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Everything posted by mosesuk

  1. mosesuk

    Setting up small squad (4-6 people)

    I see no one who has replied bothered to include their age and location as you requested (probably be good if you did in your opening post too :)). I'll go ahead and do what you asked and see if others follow suit. 18, United Kingdom. I'm just here to say this though: If you feel like it, join my private hive server. Its usually full of UK based players as well as other parts of the world. Hacking is almost non-existent and if one does manage to wreak havok the damages are swiftly corrected where possible. its always day on my server and there is custom starting gear as well as a plethora of vehicles to play with. I try to be as active as possible as an admin and interact with the user base wherever possible. Admins are easily identifiable by their 'Soldier' skin, so if you see one don't be afraid to ask questions or shoot, if your that kind of a guy :D. Hope to see you in-game at some point. To join it simply filter for dayzuk.com in Commander (or you DayZ launcher of choice or the in-game browser, if your into that kind of thing :/) To add to the above, we have a TeamSpeak server as well as a website :D
  2. I miss the good ol' days of actually beeing able to direct chat with some random guy without immediately being shot at. Ive found that almost all players on my private hive servers seem to at least entertain the idea of not killing on sight. People also usually seem more willing to cooperate on new maps, but once everyome familirises them selves its back to boom before banter. Hopefully once standalone is released we might be able to get the old player attitude back again, at least for a while... If anyone fancys trying a server of mine filter for dayzuk.com ( join the site too if you feel like it )
  3. mosesuk

    Looking for a clan to join/merge with.

    Hi Ghost_Eire, I'd be interested in coming to an arrangement regarding merging (or simply playing together) at some point. All our group members are from the UK and mature, we have multiple DayZ servers, a TeamSpeak server and a pretty stable group of players. If you're interested send a join request @ joinpgn.tk (just so I can get some details together), join our TeamSpeak when you feel like it (I'm going off for now, will be on tomorrow), add me on Steam and join our Steam group
  4. mosesuk

    looking for a crew :-)

    If you're still looking for a group you could join us, we are mature players all from the UK. Join our TeamSpeak to get to know us [ http://www.teamspeak.com/invite/PGN.teamspeak.net/ ] & say that DUBSTEPdet sent you ( If I'm not online ). If you feel that you want to stay fill out an application [ http://www.paragongaming.co.uk/join.php ]
  5. mosesuk

    EU Player - Bored On My Own

    If you're still looking for a group you could join us, we are mature players all from the UK. Join our TeamSpeak to get to know us [ http://www.teamspeak.com/invite/PGN.teamspeak.net ] & say that DUBSTEPdet sent you ( If I'm not online ). If you feel that you want to stay fill out an application [ http://www.paragongaming.co.uk/join.php ]
  6. mosesuk

    Wanted : satchel charge

    Alrighty then, talk to you at 8
  7. mosesuk

    Wanted : satchel charge

    Hi English_infadel, If you want to join our TeamSpeak server later ( around 20:00 GMT ), we can discuss the terms of a trade? :D Click here to join TeamSpeak! ( )
  8. Join us if you want, all UK members, join our server TeamSpeak @ http://www.paragongaming.co.uk
  9. Could check us out, all members are from the UK and mature, we have a TeamSpeak server also. Join us here
  10. mosesuk

    Please help!

    Not sure, there are ones available that run both LingOr & Chernarus on Vilayer.com I have been wondering if it was possible to switch from standard DayZ to LingOr too.
  11. mosesuk

    Looking for dayz mates 16+ only

    Also we are all over 16 & mature
  12. mosesuk

    Looking for dayz mates 16+ only

    Hi check us out if you want: http://www.paragongaming.co.uk/ Well be on tomorrow ( All currentmembers from the UK )
  13. mosesuk

    Anyone want to group?

    Check us out if you'd like http://www.paragongaming.co.uk/ We are all UK players ( Which would probably be an issue if your not from the UK XD ) and mature. We use TeamSpeak and have a server, Our new server has gone down ( Information for new server on website ) but our old one will remain up for a few more days:
  14. mosesuk

    Lone wolf seeks buddy

    Hi Regor, check our group out, we are all from the UK at the moment and mature. We have a TeamSpeak server, check out our website: http://www.paragongaming.co.uk/
  15. Join our TeamSpeak server or if you'd like and visit our website http://www.paragongaming.co.uk/
  16. Check us out if you'd like, we have a TeamSpeak server, visit our website for more details! http://www.paragongaming.co.uk/
  17. Hi, check our group out if you want, everyone in so far is from the UK and mature! http://www.paragongaming.co.uk
  18. As far as I know its still up BUT it desperately needs a restart its awfully laggy.
  19. mosesuk

    Looking to join group (UK - GMT)

    Hi Brain_in_a_vat, You could join us, we've currently got about 5 regular players. We are mostly from the UK and all English speaking. We are moderately experienced like yourself and have managed to get some decent weapons along with medical supplies etc. We have a TeamSpeak server and I am currently in the process of setting up a website along with a few other services. For now just join our Steam group if you're interested (made it yesterday, not all group members have joined yet ) http://steamcommunity.com/groups/dayz_uk Hope to see you in-game soon, I'll add you on Steam when I get the chance!
  20. mosesuk

    Looking For A Group

    Hi Proliz, You could join our small group, we've currently got about 5 regular players. We are all currently from the UK and our group is aimed at UK based players, but if you're not from the UK but willing to play on UK servers I don't see any problem with you joining us. We are moderately experienced and have managed to get some decent weapons along with medical supplies etc. We have a TeamSpeak server and I am currently in the process of setting up a website along with a few other services. For now just join our Steam group (made it yesterday, other group members have not joined yet :D) http://steamcommunity.com/groups/dayz_uk Hope to see you in-game soon!