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About Bryhoazard

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I ran into a warehouse in Cherno a few days back and most of the entry was barb wired off. Can you guess what was on the other side of the fence? A toolbox... Talk about irony.
  2. Bryhoazard

    Crazy ass day

    I have seen that face paint before, its kinda unsettling - I was in Berezino and was cornered by 2 bandits with AK's in the lumber yard, they had blue and white painted faces.
  3. Bryhoazard

    Really Dudes???

    Sniping unarmed players at spawn is kinda like hunting squirrel with a Javelin Missile... Yeah they might have eaten 15 of the 17 nectarines on your beautiful nectarine tree, and they may conduct daily raids on your berry bushes, but all you will have to show for it are massive crater holes in your yard where you atomized a creature that would have been defenseless against a mere pellet gun. There's just no sport in shooting an unarmed survivor... Especially now that all they have are a flashlight, bandages and that smile on their faces that say "I'm ready to take on the world!!!"
  4. I will have to say that the zombies are a lot better than they were in the last release - I gave up sneaking into cities, instead running into town like a madman pulling as many zombies as i could before they caught up with me. If you can find a hatchet, it makes a great improvised weapon once you get the hang of it. I usually let the Zeds get in front of me, and swing at them as i back up. This can minimize the chances of them scoring a serious hit on you. I tend to crouch walk in towns or near zombie haunts, but prefer to crawl once I start to hear them. The other plus is that they are much easier to outsmart with the latest update. If they lose sight, you can often get away without alerting the horde. :)
  5. I just had an experience in an Elektro market today. I had been in Elektro earlier when I got sniped by a bandit while trying to loot some apartments for supplies. I respawn again right outside Elektro and decide to try and take another trip into town to gather supplies. This time I decided to round the coast and move in close behind the church first. As I carefully crouch around the corner of the church, I realize that I had attracted some unwanted attention, as 2 zeds were barreling toward me. I quickly huddle inside the church, grabbing up any sodas and canned foods I could find. Just then I see them, 2 walkers slowly entering the church as I sit behind the pulpit. Catching my breath I slowly crawl from the pulpit to their left flank, using the pews as a natural barrier. As they stumbled around sniffing me out, I was finally able to get behind them and stealthily slip out the front of the church closing the doors behind them. I briefly look back and forth to see if I had attracted any more attention and move on to several apartment buildings where I was able to find matches, a hatchet, a knife, 2 canteens, foodstuffs, and soda. Backpack brimming with gear, I then made my way to the nearby market where I was sure I was going to finally get a weapon of some sort for extra defense. As I enter though, I realize that I am not going to find much beyond some ammo and more beans, but I carefully move to the back of the common area of the market just to make sure. I then come upon what at first was a dead survivor in a gillie suit. Closer inspection showed that he had nothing on his person and was on his side looking very much dead. I begin to turn around to head to the back room when, to my horror, the once dead guy in the corner came very much to life, (possibly had signed out of the game in that spot on another server, and decided to log into another server). I stood there silently for what felt like ages trying to decide what to do as he hadn’t spotted me yet (I was literally 4 feet to his left side and he was lying prone looking out to the front of the store). I knew if I had tried to make a run for it, he would have probably mowed me down with his Colt, so I could think of no other option than to quietly take him out. Now, I am not one who shoots first and asks questions later, but saying that not 15 minutes prior, I was taken out by an unknown assailant in the same town, odds were that this guy was either the same bandit or yet another bandit willing to take the franks & beans I had worked so hard to acquire. I slowly moved closer to him and after pausing for another 5 seconds to confirm what I was about to do, I buried the blade of my axe deep within his pituitary gland… Just to ensure that he wasn’t just passed out, I gave him another firm whack (remember the double tap law from Zombieland) and it was over. I had really wished that there was some other way, but odds were against me walking out of that building alive unless I took him out first. I was able to recover a crossbow, colt 1911, an Alice pack, blood, meds, and an mp5 for my trouble. I then quietly slipped out of town and headed north for the hills where I was then able to score some Wild Boar meat for my next meal.