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About Froznic

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  1. Froznic

    Unstuck option

    Agreed, got stuck on some rocks tonight. No way off but to respawn.. Something needs to be done about this.
  2. Froznic

    Shift not working?

    Kuckeli: yes sometimes it does run when I stand up and walking when holding shift. I wish there was some icon that tells you what you have it currently set to, would probably alleviate some of these issues. Maybe some tennis-shoes when it's on and slippers when it's off or w/e, you know what I mean. enablerbr: I'll try turning double tap off (because that could be part of the problem also) but it's nice to not have to hold down shift when you're running through a field or w/e. Maybe i'll have to change that keybind to something else. Molten: I'm using win 7 64 bit with a generic keyboard/mouse. But I do use 3rd person hitting enter so it could be linked to that. UPDATE: So I tried changing my double tap shift to numlock so that there's no chance double tapping could be screwing it up and it's made no difference. I still can't slowly crawl, only the normal speed. I can stand and slow walk/toggle, and crouch/toggle speed but not crawl. Sometimes this issue has been stuck on crouching and going faster or slower. Where I was stuck on only being able to go fast. No idea how to fix this. I've closed the game completely. Going to try and reboot but that better not fix it.
  3. Froznic

    Shift not working?

    Sometimes my character gets stuck going too fast and I'm not able to toggle it on and off either by double tapping or holding down shift. It appears that the faster speed is stuck in the on position. This causes me to run when I stand up, or go to fast when I'm crouched or crawling and I end up aggroing zombies. How do I fix this? It's such a critical issue and I can't find that anyone else has ran into this problem on these forums. Any idea how to fix it? I have default key bindings.
  4. Froznic

    Trouble picking stuff up?

    I'm in third person (hitting enter on the num pad). I haven't tried much with first person but i'll try it when it becomes a problem next time. G doesn't work if you're not able to actually put your mouse where it needs to be either.
  5. Ya, I deff think a splint should be in the works. There could also be other medical problems that could be solved by things like herbs etc. Sleep would also be an interesting option, sleep for 5 hours (takes 5 minutes) or something and that'd make your walking speed increase (and blood increase while u sleep). There needs to be more real world examples of things added to the time like splints. Hell even an amputation would be an interesting idea if you got your arm bit or something.
  6. Froznic

    Reasons to huddle around a campfire..

    Maybe have campfires be a sort of 'safe zone' where within 50 meters or 100 or w/e all players are immune to damage from other players. Could even turn into a sort of paintball sorta thing but that's weird. I know this sorta goes against the whole idea of there being smoke to attract bad ppl out there in the world but it could also be a sort of safe meeting area where people can come to interact and know they're not going to get shot in the head as they're walking up. Regenerating blood over time is also a great idea.
  7. Froznic

    Trouble picking stuff up?

    Ya I'm using the scroll wheel and trying 'enter' when it's not working correctly. I lost a 4 wheeler because I couldn't get on it and get away fast enough (never even was able to get back on it) and died. Was a bitter moment.
  8. I tried searching the forums but can't find anything related to this (wasn't having any luck finding stuff with the terms I was using). Anyway, A buddy of mine has no problem picking up pretty much anything but for me sometimes I have to target something for maybe a full minute before I find the exact location I have to have my mouse to even give me the option to pick something up/put it in my bags. He doesn't ever have this problem and it feels like I have it it at least 25% of the time. Sometimes I'm looking right where I need to but some of the time I have to go over the object I'm looking at all over it before the icon even appears to let me loot. Any ideas how to fix this?
  9. Running by wild animals. Assuming that it's blood the zeds are after, why not make it so wild animals become attractive as well to the zeds. Maybe only if you zeds by them but they could also randomly attack them if they get close to them. That might cause more server load then it's worth but it might be nice as a way to drop agro. I'm not sure exactly what it is the zeds are attracted to in this game. I'm assuming it's blood/flesh which animals have plenty of. Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems like that idea is kinda common sense. Plus it would be kinda funny to watch from a distance as a zed walks by a chicken, sees it, then chases it for 20 minutes.
  10. There's a lot of potential for this idea but basically give any player the ability to use a radio tower to broadcast. Some towers may be in working condition, others may require certain parts to repair them, but not too much as you don't want people to find them pointless. Radios themselves could have the ability to hear multiple frequencies or just the tower with the best reception (closest to them). This could be very advanced in that they could stream a free online radio service to anyone listening and depending on whose tower you were closest to would be the one that you heard in your car radio/battery powered radio/handheld fm/am receiver. They could play music (although I don't think that should be the primary idea). They could also broadcast a repeatable message that they record in game, similar to how direct broadcast works. It could be something to either get people to join up with one another or to work as a trap or any other number of other fun things. These radio towers could be hijacked of course. This could be used also as a way to lure zombies. Stream an mp3 or a list of mp3's into the broadcast and then setup a radio on top of a house or something to get zombies attention and make them focus on the sounds so that you could then sneak by and enter a building or w/e you wanted to do. This method could be used by anyone that can hear the broadcast (but careful because it could end at any time!). I'm sure there's a lot more that could be added to this (toss radios in motor boats and go chill far out in the water with a cold beer).