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Everything posted by Garfeild14

  1. Theres a broken down bus on mainroad in cherno just fyi I'm gonna get off though.
  2. So are you not coming to get me?
  3. I'm in the apartments in Cherno and could use a ride.
  4. Garfeild14

    Searching for a pair of NVG's

    I can give you it for free, they are really holding me back from playing as I'm scared to lose them, might as well take the gps, pm me if you want it.
  5. Garfeild14

    DayZ Stories

    There I was, just outside zeleno sneaking in towards the supermarket. Many infected in my path, it was questionable whether I could sneak through or not. Then from my right a bicycle shoots out into the field, he must have seen me as he passed right by, he drew all the zombies away and into the town. I continued into the store, when I was inside I sprinted for a fraction of a second and attracted a zombie... By the time the fight was over I had broken legs and 5k blood, not bleeding though... I did passout (log out) when I came too I was still in the supermarket and immediately noticed someone, I called out friendly and he replied over mic with an accent something like Swedish "Friendly, friendly, come on out." I slowly rolled out from behind the counter with my broken legs. I told him I was on the verge of death, and while he could have easily killed me and take my better backpack (I had the coyote I found by luck and he had czech) he instead gave me morphine and a blood transfusion, then left the building barely looted. I had never shot on sight before, and bicycle and swedish man have reaffirmed my morals. I will never shoot first to maintain their spirit.