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Everything posted by sloasdaylight

  1. This is pretty much it for me as well. I get some chug in cities initially, but after 30 sec or so it runs smooth enough for me to get into firefights without problem.
  2. sloasdaylight

    Favorite town now?

    The whole Zelenogorsk/Myshkino/Lopatino area has always been my favorite area of the map.
  3. sloasdaylight

    Gender Discrimination and Prejudice

    Successful troll is successful.
  4. Alphas gonna alpha. With no persistent storage, incomplete zombie patching, and a number of other issues that are far more important than in-town fps to worry about, I don't want the devs worrying about optimizing client side fps yet. Alpha is for adding and developing, beta is for optimization and balancing.
  5. sloasdaylight

    [NEW] Downed Helo Locations

  6. sloasdaylight

    Gender Discrimination and Prejudice

    Sexism in the video game industry aside, the only example of this (and one would then assume the most representative) was someone saying "Sorry, this is DayZ, being a girl isn't going to help you". That's what she's going to hold up? At that point I'd tell anyone to get over themselves. The person who walked up to her and shot her in the face clearly didn't give a shit if she was a woman, yet this is supposedly an example of someone doing what? Treating her differently because she's a girl? Sorry, I don't follow that logic. As far as your second sentence, what you're talking about happens in MMOs like WoW ALL-THE-GOD-DAMN-TIME. I've seen dudes fawn over girl gamers and literally pillage guild banks completely empty trying to make this girl that lives 1500 miles away from you happy. In an extreme example, some chick gamer literally sold her vagina and/or asshole for the gold to buy an epic mount during The Burning Crusade. Some other chick offered to blow a dude for another 5k gold. It doesn't happen to those degrees all the time obviously, but it happens in a lesser form or fashion on a fairly regular basis, and you don't have to spend years playing MMOs to see examples of it. Sources for claims: http://gaygamer.net/2007/04/wow_player_who_offered_sex_for_1.html http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=108705571 Personally I couldn't give less of a shit what someone's sex is as long as they can play the game, and truth be told I probably would have shot her in the face too. Welcome to DayZ. Life's a bitch, get used to it.
  7. There aren't any objectives to this game, other than to survive. A lack of objectives, combined with a sandbox nature makes the game not be competitive. Simply because there are serious consequences to dying in game (permadeath, as you mention) doesn't mean that the game is competitive. I'm well aware that a game doesn't have to be an MLG or an arena shooter to be competitive, but those games, as well as any competitive game that I'm aware of, has victory conditions and has limitations on the individuals competing. DayZ has neither, so you can't call it competitive. It's high stakes for sure, you won't find argument from me on that point, but it's not competitive unless there are artificial and external victory conditions added to the game.
  8. sloasdaylight

    Screen resolution gone crazy after DAYZ crash

    I had this problem myself. You need to go into your DayZ.cfg file and change the resolution and the renderer pixels. Typically the cfg file is found in C://Users/Username/My Documents/DayZ/Dayz.cfg You want to change the Resolution_W= value to your width value (1920 in your case it sounds like), and your Resolution_H value to your height value (1080). Then find the Render_W and Render_H values and do the same. That fixed the problem for me. Edit: I don't know whether or not you have to do it after you quit the game every time, as I've only booted the game up once after I had the problem, but the above method did fix it for me.
  9. sloasdaylight

    Apologies from the {><}TA Server

    This. I hope OP doesn't suffer any negative consequences from this.
  10. DayZ is not a Competitive game. There is no pre-defined objective to a life, other than surviving, which - if you want to call that competitive - is hugely boring and requires/involves little to no human interaction whatsoever, especially now that hunting/gathering is in the game. Restricting the camera to 1st person only won't suddenly make DayZ competitive. You'd have to remove the sandbox nature of the game entirely, or add artificial restrictions/limitations to the game and servers (everyone spawns with an M4+clip, within a 1km radius of Grishino) and add victory conditions (last man standing, last team standing, first to occupy xyz building, etc.). DayZ is not CoD, CS, BF, or *insert competitive FPS game here*.
  11. No more sweeping than the constant cries from the 1st person crowd declaring anyone who plays 3p is only doing it because its easymodeare bad at the gamecan't hack it in 1pare basically cheatingare actually cheatingare the reason DayZ is terribleare console casualsruin the gameare 12 year oldsdon't understand what the game is aboutonly want to PvP and don't care about survivaland on and on I could go. Seriously, peruse these forums, and you'll see these claims made by members of the 1p only crowd. Hell, you could probably find them in this thread if you care to wade through all the semi-literate e-peen wagging that goes on whenever this subject is brought up.
  12. Rofl. Comparing 3pp in DayZ to Godmode. Pack it in guys, the debate is over, there can be no logical retort to this claim; it is beyond critique. I've not seen something that stupid since I stopped going to /b/.
  13. The 1st person only crowd never fails to disappoint. They incessantly complain about something that isn't going to change, and then whine and whine to try to force more people to play the game they want, with little to no regard to anyone except for themselves and their point of view. ALL THE HC SERVERS ARE ALWAYS EMPTY, AND GOD FORBID I START PLAYING ON ONE TO MAKE IT NOT EMPTY. Ironically enough, most of these people are the same ones who complain about the KoS fest that the game currently is, while emphatically denying that the reason they're looking for full servers is because they want to get into some PvP combat. DayZ is about surviving (or it's supposed to/will be), so go out and wander the wilderness. There's no law saying you can't dump all your gear on the beach and start again if you're looking for a challenge.
  14. sloasdaylight

    Why do you push?

    I have, and I do, but he asked why do you push people in entrenched positions when you're PvPing against them, and right now, 90+% of PvP happens at the coast.
  15. sloasdaylight

    Why do you push?

    For me, it's that I know I'm going to respawn 5-10 minutes away from my corpse. WTB Mod spawn points.
  16. sloasdaylight

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    This is my interpretation as well. It sounds like Rocket is talking about the Renderer switch here, which has been talked about for months now.
  17. sloasdaylight

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    Right, because saying "The game needs a new engine" is so specific...
  18. sloasdaylight

    A hacker killed me

    Yuo dnt kno mi or mi sweg...
  19. sloasdaylight

    More civillian clothing.. Less military

    Right, because the Red Dot scopes on an M4 have such great magnification, and are so useful for identifying someone laying prone in the grass in a shadowed area 600m away, right? And again, just because someone isn't using TTsKO (the only camo jacket in the game right now), and instead is using a piece of civilian clothing doesn't mean anything as far as how easily you're going to be seen in a city. There are so many hiding places in Berezino and Svet, and so many second story buildings you can hide win with an SkS and a PU scope, or a Mosin and a LR, or even an M4 and an ACOG or red dot that you can still sneak up on and kill people. Also, more pockets = faster gearing? Having more pockets doesn't mean that the stuff you'll need shows up more readily, just that you can carry more of it. You can run around in Full TTsKO gear and you'll have, at most, like 2 slots more than someone in non military gear.
  20. sloasdaylight

    DayZ Confessions

    /WAVE Hi guys! I was wondering if this would get posted here.
  21. sloasdaylight

    Make mics a requirement.

    Oh look, another "MAKE THE GAME EXACTLY HOW I WANT IT TO BE" post from FrostDMG. Shocking. This won't cut down on KoS. People will create easy to download programs to work a way around this. It's not essential. It's a bad idea.
  22. Yea, these are the ones you need to be pissed with. The ones with active admins kicking anyone who attempts to join them, not the ones who say "KOS FREE EPIC LOOTZORZ 5 MINUTE RESPAWN ZOMGZ SO MUCH LOOT ZOMGZ!"
  23. sloasdaylight

    To the guy at NWAF...
