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-=Grunt=- (DayZ)

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About -=Grunt=- (DayZ)

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  1. -=Grunt=- (DayZ)

    everlasting darkness??

    You're joining a server that is currently at night. The time cycle is 24-hour real time. Press G, right click the flashlight on your tool belt, select Remove from tool belt, when you have it equipped, press L to turn it on. Turning your brightness and gamma to maximum may also help.
  2. You have to die naked with the suit which is made of grass and is color green in your inventory in order for your partner to pick up the suit which is made of grass and is color green.
  3. -=Grunt=- (DayZ)

    Several game issues...please help

    When you alt-tab, don't click the icon to maximize your game since it will fire your gun but use alt + tab keys instead. It's like when you're holding a key and open Steam overlay, it 'locks' that key until you press or tap it again. (Great for auto-running long distances hehe) Not sure about tents though, I never really used them.
  4. -=Grunt=- (DayZ)

    Liquid graphics?

    Anti-aliasing just removes the jagged edges on models at a performance cost. (Your 590 shouldn't have a problem) It might be an LOD switching bug, are you using the latest beta patch?
  5. -=Grunt=- (DayZ)

    Sidechat and broken bones

    I broke my legs about 2 km outside Stary Sobor yesterday... I crawled all the way to Stary for like 30 minutes and when I got to the military medical tents, I got shot in the face.
  6. -=Grunt=- (DayZ)

    Pleas provide, full control list

    Main controls you'll need in DayZ: WASD - Move Double tap W - Sprint Double tap CTRL - Lower primary weapon Keypad Enter - Switch between 1st/3rd person view Left click - Select action (In action menu) or Fire Right click - Sights/Aim Hold right click - Zoom V - Vault over small stuff such as picket fences Scroll mouse - Action Menu G - Inventory (or Gear) L - Turn on flashlight or car headlights R - Reload Shift - Walk (Double-tap to 'lock' walk so you don't have to hold it, double-tap again to release) X - Crouch Z - Prone C - Stand Q and E - Lean Left/Right F - Change weapon fire mode or switch to grenades/throw-ables
  7. -=Grunt=- (DayZ)

    Most depressing moment of DayZ so far

    The M14 not good for ranged shots?... You could easily cap a guy at 500-600 meters with that thing.
  8. I picked up 2 rnd shells and the double barrel earlier today so probably not a bug.
  9. -=Grunt=- (DayZ)

    Camo/Ghillie Suit bug question

    He was using an outdated beta patch. Maybe it's the newer ones that fixes it. The current beta build is 93825.
  10. -=Grunt=- (DayZ)

    L85A2 AWS - Legit?

    Yeah, the L85A2 AWS is legit (It's from BAF) unless it's got a different name/version in DayZ. 0.43% spawn chance at chopper crash sites. http://picacid.com/arma2/loot_en.html
  11. -=Grunt=- (DayZ)


    Not really possible with the current engine yeah. Maybe in ArmA 3 when ragdolls are in.
  12. -=Grunt=- (DayZ)

    Why don't wells work for my canteen?

    Yup, you gotta right click the empty canteen.
  13. -=Grunt=- (DayZ)

    DayZ only working with ArmA C.O.?

    I got retail copies of A2 and A2 OA that I bought separately. Install ArmA 2 then install A2 OA and it'll create Combined Operations for you. I prefer retail because it's easier to mod (Less folders to go into) and it's easy to use the beta patches with them.
  14. -=Grunt=- (DayZ)

    What graphical settings do you play on?

    Q6600 2.4 Ghz 4 GB DDR2 667 GTX 560 Ti OC 7200 RPM Seagate Barracuda I run at at high/very high at 1280x1024 resolution. SMAA at "Ultra quality" preset. (Using latest beta patch which includes SMAA) View distance at 2-3k. (DayZ's VD is 500 meters though) AA at Low for AToC. Post Processing disabled. (I hate the crappy blur and bloom) FPS while playing DayZ - 20-40 (20 in cities, processor bogging it down) EDIT: I don't get better FPS by lowering the graphics to be honest... At times, I put it higher and get better FPS due to my processor.
  15. -=Grunt=- (DayZ)

    Epic Voice Guy: Lets Play DayZ

    Awesome! I liked it, made me laugh a couple of times. Hoping for a part 2. :)