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Everything posted by BobbyBonesJones

  1. Apologies in advance if this seems like a dumb question, but I have been wondering how to get in touch with the admin on a particular server, but have no idea how to do so. I perused a couple pages of threads on this server section but didn't find any answer to my question. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
  2. BobbyBonesJones

    HFBServers.com is GREAT

    hey hey just a little light humor. Wasn't being serious :P But no joke thats a good review for them! They should be the ones paying you.
  3. BobbyBonesJones

    HFBServers.com is GREAT

    You hear that? ... That's the sound of the spamhammer coming down on this thread.
  4. BobbyBonesJones

    How to contact server admin?

    [broken] Dayz RPG clan server ... etc admin's username is [broken]ThatDirtySlave and I just wanted to ask him a few questions but to be honest I'm not too familiar with the chat system yet let alone how to contact the server admin so I thought I'd ask. Shameless self-bump xD Shameless self-bump :P