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Hello fellow bandits (and perhaps survivers). Today i got my second sniper, another AS50. Now i really want to learn some new sniper spots (especially a spot in the NW airfield), because i know there's a lot of ghosting going on/many people around many of the spots i already know. I would also like to share these spots with you guys, though you may already know them. These spots are: - Northeast treeline above Elektro (Dobryy mountain). This spot is very common and popular, but also very good. You have view over most of the city, the roofs of hospital, powerplant firestation, school and i think the regular firestation too. You can see a lot of the road going out north of the city. - Northwest treeline above Elektro (above the barn). This is very close to the other spot, not as good but still good view over the city and rooftops. - Northwest hills to the Cherno hospital/apartments. Theres good overview around the whole hill, the angles just changes all the way.These spots are alright, you can see the top of all the tall buildings in cherno, and some of the street+openings to the apartments and hospital (including the roof of the hospital). - On top of the tallest building in Cherno. This spot is also very good. But like the first spot mentioned, it is very popular, and you do risk getting ghosted or someone sneaking up on you from the ladder. The spot provides view over pretty much the whole city. (BTW: this is where i sneaked up the ladder and murdered two other bandits today and got my AS50. They both had AS50, coyote, bizon, NVG's and rangefinder. Yes i know.) - Hills/trees above Stary Sobor military camp. Theres two spots for this, and they are both fairly common. You can be in the trees right next to the military camp and have view over the whole camp, but theres also a spot more northwest of this (right above the dead end road). From this spot you can see the entrance to the general store and some of the tents in the military camp. - Hills east of the northeast airfield (Olsha mountain). From these hills you can see the whole NE airfield perfectly. Great spot, not common. Do you know other good sniper spots, or do you have any tips? Feel free to share the banditry, anyways happy hunting.
NOTE: This is no QQ thread. Hello, just a simple question: Will your current humanity from the DayZ mod be transmitted to your DayZ standalone account when it is released? I am asking this question, because i think that i have no chance becomming a survivor in DayZ at the moment. I have -131k humanity, and i've calculated that i have to spend about 3 weeks to one month playing dayz (70~ hours ingame), including bloodbagging, bandaging etc. I do play as a friendly sometimes, but the main reason i got this low humanity, is from long periods of sniping/killing players in elektro/cherno for shooting first. I feel like there is just no way back for me really, i think i would be wasting my time if i even try.
Hello, i was thinking about setting up a tent to save some gear, but i wanna know if the items inside a tent has to be removed and saved in a new tent after you die, or you can just go save the tent with the items inside after death to keep them there. Can anyone comfirm that it works by simply saving the tent after dying works? Thanks for reading.
I recently got a rangefinder, and i noticed something odd. I had binoculars in the binoculars slot, but the rangefinders was in my NVG slot? It is my understanding that the rangefinder has nightvision implimented, but the nightvision did not work, so I tried putting the binocs in my bag, so the rangefinder would move to the binoculars slot. It did, but still no nightvision. Everytime i wear binocs and rangefinder, the rangefinder pops over to the NVG slot, am i doing something wrong or is it bugged or what? Thanks for reading.
So.. i can not run around with NV on, like i can with NVG's? If i want to have NV without zooming in with binocs/rangefinder, i have to find myself a pair of NVG's right?
So i HAVE to zoom in before i can use the nightvision with it?
I checked the binding yeah, it is set to "N"
I came up with this idea, now i don't know if it already has been suggested, if so im sorry. The idea is that you are able to throw empty bottles like a flare etc. and the noise from the bottle breaking will distract zombies. This has a couble benefits: - Empty bottles gets useful - It becomes easier to avoid zombies, and i think this is needed atm. after patch 1.7, where you no longer spawn with a weapon. You really need something to avoid zombies now, or else it takes forever if not impossible to get past zombies. What do you think?
Really? I had no idea, how do i throw them?