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Everything posted by Finally

  1. Finally

    Leveling up in DayZ

    Lo e the responses from those that didn't read ... where's the lvl 2 greifer?
  2. Finally

    How to count !

    I died on my 0st day... I died on my 1st day... I survived 0 days I survived 1 days
  3. Finally

    It's coming ............

    Until I know more about warz... I won't pass judgement... dayz is fine and all but warz does provide a few different elements dayz doesn't even have on the horizon... so until.then, this is futile...
  4. Finally

    legs breaking randomly?

    Inb4 alpha...
  5. My face when Brits call Rectangular Trajectile Restraints "Boxy Bang-Bang Holders"
  6. Piss poor admin blames players for hacking to cover their tracks... I can't wait til Rocket.hosts everything...
  7. I think you missed the point where, while you might be honest and post the true hackers id, others may not be so honest and post ids of people that they just don't like. I have seen many witch hunts happen after someone got mad they were killed and wanted revenge. Aka the best way to report it is to send Rockets team the id, logs, and video so they can perma ban rather the post it. Remember... being a server admin only takes money... honesty, integrity, etc. Are optional...
  8. Finally

    A story about men.. and chickens.

    Would read again
  9. Finally

    New sense: Smell?

    I pour instant coke mix on my showerhead... same difference
  10. Finally

    LAN compatable?

    You should be able to, you have unique IDs...
  11. Finally

    Will my computer be able to handle DayZ?

    It's a lemon... stay away. They are advertising it as a 7.2ghz computer because it's dual core... wouldn't trust them with anything. The stickied card is a pos too... Save 400€ or ₤ or whatever you use and buy a computer you can upgrade .. if you assemble it yourself you can get an i5 easily...
  12. Found a few tents today... Didn't need the loot but spent 5mins dropping some 100clips ak/mp/etc. ammo, ate 20 cans of food, 10 sodas, dropped many pistols and rifles... All just so it could never be used against me. Who else does this?
  13. Finally

    Anyone else do this...

    Us 102/104 chicago No excuse' date=' someone was hording, I found it and ensured the survival of many players /zed. To each his own ;) it's well worth the time I found a nade in one but rather use it else where. The reason isnt for their sweet sweet tears but my survival :)
  14. Finally

    Can anyone here gift me Arma 2 on steam?

    I'm too old for that. My credit card is not working right' date=' you are so quick to judge. I suppose I'll give some tf2 items of choice or a steam game (if I ever am able put money back in my wallet.) [/quote'] You are never too old to make some spare cash... also an adult would know you can use paypal with your bank account just as easily as a credit card... you do have real money right?
  15. Ill add you, I play mostly at 8-3am est but not every night. I'll add you later tonight on steam. I am pretty fully geared right now at the best premilitary guns, etc. Would be nice to not have to solo so much =]
  16. Finally

    Can anyone here gift me Arma 2 on steam?

    Yea... right Go mow some lawns kiddo
  17. Its dog eat dog retard... its a phrase stating we would go animalistic and just kill each other to survive like will dogs...
  18. They spawn when a human is in town, if no one is in town, no zombies! They will keep coming if you don't have a line of sight to the outside .. ie. My friend and I were in lvl2 of a barn and they kept coming until we walked down and peeked outside. They can't spawn where you are looking/can see. But they can spawn s away)ight beside you (a few Meter
  19. Call out to them with your mix and if they don't respond... shoot Everyone gets one Peter -Spiderman
  20. Finally

    how to use melee weapons

    This or you will die like me...
  21. Finally

    Decide to move camp

    How do they "mark" your camp? Using what I mean?
  22. He sounds like one of those 4chandads Leaguers who bitch about being banned and having done nothing wrong only to be proven by their actions that they are the scum filthying up the game...
  23. Lazy mans way... hit escape, abort, disconnect, then log back in. All items and zombies despawn when no one is near... if there are other players this won't work
  24. Announce when entering a building that you are friendly or when spawning equip your flashlight to so you are unarmed. I have actually more positive experiences this patch then before... 1 I entered a room and the guy in there said STOP! I won't shoot you... so we became neutral friends, giving each other ammo for our guns and ensuring we were safe... we parted ways and it was fine. You just need to go slow and enter buildings that alter high targets for loot after presenting you are friendly...