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About nashable

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. I would be more interested in knowing what framework was before committing. I'm still planning to do my log parser but looking at a safe way to action players first (i.e. how to connect PlayerUIDs to GUIDs)
  2. Nice initiative, I had planned to write some stuff in C# that would cover the combat log bans and the PKill data from the logs.
  3. Another update - We're now offering custom skins for players and our whitelisted version of the server is getting more and more players every day. We are still looking for clans to come join us or for people to become members. http://www.dayzgaming.com
  4. Thanks Seth - Appreciate the kind words. Due to the massive demand we've been getting we actually have a 2nd server up and running now with a whitelist. Please consider us as the next server you play DayZ on.
  5. Being live streamed by our friends at: http://www.twitch.tv/talutha If you want to see a prior recording: http://www.twitch.tv/talutha/b/352293913
  6. Just another update, we've added a ton more vehicle spawns to around 300. We've also included a new feature where those with a toolbox can salvage other vehicles and siphon fuel. We've had plenty of players so far but would love to see more!
  7. ... No downloads required! www.DayZGaming.com presents a unique DayZ experience blending PvP elements from our popular Utes PvP server with an end-game experience for those wishing to organize a whole new level of DayZ Play! DayZ the Return: "Two years after the outbreak the war was won, but at a cost. The world had been pushed to the brink under the relentless horde of infected. While mankind is safe a great deal of the planet is still occupied by those who didn't survive the plague. With the world's professional militaries resources heavily depleted a new way forward has been proposed. Those that lost everything are given an opportunity to stake a claim in a new world. Chernarus has been selected as the first phase of "Operation Takeback" in which the UN has authorized Mercenaries, PMCs and individual treasure hunters a stake to any land they can clear of the infected threat and fortify until standard government functions can be implemented. This has created what is being called the 'Grey Rush' in which people are sweeping Chernarus and building fortified positions, there is no law and every day more and more heavily armed groups are landing ashore. Cherarnus itself was considered ground zero for the infection and with it spreading so quickly a great deal of supplies, equipment and vehicles remain. In a world with now limited resources it's a gold mine of untapped potential!" --- Technical Details --- Server Name - Search for DZG to see our list of available servers IP: (all servers are on the same ip) All servers are in veteran mode. DZG 1 PVP Spawn loadouts, Public: 2332 (Always Day) DZG 2 PVP Spawn loadouts, Whitelisted: 2369 (Always Day) ... Added bonus for those wanting a more traditional DayZ Experience with all these extra features: DZG 0 Normal DayZ Spawn loadouts with whitelist: 2317 (Normal Day/Night Cycle) Minecraft style building enabled on all servers (see video link at the end for details) Slots: 50 (per server) Active admin team, also running Gotcha, Side chat enabled with special kicking process for those trying to spam side-chat VOIP. Details: On our PvP servers you will spawn with rotating kits that change every 30 minutes, we have in-game leaderboard announcements and players can now build persistent bases using dayz item components (e.g. Tank Traps, Wire, Wood, Scrap metal etc.) to create large bases with individual keypads and locks so you can secure vehicles and tents to you and your clan. We have the G36 weapons added in to our crash sites. Crash sites also are unfamiliar to those being implemented in 1.7.5 where they spawn on the map over time rather than at server start. We've also got extensive (500+) vehicle spawns, including new vehicles not seen on the DayZ Chernarus maps. Players will parachute into the map to prevent any form of spawn camping. For the full list of changes please visit this link:http://www.dayzgamin...-1-2/post/first If you're curious about the gameplay and some of the features check out these live stream recordings from some recent DayZ Live Streamers: http://www.twitch.tv...293913?t=27m20s http://www.twitch.tv...9934?t=1h25m30s http://www.twitch.tv...3265414?t=8m35s Admin note: We want to see which groups can organize and try to 'control' as much of the map as possible. We're looking at how we can reward/formalize in the future and would love to see organized PvP groups interact with groups wishing to rebuild Chernarus. Finally if you're curious how the base building works see this video below: (Credit to Daimyo21 for his work)
  8. We just recently opened our private hive server from being clan only to a white-listing program. You can apply at http://www.dayzgaming.com or if you want more information I made a post here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/92076-dayzgamingcoms-white-listed-private-hive-is-looking-for-new-recruits-us-west-chernarus/
  9. Hi Everyone, DayzGaming.com is looking for players to join it's DayZ private server community* Professionally hosted and secured server. Hosted in the LA area the server runs fast with little to no lag. Server based stats for active players on our servers: http://www.dayzgaming.com/stats Pure DayZ experience without Ghosting, Hacked in Weapons or server hoppers. We even have technology that deals with Alt+F4 combat loggers. No hacking incidents to date due to strict white-listing and selection process. Dedicated Mumble voice chat servers. Dedicated Forums to discuss, plan and socialize with other players. Mature community with players 18+ Core community of gaming industry professionals ready to steal your beans err help you survive! We also run a Public Hive server (US 2075) and Regular Arma 2 servers. If you're interested in getting access please sign up here: http://www.dayzgaming.com/sysmodule/m/5756190 * Please note this isn't a clan recruitment drive, we have a private server we would like to see get used more and would like to tell people about it.
  10. Posting in an (der)pic thread 3...2...1...
  11. nashable

    Tractors and long term survival goals

    If only there were buckets of water you could obtain to extinguish the fire with.
  12. Hi all, Been playing DayZ for a few months now and I wanted to share an idea I had. Currently there are a few agricultural vehicles in the game such as the Tractor which offer very limited features in terms of mobility. Thinking of more end-game ideas I would suggest implementing a plowing system for DayZ where players with the Tractor where players could mark out fresh fields. Then rare item spawns could be packets of seeds that players would need to collect and sow into these freshly plowed fields. Then every 2-3 days players would have to log back into their server to harvest the crops, such as fruit, which they could use instead of other food options. Empty cans could be used to store the fruit/vegetables for later use. Like tents if a different player found the crops then they could in fact steal them creating other resources that could be fought over, perhaps lowering the spawn rate of tins of foods in general buildings (I mean honestly who likes baked beans anyway!) Finally you could use the dogs that are going to be implemented in 1.7.3 to guard your crops. Even rarer drops could be seeds or cuttings mutated by the infection that created the zombie plague in the first place. This could result in special types of plants that could attack other players trying to steal your crops, or even have random events where waves of zombies attack your harvest and you and your dog/defense plants have to fight it off. Finally the status of your personal crops could be linked to the website and even have the option for teams of players to work together to maintain an entire farm/field of crops, sharing updates via social media such as Facebook. Thanks for reading!
  13. nashable


    This one time I was on the forums and I clicked on a topic called *facepalm* and read the whole story that the OP posted :P
  14. Rent any cheap VOIP server. Give out the details in the MOTD. Problem solved!
  15. nashable

    Dayz Admin IRC

    Its in the email you get as a server owner/provider