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Everything posted by jado

  1. Had a great night on that hill yesterday, 2 of us on the hill spotting for a friend in the fire station tower. Sitting on that hill watching chaos unfold is more fun than going to the NW airfield now.
  2. I've had quite a few mountain dew cans in my inventory over the past couple of months but have never had the chance to actually drink one.
  3. jado

    Bad FPS in Servers

    I've only encountered this on one server and it was really noticeable, even though i was getting a solid 80fps it looked like it was less than 20 when i was moving.
  4. jado

    Where do you live in Dayz?

    I usually head north the moment i spawn in, it's getting kinda old now though hanging around the NW airfield or looking for crash sites so i might start venturing into the main towns more.
  5. If there was an achievement for not killing a player over a certain amount of time surely there would be one for killing a player as well.
  6. jado

    How to zero the SVD Camo

    Download the shooting range from armaholic and play with the SVD to get hands on experience with it, much better than reading a guide.
  7. jado

    PSA - Paradropping cows...

    Were you the one dropping those by any chance? You appear to have some of the rarest pieces of loot plus you blocked out your debug stats.
  8. jado

    How do I actually save my character?

    Usually servers with "Private Hive" don't save if you join another server. I remember reading on here that your character gets saved every 2 minutes or so on normal servers connected to the hive.
  9. jado

    Can't download DayZ

    You could try 6updater. http://www.six-updater.net/
  10. Happened to me the other day, i simply logged back out and back in then i had everything back again.
  11. jado

    Trading for Ghillie

    When you say maybe do you mean that you currently don't have those items but can hack them into the game if someone wants to trade for them.
  12. jado

    Blood bags!!!

    I suppose they are there to promote co-op. If you are low on blood and a loner the best thing to do is kill an animal and eat it to regain blood.
  13. jado

    The Day Z hidden agenda

    Me and a friend were running to elektro when we saw an unarmed man being pursued by zeds so we helped him out and we were about to bandage his wounds when shots rang out from the hill above, the unarmed man died. Sometimes it is refreshing to find players in this game that don't have the shoot on sight mentality but will just let you go about your business and move on with theirs but on the other hand it is quite exhilarating getting into a gun fight and taking down your enemies. If this were a real life situation the longer i survived the more wary i would become of strangers and would most likely try to kill them straight away unless they weren't threatening, when you think about it this mod does really make you think about what you would do in a real life situation.
  14. If their movements were more fluid and less erratic i would gladly welcome an increase in their awareness.
  15. jado

    Server admins resetting vehicles?

    Not sure what happened to the vehicles but i definitely agree with the restart warnings.
  16. jado

    Empty map

    How are people supposed to respawn now the respawn option has been removed. I've read a few guides on getting out of the debug forrest, search the forums for a solution.
  17. I've had this for a few weeks so it wasn't the latest patch that caused this, i've also read that it is to do with barbed wire. Also pressing left shift and right -- and typing flush does seem to remove the artifacts.
  18. jado

    1st Person vs. 3rd Person

    I prefer 3rd person view but don't like the advantage it gives so i only play on 1st person servers.
  19. jado

    Lee Enfield nerfed?

    So how exactly has it been nerfed if it still one shots people?
  20. jado

    FPS and Stuff

    I use EVGA Precision X.
  21. jado

    Killed by hackers?

    Nowhere near it, we were in the middle of the woods running.
  22. jado

    Killed by hackers?

    I killed a full kitted out hacker earlier today and the second he dropped dead 5 or 6 explosions went off surrounding his body.