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Everything posted by Annual

  1. Annual

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    Not a huge fan, but I am fan enough. Assuming one of my friends can swing by my location between now and then and patch me up, I ought to make it. Put me down as a maybe.
  2. Annual

    Combat Logging you fuckers.

    Ah, I was thinking it was something completely different.
  3. Annual

    Combat Logging you fuckers.

    What exactly is combat logging?
  4. Annual

    Introduce yourselves

    Howdy, name is Charles, and I am the sort of guy who risks everything he has by saying friendly, or by mowing down zombies chasing another survivor. I have never shot first, and even if you shoot in my direction I will usually take cover and insist that I am friendly before booking it as far as I can get away from you. Username on Skype is annualmissleman, for those looking to buddy up, but please be fluent in english. Steam Name is Charloftis.
  5. Annual

    Am I a bad person?

    Not a bad person, you at least offered him a chance to declare his intentions, and English skills or not, most people will likely have learned to hear and understand friendly as well as respond with friendly. Just keep that mindset that led you to ask first before shooting, and you will still be a good person.
  6. Annual

    Include radios

    Not sure why they aren't included in the mod already, but they should be. Radios would add a new aspect to survival, being able to talk talk to survivors before you meet them, being able to determine through conversation whether a player is friendly or not long before you have to put yourself at risk. Of course, there are a limited number of channels, so bandits could easily be listening in and prepare an ambush at your designated meet location, or if they are nearby they will hear you outright. This also eliminates the time consuming need to add people on Skype which will still happen I am sure, but at least we will have a good RP explanation of how teams and friends are able to communicate and coordinate efforts over long distances. Radios could be made about as common as Coyote Backpacks and while initially for the sake of getting them in game as quickly as possible the battery will be infinite, later a limited lifespan of 4-8 hours of active talk would mean you have to find more batteries (maybe radio would work by requiring you have them in your active inventory, meaning less room for ammo). Anyways, just an idea I started thinking bout at work, let me know what you guys think.
  7. Annual


    I used to be friendly when I first started, I would shout into the mike for survivors with hordes to draw them closer and stay out of my line of fire, I would hand off food, ammo, guns, meds or whatever I had they needed and I could spare. Hell, I have heard gunshots and I would run right for them to see if I could help people. Now after being murdered a dozen times, betrayed and hurt, I will call out friendly a few times if I hear shots near me, but if I get no response I will not risk showing myself. I have yet to kill a single person who did not shoot first.
  8. Annual

    Beta Blues

    So, after 6 launcher failed to yield a particular server search that I knew would return 4 results, as well as not being able to see servers my friends had been able to connect to, I manually went out and grabbed the Beta update. However it still says I am running 1.62.95248 after 3 attempts. I am at a complete loss of what I could be doing wrong and I have even less of an idea on how to fix it so that my game reads me as using the latest beta. Please help.
  9. Annual

    Beta Blues

    I see no options in the Arrowhead expansion menu to enable or disable Beta and Expansion ARMA2_OA_Build_95417.zip that is the latest patch that a lot of servers are currently running though?
  10. Infected still have super senses, crouch walking yields attraction from up to and sometimes over a full block away. Stationary proning with both visibility indicators at nothing has yielded spontaneous attacks from across the street. Attraction garnered even whilst behind obstacles such as walls or inside buildings.
  11. I know others have had this issue, and I know one could get banned for using this as an exploit, but I am hoping that someone here has a solution so that I can go back to avoiding other players like the plague, rather than stalking them and seeing what they get up to. People watching is not as fun in this game as you might think.
  12. Thanks, the first link actually fixed it for me.