't have a cheap pistol i would have just shot them both right there.
  4. jackel2072

    Freeside Trading Co.

    I love how this exists. Oh the meta game is strong with this one.
  5. jackel2072

    Hunger/Thirst while offline system

    Maybe if some day different servers can be running different versions of the game. But overall no. As mentioned above, I have a life outside of dayz. If this ever became full fledged Feature, I'd probably stop playing. I can't log in every single day to feed and water my virtual self.