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Everything posted by sloasdaylight

  1. sloasdaylight

    The 'war on snipers'

  2. sloasdaylight

    I think it's time.

    You mean the one where he said they were aiming for the end of 2014 for beta? As in that's what they're hoping to accomplish? No where did I see him say it was coming at the end of 2014 for sure. No where has any dev (that I'm aware of) confirmed that there would absolutely be a beta by the end of 2014. P.S. Nice job using a comment made after my post to try to prove me wrong. P.P.S. You do know what ETA stands for right? As in Estimated Time of Arrival, and not exact?
  3. sloasdaylight

    How does everyone here break up the DayZ monotony?

    I should have noted that I haven't played at all since the week .48 hit.
  4. sloasdaylight

    The 'war on snipers'

    This. Everyone is acting like the Mosin is the Russian equivalent of the M24, L96, or Cheytac; it's not. It was a mass produced battle rifle designed to be used at medium range over 100 years ago. The weapons in game are (very) old military surplus weapons that may or may not have been kept up well in the interim. To expect them all to hit targets accurately at 800m just because the scope can be zero'd at that distance doesn't make sense. And before anyone makes the comment that the iron sights can be zero'd to XYZ distance; yes, they can. That doesn't mean the gun can reliably hit anything at that distance, or that the soldiers would ever shoot at something that far away. This is a picture of a competitive shooter's target shooting at a 1000m target (img src:http://www.accurateshooter.com/competition/1000-yard-benchrest-guide/): Notice the 5.3" grouping, and this is with a match grade rifle and ammo firing from a bench rest. You're not going to be hitting anything even remotely like this with an old ass military surplus rifle.
  5. sloasdaylight

    How does everyone here break up the DayZ monotony?

    I'll go on loot runs for my group, pick up ballistic helmets, pants, water bottles, food, etc. that's needed. When that gets old I'll go to the coast and fuck with bambis, either by shooting them as they run down the road or finding them and making them eat rotten fruit, or force feeding them disinfectant spray, then maybe giving them charcoal tabs if they please me.
  6. sloasdaylight

    M4A1 Can i be added back to Genral Military?

    Chenarus is based in part on the Czech Republic, whose MP forces use the M4 (a variant of it anyway), so it's not unreasonable to expect that in places where one would mind MPs (tent cities, roadblocks, etc), there would be M4s. Not if they're going to have 130487 attachments for the AK series. The AK has the capability to attach every type of scope the M4 can except the red dots and BIS, and can attach everything else save the silencer (which I'm sure is coming, and doesn't work on the M4 anyways) If they're going to move the AK101 to heli crashes and have the modular attachments fit only that gun, and make the AKM the standard assault rifle, then I may agree with you. But so long as the AKM and the AK101 both can fit all the attachments, then your argument has no merit.
  7. sloasdaylight

    M4A1 Can i be added back to Genral Military?

    The M4 is also one of 2 standard issue service rifles for the United States Army and Marine Corps, and the Army is replacing their existing M4s with the M4A1. It may be a defacto weapon for a special forces operator, but it's also a common weapon.
  8. sloasdaylight

    I think it's time.

    I don't recall them saying there would be a beta at the end of the year. In fact all of these articles that I'm linking right now say players shouldn't expect a beta before the end of 2014: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/dayz-sales-rise-to-875k-dev-says-beta-not-likely-before-end-of-2014/1100-6416986/ - "The developer also has announced that it does not expect that DayZ will reach beta status before the end of 2014." http://www.polygon.com/2014/1/7/5283942/dayz-beta-end-of-2014 - "DayZ developer Bohemia Interactive doesn't expect to reach the beta stage of development before the end of 2014, according to a post on the game's official Tumblr page yesterday." http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/post/72473656344/dayz-three-weeks-on-the-road - "Please keep in mind that we do not expect to reach Beta status sooner than the end of 2014." From the quote above http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-01-07-do-not-expect-dayz-beta-before-end-of-2014 http://gamerant.com/dayz-standalone-beta-release-date/ http://www.vg247.com/2014/01/08/dayz-standalone-beta-no-sooner-than-the-end-of-2014-says-dev/ And on and on and on. I couldn't find a single post from a reputable source (I.E. a gamer website I know and/or a BI representative) saying that there would for sure be a DayZ Beta by the end of 2014. On the contrary in fact, nearly everything I've ever read said that we should NOT expect a beta any earlier than early 2015.
  9. sloasdaylight

    I think it's time.

    Oh look, it's one of these threads again, where people who want to play a beta or release version of a game that's still in Alpha. Let's take a look at some of your exceptionally well thought out points and see if there's anything that even the casual observer can point out that may show these to be a touch beyond what is currently capable. 70-80 man servers: This would be great, no doubt, but I've found that desync issues get really bad now, even when there are 20-30 people on a server, if they're all close enough to one another. Perhaps it wouldn't be feasible to increase the number of players by double until they can fix the current character desync problems. Making weapons rare: Truly, this is a noble goal, but one has to wonder whether or not it's what the Devs would really want right now. There are a number of upshots to making weapons more available right now, ranging from testing animations with every conceivable gear combination, to preference, and efficacy and more. Perhaps once all the weapons have been introduced (which they have yet to), and the player base has a chance to test them all out, then should the number of them be reduced. Taste of the intended game: I would say we would get a taste of the intended game around mid-beta, since that is after content has been added, optimization has been done, and balancing has occurred. It would seem you want the developers to drop their work and turn the Alpha state of this game into a Beta with .50. I don't think that's how game development works. Private hives: Perhaps, or perhaps we're merely seeing the game in a state of development and should expect that things will change as progress continues. Seeing as how we still have little but a rough idea of what the final version of this game will look like, perhaps we should reserve judgement until the final game is introduced, or at least until we are most of the way through the beta stage. But that would be silly, wouldn't it; we couldn't make posts like this if we did that.
  10. sloasdaylight

    I think it's time.

    You mean like the text above that big ass red button that says "I UNDERSTAND" that you have to click on every time you load up the game? You mean that?
  11. sloasdaylight

    Map and compass

    No, each half is made from two quandrants. A quadrant is a 4th of a whole, hence the root quad. The North West Quadrant and the South West Quadrant combine to make the Western Half, etc.
  12. sloasdaylight

    Map and compass

    The map is broken into quadrants, which you combine into halves to make the whole.
  13. To be entirely candid, Bohemia sold 2m copies of the game and are adding additional features and changes to it constantly, and frankly, that's how development happens.
  14. My point is that the devs are probably not going to give up much more control of the servers to server owners until they're done with at least the alpha build of the game.
  15. My guess would be when they open private hives and when the game is, you know, out of alpha.
  16. sloasdaylight

    DayZ is a game about theft.

    I'll let you know when that becomes an issue, but if you think there is going to be a massive influx of people playing on PvE only servers, or some sort of stupid assed "Talk first then shoot" servers, you're in for a massive letdown. There may be enough people for 5 maybe 10 of those servers, but that's it. Besides, nobody is saying you HAVE to KOS. Go to reddit, there are threads there every day about people meeting up with a random and going on adventures. I met up and ran around with a random who shares my in-game name (If you're out there Mark, I'm Mark(2)) a few days ago myself - looted a helicopter crash before the server died. DayZ is a garbage game without the risk and uncertainty of knowing whether or not the person you're going up to is going to freak out and shoot at you or handle the situation differently. You know why the "This is why I KOS" threads pop up? Because everyone shits on people who do KoS as though they are single handedly ruining the game, when the exact opposite is true. All the tightwad, fedora wearing, neck bearded, white knight "Heros" out there lose their mind when someone doesn't play this game in their Lawful Good way, but if it weren't for the people who kill bambis on the coast, or stalk someone for 30-40 minutes and wait until they log out to shoot them and take their stuff, or hear them outside a jail and wait up the stairs to kill them, then the game would have nothing in it to make it exciting. So no, I'm not going to leave you out of it. If I see you, or anyone else I don't know in game, I'm probably going to take a couple shots at you and see whether I can kill you without ruining all of your gear.
  17. sloasdaylight

    DayZ is a game about theft.

    Just what DayZ needs, care bear servers.
  18. sloasdaylight

    DayZ is a game about theft.

    "Righteous"...It's a fucking video game dude, not real life, get over yourself.
  19. sloasdaylight

    Ammo is way too scarce

    Uh, my group raided the NWAF and Balota yesterday, and found 12 drum mags, they spawn all over the place. The 30 round mags are all over the place too.
  20. sloasdaylight

    whats the scariest moment you've had?

    I was looting an the ATC at NEAF a few patches ago, and hear zombies outside, followed by the distinctive thunk of an axe meeting one in the head. This guy pops his head up the stairs, I take a shot, he backs down and starts talking to me, telling me how he's got friends with him and shit and how if I come down slowly they won't kill me. I'm naturally calling horse shit on this and we banter back and forth quite combatively for a while. The next thing I know I get hit with a fucking baseball bat by some nearly freshie from behind me. I guess his aim was a little off because it didn't knock me out or kill me (must have hit my arm or something). I spin around, dump probably 5-6 SKS rounds into him and run up to the top of the ATC to reload when the first guy who I was talking to comes running up the stairs screaming some shit over VOIP at me. I fired the last 2-3 rounds from my sks into him, breaking his legs, he shoots me with his pistol, and we both fall unconscious. I'm waiting, mashing my keyboard hoping it'll wake me up a little faster, and thankfully wake up before he does. I reload my SKS and put a bullet into his brain. Right as I do that, a mosin shot flies into where I am and hits right next to me. I freaked and peaced the fuck outta there as fast as I possibly could. I stopped running near the water to the East of Krasno and wait to see if I'm followed. After about 5 minutes of scanning the area I finally decide that's enough for the night and log.
  21. sloasdaylight

    7.62mm rounds now rare loot?

    What other people have said, Mosin/blaze/longhorn ammo seems to be showing up in civilian/industrial spawn locations now. I found a box in one of the big warehouses last night.
  22. sloasdaylight

    Stashing the goods. Sure, but where?

    This. The debug desert is bad news.
  23. sloasdaylight

    Describe Your Playstyle In 5 Words Or Less

    Fuck You I'm A Sniper
  24. sloasdaylight

    Sniping is a cowards technique?

    "Unskilled dishonorable"? What is this, feudal Japan? It always amazes me when people attach some vague, ill-defined notion of honor to a video game, and then speak down on others who don't adhere to these unwritten rules as strictly as they do.