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Everything posted by NightRipper

  1. NightRipper

    Thus ends my DayZ Day.

    This thread makes me a sad panda.
  2. NightRipper

    My Idiot friends (Banned)

    Yes, and the cops are also on the way to your house.
  3. NightRipper

    Blood Stained Axe Murderer???

    Was it like this?
  4. Seems legit, could be a trap, maybe you should stfu and go die. No but seriously, I approve of this idea. Have some beans.
  5. NightRipper

    Screw the hacking! Finally dogs!

    I'd love to see the size of that paycheck <_<
  6. NightRipper

    Hackers, and the state of the standalone game?

    I'm done banging my head against a wall.
  7. NightRipper

    Screw the hacking! Finally dogs!

    Screw the hacking?? But that's like a serious.... OH WAIT. I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE.
  8. NightRipper

    I found a tent!

    Well, "normal" is a subjective term when it comes to DayZ...
  9. NightRipper

    Wait for host?

    This might be a possibility if there were a new update out. The only time you should be getting this is if you try to reconnect to a server right after it's been reset. EDIT: It's possible there's a new beta patch out. That's been known to do weird things, too.
  10. NightRipper

    US 894 server admin abuse or hacking?

    Holy wall of text, Batman. And yeah, sounds like a hacker.
  11. NightRipper

    noob and hacker

    It had all the weapons, and THAT'S what you took??!
  12. NightRipper

    So I finally found a car

    The offroad pickup trucks are my favorite <3
  13. NightRipper

    What are zeds?

  14. NightRipper

    Having difficulty? We got your back pt2

    Also known as Captain Awesome.
  15. NightRipper

    Bad Serial number given in setup

    This. This is your problem, and your solution. DayZ won't work until you run Combined Ops first (assuming your a Steam user). Just open up your game library in Steam, right click on Operation Arrowhead, and select 'Combined Ops.' You can exit out after you get to the main menu.
  16. Welcome to DayZ. There are complimentary cookies in Cherno.
  17. NightRipper

    Hackers, and the state of the standalone game?

    First of all, learn to spell above a third grade level. Secondly, my statement was actually making the exact opposite point. Your thread IS concerning an exhaustively-reported, thoroughly discussed subject. I also suggested that maybe if you were to do some reading in the forums before posting, you'd have figured that out. I'm not a clever douche. I read your OP. The point of your post was to speculate on a stand-alone game that was just announced. You pointed to the fact that there are many hackers in the current DayZ mod. You may not be aware, but the DayZ mod is subject to a vast number of limitations in the ARMA II game engine. If you took a second to educate yourself, you'd learn that ARMA II is plagued by much of the same hacking that you see in DayZ. A stand-alone, however, gives rocket and his team more flexibility to implement their own safeguards and anti-cheat protection that they are unable to implement in the mod. Common sense would dictate that they would take steps to do this. The point is, just because there is widespread hacking in this mod, doesn't mean there will necessarily be widespread hacking in the stand-alone. Also, maybe the fact that the "dumb douche" has better spelling and is more articulate than you should tell you something.
  18. NightRipper

    Hackers, and the state of the standalone game?

    Since this thread has been stickied in this forum subsection, at least 5 different NEW hacker-related threads have been created in this same section, despite this thread being stickied. Ergo, some people are completely out to lunch.
  19. NightRipper

    Zombie tents...

    Rumor has it the infection spread to the tents. God help us all if they gain basic motor skills.
  20. NightRipper

    Fighting the Fourth Dimension

    I think you're looking for the "DayZ Suggestions" section. Allow me to direct you: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/9-dayz-suggestions/