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  1. hgilbert@iswest.com

    why :(

    Seeing as you've already been cheatin' it's a little hard for me to believe you'd never use them. :) Having a hard time feeling any pity for you.
  2. Jeebus. I dream of a day when we have a button like "have my beans", but it says "Kill OP and take his beans". Cause it would so have been pressed for this thread. :)
  3. I LOL'd. You probably got hit in the head by one of the paintballs our pistols fire now, Before the pistol nerf you probably would have just had your brains splattered on the opposite wall and "she'd" have had your beans anyway.
  4. It would need fixing if it were true. It's not. I've been hit plenty of times where I only take a little damage, no bleed, no broken bones, You're either exaggerating or unlucky.
  5. OK, color me stupid, but what exactly does authenticity mean in this instance? Is it: "Authenticity is a technical term used in psychology as well as existentialist philosophy and aesthetics. In existentialism, authenticity is the degree to which one is true to one's own personality, spirit, or character, despite external pressures; the consciousself is seen as coming to terms with being in a material world and with encountering external forces, pressures and influences which are very different from, and other than, itself. A lack of authenticity is considered in existentialism to be bad faith."
  6. ..or lack thereof. Great post. -Sorry no more beans to give today.
  7. So we got about 4 or 5 days after the ban wave before the next set of hacks appeared? Perfect. If they're going stand alone with DayZ somethings got to change. Can't have a persistant world when anyone can come in and nuke it all for laughs.
  8. To continue your sushi analogy what you've made is a new sushi roll which is basically just white rice wrapped in seaweed, no seasoning. Quite a challenge you've got there! Congratulations you adventurer, you!.
  9. For god's sake...THIS again? It's not reality...some people would rather hunt others than the zombies when they've done everything. Or they do it because they like to grief. There's no incentive here to restart society or what have you. There's no penalty for not cooperating. Rocket's said he's not going to step in and impose an order on things - so it's time to build your group of sheriff's or what not and hunt the bandits griefers down yourself. Me, I'm going to stay low profile, work with a team of friends and woe be unto whoever we run into. I'm going to die in game, and guess what....I'll be reborn until the next time someone's smarter or more patient than me, or has paid the $$$ for a script hack that kills me (as has happened oh so many times). I'm not going to expect everyone to want to extend a hand to me and help me. Those who have helped have been through those I know, or have associated with in the past via vox. To my mind you need to find yourself a support structure...Perhaps it worked better when side chat vox worked, but there's an inherent insecurity in dealing with strangers - especially those who want your weapon or your beans. But it all comes down to this being a mod/game/sim where you aren't at any real risk of actual physical harm. It's not reality, so people aren't going to act the way they would should there be an actual breakdown of civilization. Expecting that behavior in this environment is pretty naive.
  10. *finger* 6 updater I should know better than to use it. I picked a server that WASN'T running but I got updated to it anyway. Next time I install manually. Should have known better after the last fricking fiasco.
  11. Sigh. Going forward, when I see a new DayZ version is dropping or about to drop: a) not download the file immediately. B) wait about three days for the resultant storm of version mismatches to be resolved. c) Log in to dayz at around 4 days after the release. d) repeat as needed. :)
  12. Nope, dealing with other players is part of DayZ. If you want to explore Chernarus, fire up the game without the DayZ mod, open the editor, and put yourself and a vehicle in game. Then explore to your hearts content. If you're not being successful alone, find some friends to co-op with. Get Teamspeak and coordinate.
  13. First, I crouch. Then, I arm myself with the flashlight of Doom. After that it kind of depends where I am. A lot of the time I find myself dying while I scream horribly. But mostly the first two.
  14. Battle eye must be a 15 year old one eyed cat then. 'Cause from where I'm sitting the mice are kicking ass. :|
  15. Wow...well I'm currently not renting a server for DayZ...I will definitely be talking to current server owners before I pull the trigger. This thread has been eye opening.