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Everything posted by yoshimanitsu

  1. yoshimanitsu

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    Word to the mother fucking shit yeah. Hate fucking logging faggot pieces of pussy pus. [i have been warned for this post - Ubi]
  2. yoshimanitsu

    Global ban due Fraps?

    you shouldn't chat shit about something you know nothing about. People have been banned (as well as me, I was unbanned) for running STEAM OVERLAY. That thing, that comes with the system that is used to sell the fucking game. Your telling me they can't see the difference? You're a fuckin tard.
  3. Your missing the point to this game.
  4. yoshimanitsu

    Infected Aggro Radius

    Yeah, no matter what, even if im prone not moving I'll aggro 150+m away.
  5. yoshimanitsu

    L85A2 AWS spawning at crash site but not really there

    I raged for like 5 hours after I encountered this issue.
  6. yoshimanitsu

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Our server was updated, as well as I have updated and my friend. We have no issues with weapon or item loss, and all vehicles and tents are intact. THANK YOU FOR FIXING THE NOISE ISSUE OMGZ. Everything is running smooth as balls now BTW. Me and a friend used to dsync a lot now its all good. THANKS.
  7. Used to play with the owner of the server and the clan for it and what not and I shot one of them (shot them once, and didn't even come close to killing them, nor was I trying to) at their camp so they banned me. There was no "Why did you do that" or "your a dick" it was just perma ban. If I'm not mistaken its against the rules to ban someone for killing someone. At first, this didn't bother me. It's been bothering me though because they all know the rules of running a server as it's been discussed before and yet they intentionally broke the rules because I knew where their camp was, and they don't want to have to go out and get it all again (even though that's the whole game) (not that I was even going to do anything to them or their camp any way.) The only proof I have of that this is true is that when I try to join their team speak I get the message in this picture.
  8. yoshimanitsu

    Banned from US129 for shooting at admin

    Blacklist seems to be what everyone in the community who's not in their group thinks.
  9. So I play a game called Conquer Online. They have this thing were if your attacked by AI, you can't portal hop or disconnect during "combat". Now, i'm not sure how they do it as I am not a dev. However a few ways to combat this issue is pretty much do the same thing as when you pass out. When struck by bullets, or zombies, or even if someone too close shoots, disable the pause menu for a set time, be it 15 seconds, or 30 seconds, or what have you. This at least gives a short time where they are FORCED to at least hid, and still possibly get killed. Just a thought in case no one has suggested it.
  10. yoshimanitsu

    Admin Abuse US35 banned for ghosting

    I see a lot of back and fourth on this thread. HERES WHY PROOF NEEDS TO BE POSTED HERE: What proof do I, as a outside spectator who frequents server in question, that this admin submitted it to the dayz staff. I could ban you for anything. Then I go "Well I submitted the evidence to dayz staff, so if they want me to unban you I will. Then you never get unbanned and no justice is given if needed. I AM NOT SIDING WITH EITHER SIDE. You are probably noob and logged. It's ultra common. I almost never get kills because of loggers. but admin is still wrong because he could just be lying. Sorry but this is DayZ, trust no one. I personally will stop playing in your server because of this thread. If your so right, you'd have no problem posting it. The fact that your not providing the evidence is shady as post on Craigslist for drugs. I don't want to play on your server and get ban slammered for raiding.
  11. yoshimanitsu

    Two players looking to form a bigger squad of 6 players.

    Yoshimanitsu is my steam. We'll talk more on there
  12. yoshimanitsu

    Banned from DayZ ((Resolved) Thanks))

    edit: nevermind. Change the name of your post if you want to get unbanned. Most people don't even read your shit when you post like that.
  13. yoshimanitsu

    Admin Abuse US35 banned for ghosting

    Show us (the community) the logs. I want to see this.
  14. yoshimanitsu

    Banned from US129 for shooting at admin

    Don't even try to show the error of his thought. He is all mighty and all knowing. There is no questioning his power. If the mods want to sort it out proper like they should they will. If not, then there's no reason for griping and arguing. I've said my piece and its out here for all to see. That's all that needs to be done. If he wants to sit here and immaturely attack me, and my personal problems with sleep, let him.
  15. yoshimanitsu

    Banned from US129 for shooting at admin

    I'm sure they'll get to keep it all fine and dandy, but it doesn't matter. We as a community have to just do what we can by posting about it on the forums and hope justice is served. Like I said before, I don't care about getting unbanned and playing on their server, I dont care that I got banned. I care about keeping this games integrity intact as long as possible. The way the game is built now, the rules that have to be abide by, that's whats making it something I can't stop playing. If I let one thing go that is wrong, then it will always be let go. You can't just say "Well I was being a total prick for no reason to people who've treated me well, I deserve a ban!" because that's just not how it works. Also, if your referring to my actions in game gHoff, in real life you all would have been dead because I wouldn't have logged off. I would have sat their and picked you all off while you stood their like turkeys in rain. You wouldn't have BEEN able to hunt me down because in case you haven't realized, there is no respawn in life. Their is life, and there is death. You don't get back up (be it that you don't turn into a zombie!) So drop your tough guy act that's impressing no one, and come back to me with a legitimate response instead of middle school name calling. Learn to be a man like vonKeebler and admit your wrong for your actions. Don't try and act like you aren't in the wrong either because if you actually thought you were in the right I wouldn't be unbanned. You know what gets me though? I've been trying to get in contact with you guys for a while now. I wasn't going to ask for an unban, or any of that. I was going to apologize and explain what really happened. Since you choose to ignore my responses, I wont be so nice either. Hope you get blacklisted. Best regards, Yoshimanitsu P.S. admins, I was unbanned, so there is no need for this thread to be open and for there to be any further responses on the forums, so if you could lock it that'd be great.
  16. yoshimanitsu

    Banned from US129 for shooting at admin

    "In real life, you would have been hunted down and killed. Not be able to come back to grief us over and over." What are you trying to say there then because clearly there is some miscommunication. Also why the hell are you so butt hurt about me taking 1 shot at someone that you feel you need to come on the forums and make yourself look like an ass? Not to mention pm me angry letters about 4chan.
  17. What you guys need to remember is not that this is alpha, but this game is an alpha MOD. It's not its own game. 90% of the shit you do in this MOD, wasn't what ARMAII was intended to do, so there are going to be an ass load of problems trying to get them to work. Just be happen its the worlds most amazing alpha.
  18. yoshimanitsu

    Error ceating direct3D 9 graphical engine

    I tried that^ only thing that works for me is running it through the six launcher. I can't play it through steam and it sucks
  19. yoshimanitsu

    Debug Island.

    go to TX20, people always talk in there
  20. yoshimanitsu

    Banned from US129 for shooting at admin

    umm yeah.. they saw your post and went back in time and hacked... your not too bright are you? from what I was told by one of the members it was right after I made the post. Also for the record, when I signed up 2 weeks or however long ago to post this post, it told me I had to wait for a verification code. I never got one and was told just a few days ago that I didn't actually need one. You guy's can sit here and claim I have something to do with your problems when it comes to the hacker, fine, go head. That still does not make anything your doing with your server justifiable. What you are doing with your server is against the rules. It's as simple as that. If you get blacklist for telling the world about pass wording for personal gain, that's not my fault. I simply am posting about the fact that you inappropriately banned me for the same reason - to make sure your precious little items in a video game don't get damaged or disappear. Oh and please stop sending me angry pm's about how you think I'm a hacker or had 4chan hack you guys.
  21. I posted a ban appeal about it and it got a lot of responses because I was kicked for killing admin, and they locked the server for personal gain and what not. I want to make sure that this disrespect towards the game's idea and the community it self is realized.
  22. yoshimanitsu

    Where is the proper location to report a server

    Thanks, I'll definitely do that.