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Everything posted by sloasdaylight

  1. sloasdaylight

    Weapon accuracies

    Uh, actually people do create spreadsheets for this, and they use the information they find within them to determine whether their weapon is acceptably accurate for the given task. Where do you think we get real-life MoA values from, you think they just pop into some dude's head? And plenty of people (read almost certainly everyone here) do shoot again, however after this game being out for as long as it has, and with as many people finding the M4 to be horrifically inaccurate in it's base state, people start to wonder about it, and so someone digs through the game files to figure out what the deal is, and we see the values listed.
  2. sloasdaylight

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    I suppose, I play both views, so I didn't really think about that. The helo is much less useful in 1st person, if you're the one flying it. Depending on the helo, it's still plenty useful for the other guys you can take in it to look for stuff.
  3. sloasdaylight

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    And? The game rewards cooperative team play and organization. Besides, as someone playing as a lone-wolf, the need for a base, or at least a large one with separate caches, is virtually nil, unless you're a hoarder the likes of Smaug, or Glaurung. Everything a solo player needs can be kept on the player or in a single camping tent, which can be strategically placed under a tree to conceal it as much as possible from both the air and the ground. If you want to expand beyond that and create your own personal fiefdom, then feel free, but there's extra risk associated with the extra benefit, just like grouping up. Being in a group isn't without it's dangers either. You're easier to spot and tail when you go back to base. Larger groups need more food and water, and more/larger vehicles to transport their members. The risk of friendly fire increases exponentially the more people you have in a group, especially if you don't have a viable way to distinguish each other (UN helmets, only black helmets, blue boonies, etc.) A solo player can get by with a single tent and a bike, hidden a few dozen meters away against a shed, or against a tree or some such. Edit: Plus, as a lone-wolf style player (a playstyle I enjoy quite a lot), you have the freedom to move from one location to the next easily and quickly, and it almost is a disservice to try to establish a set location and tie yourself too it too strongly. You don't have teammates with whom you're going to be meeting up often, and there's no/limited need for a rally point of sorts. Really the only reason one would want to have a tent/base (that I can see) as a lonewolf is to facilitate re-gearing in the event of death, and in that case, like I said, a single camping tent (provided it has enough inventory space) should suffice.
  4. sloasdaylight

    Did you ever went full psycho?

    I dunno if this counts as psycho or not, but we did this to a clan mate of mine. Background: He fell off a dock, broke his leg, no one had morphine.
  5. sloasdaylight

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    Build decoy bases, spread your gear/loot across multiple bases at different locations, put tents directly under trees. We did all that stuff back in the mod and we didn't have problems with our tent city being found. If one of your bases is compromised, you don't lose everything. We had a central base with a little bit of everything that served as a rally point, but our Arms Cache was somewhere else, as were our food and medical supplies. Likewise with our vehicles. Right now most of the concerns I hear about helicopters are coming from people who either didn't think hard enough about how to avoid base detection in the mod, or from people who played with people who didn't think hard enough about how to avoid base detection in the mod, or people who refused to take an active role in the power struggle on their server in the mod. Helicopters are not unbeatable God machines.
  6. sloasdaylight

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    Satchel Charges, Grenades (improvised or not), and other destructive methods will destroy helicopters when they're on the ground. If your clan doesn't have one, figure out where the other group has theirs and blow it up. I must have destroyed 2-3 helos, and dozens of vehicles during my tenure in the Mod by shooting their main rotor assembly, shooting out tires, repeatedly ramming vehicles into one another, driving over tents, blah blah blah, all while they were on the ground. On one occasion, I found the camp of my clan's main rivals on our server, loaded up as much as I could into their Ural, drove it back to our base, took a bike back to theirs, then rammed their helo with their Gaz and drove over all their tents repeatedly to destroy whatever was left that I couldn't take. Then for good measure I lit a fire, threw a timed satchel charge in their helo, and booked it out of there. You guys act like once someone has a helo there is absolutely nothing that can be done about it, and you might as well lay down and die. Be proactive and blow the motherfucker up. It's not terribly difficult to figure out where someone has a helo after a while (need to have a bit of open space to land/take off safely, constant helo activity in 1 quadrant of the map due to take offs and landings, etc.), and then it's just a matter of finding it and wrecking the thing when the people who own it aren't around. Now admin hoarding and other sort of shit like that is a different matter, and that ruins servers regardless of what gear/equipment they have.
  7. sloasdaylight

    Are snipers the most harmless thing in DayZ?

    My group has 1 really excellent sniper, and a few pretty decent ones, including myself. Snipers are fucking dangerous if they know what they're doing. Our top guy saved my ass more than a few times with well placed headshots, and I'd be afraid of him if he weren't a part of my group.
  8. Like others here, the only things I would want to see would be Days survived, and distance travelled. Beyond that, I don't want to know how many shots I fired, how many shots hit their targets, who killed me, how I died, or anything like that.
  9. sloasdaylight

    Bandits ruin this game

    What do you consider fairly geared? If your definition and mine are anything even remotely close to the same, then I want to see a stream of you doing that.
  10. sloasdaylight

    You are fully geared, would you shoot these people?

    Yea, a lot of what I did in the mod was trading and scrounging and whatnot once I got geared up and met up with my clan and our tent city. Though I was also one of those guys that would go out and steal everything I could out of an enemy camp and bring it back to ours. I miss that, I want them to bring back tents to the game.
  11. sloasdaylight

    your choice in weapons?

    My load out right now has a Mosin with compensator+bipod and both a PU and a LRS to deal with different range engagements (though as soon as a clan mate picks up an SKS and we meet up he'll get my PU). I find myself partial to the FNX over the other pistols, although I have a softspot for the 1911. I keep a sawed off shotgun with a couple snaploaders in my pack for an emergency backup/building clearing gun. I've used all the primary weapons, and I am actually partial to the M4 over all the others. When you add a few MP parts to it and an Acog and you've got a pretty accurate gun that can double as an oh shit weapon in a hurry. Shotguns are a LOT of fun though.
  12. sloasdaylight

    You are fully geared, would you shoot these people?

    There are players you can trust in the SA, it's just that with the SA being much larger than the mod was, there are more people who you can't. The balance might be a little off, but I suspect that after a while most of the CoD mindset kids will get bored of having to re-equip everytime they get "OMG TOTALLY 360 NOSCOPE 1 DOMED WITH THAT AK! WHAT A BITHC LOLIDONCARE 420 BLAZE IT ALL DAY!" Also remember what you said earlier about chatting with someone and then getting shot in the back. For someone who had a lot of hours in the game, keeping characters alive for 30-40 days at a time, it was FUCKING ANNOYING when you'd go to trade with someone for something, antibiotics, blood, whatever, and they'd turn around and waste you in the back as soon as you walked away. I hated that. I never made deals with people with my ghille suite or my good gear (FAL with NVG, DMR, suppressed mp5, coyote backpack, etc) because I didn't want literally weeks of work to get destroyed because of some dumb little kid in Zelen. So if you were one of the people who promoted that gameplay, or encouraged it, congrats, because the KoS you see now is the fruit of that.
  13. sloasdaylight

    You are fully geared, would you shoot these people?

    I voted shoot on all of them because there isn't a "Watch and Observe" option (which is different than the "Let them Live" option in my mind), and here's my reasoning, assuming I'm alone, which I am probably half or more of my playtime. 1) This guy just got messed up. He's either just left a combat zone or just logged back on after leaving one, and is dangerous because he probably doesn't have much to lose, and has a lot to gain by engaging and maybe killing me, with my full backpack, assault vest, pants, pristine Mosin+attachments, etc. 2) These guys outnumber me, and have more medical supplies than I do, so they're better prepared to engage me in a firefight. They may only have pistols, but I don't know how much ammo they have, and I don't know if there are more of them in and around the area, or perhaps coming to meet them. Again, my character is also geared much better than theirs' and my equipment would be most useful to them. I don't take chances. 3) These guys know what they're doing, and are coordinated. Typically, when there are 2+ snipers set up in an area, there are more of their friendlies with SKSs and M4s nearby, not necessarily 600m away. In my group, we always leave a friendly with an M4 nearby for close support of the sniper, who is usually tunnel visioned down his scope, covering the guys moving into the area in question. Also people who are geared up well are likely to go to the same places I am, and as a result I may see them again somewhere sometime soon, so I'd rather they not be completely geared up and ready to whoop some ass on me as soon as they see me. I learned a long time ago in the mod that people who look friendly might not be, and the person whose stuff is all fucked up doesn't have much incentive to play nice, since the risk/reward balance isn't in his favor in those scenarios. I typically try to give folks a wide berth, but if push comes to shove, I'm going to initiate an engagement rather than play defensively.
  14. sloasdaylight

    Would you like spawn points spread out?

    I agree with a fair bit of this, but let's be honest, there are a lot of ways in which the developers could spread spawn points out across the map and not have them land in a player created tent city that wouldn't revolve around some sort of hyper complicated coding that looks for player created buildings or player signatures or whatever. It'd be easy to increase spawns by putting people in/near cities and towns across the map, or in the woods immediately outside of them, or in the fields near the Sobors/Vybor. That keeps players spread out, and increases immersion because you're dropped somewhere without an easy and reliable way to figure out where you are if you're new (Keep the beach on your right to go East/North, or left to go South/West). I've said it before and I hold to it, that navigation should be just as important a part in this game as zombie/player interaction and looking for gear/food. As it is now, it's stupidly easy for anyone to figure out where they are by opening up the Dayzdb map and look for clues based on the water, coast line, and railroad position compared to the road. It's not terribly difficult to do that if you're dropped inland, but it's definitely harder. And as far as people complaining about freshies getting dropped in near NWAF or whatever, I really don't have a problem with that. If you increase the number of spawn points to something like 50 let's say, you only have a 2% chance of getting spawned in near that area, and then you have to hope that no one is there when you spawn in so that you can loot the place. Constant respawning can, one would presume, be fixed relatively easily by adding a countdown after every time you suicide. The first time you do it within a 7 day period for example, would have a 30 sec timer, the second would have a 120 sec timer, then 300, then 600, then 1200, 2400, etc. If people want to wait for 40+minutes to get to a good spawn point then let them, it takes 40 minutes to run across the map, so at that point other people aren't affected anymore than they would have been if the person in question had just spawned normally. I'm really not a fan of having freshies spawn on the beach every time, because it doesn't make sense to me at all. It's the middle of a zombie apocalypse, and everyone is down at the beach working on a tan? I've seen 1 person say it's a part of the lore, that you're some sort of shipwreck survivor, or something, but I haven't seen anything in an official capacity saying that's the case.
  15. sloasdaylight

    Would you like spawn points spread out?

    I'm apparently in the minority of the majority here, because I don't like spawning on the coast at all, and it's got nothing to do with the interior having more/better loot. This game, for me, is as much about navigation as it is finding food/gear. There are so many people who can't navigate properly in this game, even with a compass and the dayzdb.com map available to them, that it would be comical if it wasn't so sad. I think you should be forced to spawn somewhere like Mogilevka or Msta or something, and learn how to get yourself out of the middle of nowhere before you can gear up/survive. Dropping people into the middle of a forest, or on one side of a clearing makes them evaluate their position, using the clouds, sun, and map (because let's be honest, everyone uses a DayzDB.com style map), and then they have to set off in a direction they think is toward civilization, and hope they haven't made the wrong decision. As it is now when you spawn on the coast, it's ridiculously easy to figure out where you are, and which way you need to go for loot, it takes away from the immersion of the game. Edit: As far as the whole suicide to jump to a new spawn location thing. One would assume that would be a fairly easy fix by implementing some code that, assuming you died from a suicide, would force you to sit through a 5 minute timer that increased additively every time you suicided. It's not a perfect fix, but it strikes a balance between the current system of a 30 second respawn wait time, and penalizing players for respawning regardless of circumstance. It's not fair to a freshie to kick them off a server for an hour if they get sniped on the road, or if someone dies from some sort of glitch (which, lets face it, will happen, even after the game gets out of development).
  16. sloasdaylight

    How long to gear up?

    It usually takes me and my clan about 30-45 minutes to get geared up, depending on where you spawn, and what you're going for. We try to get a mix of mid/close range players with M4s, and a couple other guys who can reach out and touch people with Mosins. Then again we know what spawn locations to hit and what's worth taking or not.
  17. sloasdaylight

    The Power Of The Ghillie Suit

    No joke...
  18. sloasdaylight

    Never Trust anyone even if u know them of Team speak or skype.

    Play with people you know, period. Some one you met playing CoD4 isn't some one you know.
  19. sloasdaylight

    I..I just killed someone.

    Welcome to adulthood.
  20. Meh. It's really not that hard to play at night. A tip, your vision will adjust to the light around you. If you've got a scoped weapon, zoom in on a star at night, and then zoom out again, and everything will be much darker, but will slowly begin to lighten back up. If you're really keen on playing at night, you've got to change your style a lot, and take more risks with your paths. Following a treeline might mean you get your ass lost in the woods and dump out on the opposite side of where you wanted to be. You've got to kind of use the stars and terrain elevation to get to where you're going, and stick to more open areas where larger landmarks might still be visible.