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About armadayz

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. armadayz

    After Being Banned Can i play?

    You can change your key registries for free although that is frowned upon.
  2. armadayz

    Rules of the forums

    And there goes powermolch, part of the problem. I mean seriously, what does that even mean? You aren't even making a point at all. You are just babbling bullshit.
  3. Ah' date=' yes. The old "I'm rubber, you're glue" defense. You're defensiveness and repeated insults on this forum are a pretty clear indication of why people are assholes back to you. You're bringing it on yourself. Let shit go. Don't echo the fight. Don't participate in being an asshole. Be the change that you want to see. [/quote'] You dont understand. I never replied to hostility with hostility. I even reported it and just moved on. I got banned. I was provoked and many people are just straight up assholes with no reprocussions. It doesnt change because the same assholes are still here, being assholes.
  4. armadayz

    To Rocket & the “Hardcore” crowd

    well then the poser hardcore crowd is giving you a bad rep. Because as far as I can tell they do hate every single idea anyone posts if its not giving them another advantage. Funny how they claim to be hardcore.
  5. This is by far the worst community ever I have ever been a part of. Other can insult you, but you cant dare insult them back. You can be provoked but you cant defend yourself. You must leave all self esteem at the door and accept that you are a "retard" and have "split pig brains" You cannot report people but others can report you, if they have one more star under their name, you will be ignored and their complaint, prioritized. If you post a thread for open discussion, your thread is invalid and null since you are a "carebear" that "needs to grow balls" If you dont lay down and accept the abuse, you will be banned. I dont know what would make a shittier community. Maybe Ill send this to Rocket with proof and links to each incident and maybe then you moderators wont be so lazy. Nah fuck it, this is the worst community ever.
  6. armadayz

    To Rocket & the “Hardcore” crowd

    This is complete bullshit, look at this fucking weasel trying to cover his tracks.
  7. ZedsDeadBaby is one of the biggest assholes on this forum. He should be banned seriously. Absolutely destroys the community. Name calling and he is still here? Yet you ban other the second they use names? Come on you guys can make a better community than that. Is this even the official site? Why is it fine to insult and degrade other repeatedly, but not others?
  8. armadayz

    225 km2

    I like how it had 0 replies for 20 minutes, and then once someone posted a confirmed answer, it instantly shot to 4 pages of people repeating the same shit, just to appear intelligent. Really shows just what kind of population this forums has
  9. armadayz

    225 km2

    Then why is the original asshole still here?
  10. Someone who just woke up on the beach with no idea how they got there. Do you think they would have a bandage and painkillers? idiot.
  11. New comers dont know about that aspect of the game. People have always talked about zombie games. Me and a friend discussed making one when we were 13. "Why arent there any zombie apocalypse simulators?" "I would add this to the game..." And we would go on for hours and we had great ideas. Its just a long overdue idea.