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Everything posted by NightRipper

  1. NightRipper

    Very Disapointed

    I am very disapointed in your spelling.
  2. I'll trade my NVGs for a ghillie suit.
  3. One of the reasons people kill on sight is because it's a game. Means of interaction between players is EXTREMELY narrow compared to IRL. You can't make signs, use any communication technology, you aren't given the tools to form a cohesive society, there's no incentive to develop law and order... I could go on, but my point should be obvious by now. In a perma-death GAME, which is, in comparison to reality, extremely linear and scripted, people will react within the framework they're given. Shooting on sight is the best way to preserve your loot (at the moment), which is what you spent your time gathering in the first place, and is subject to removal upon 'death.' So yeah, when QWOP mechanics and breathing and blinking and half a million other things that we have IRL that aren't in the game are put in place by Rocket, complaining about how people are arguably acting contrary to their nature will be legitimate. But until then, that logic is flawed.
  4. NightRipper

    "burn" tent option.

    You could just drop the items on the ground next to the tent and then save the tent.
  5. NightRipper


    Why don't you mosey on down to the off-topic section of this forum. Oh, and while you're at it, I'd like the 2 minutes of my life back that your thread has taken from me.
  6. I never bothered playing Arma II single player. SPOILER ALERT: I DIED A LOT. So yeah, if that sort of thing sounds frustrating to you, listen to the OP's advice. Also, don't give up. Persistence is rewarded in this game.
  7. NightRipper

    Bigfoot Easter Egg?

    I found your problem.
  8. NightRipper


    If they have in fact been destroyed (i.e. hit with a frag grenade, or driven over by a vehicle), and not lost due to any number of glitches, it will appear flattened. Basically, look for something that resembles a camouflaged picnic blanket, that's a destroyed tent.
  9. NightRipper

    Help! , please anyone....

    Crawling with zombies? Obviously you've never been to the NW Airfield. Deer stands have 3, occasionally 4 zeds, and 99% of the time when they spawn, they walk away from the deer stand. If you approach from the woods, and you're not standing up and sprinting, you'll be 100% fine.
  10. NightRipper

    To the admin of US170

    This deserves a picture.
  11. NightRipper

    Help! , please anyone....

    http://dayzdb.com/map It's the square red things you see all across the map.
  12. NightRipper

    What's your longest survival time?

    Currently on day 22.
  13. NightRipper

    Help! , please anyone....

    Two words: Deer Stands.
  14. NightRipper

    Bein scurred.

    STLAB <3
  15. This isn't EXTREMELY damaging to the game, this IS the game. Stick around, it only gets better from here.
  16. NightRipper

    How about leaving a trace/note ingame?

    I'd love to be able to do this. That way I could leave a note in the guy's tent I found nearby mine that tried to shoot me the other day. Imagine coming back to your supposedly-secret tent and finding a note that says "I'm watching you..." As someone who doesn't like to KoS, this would be perfect revenge.
  17. NightRipper

    Date Stamp on Debug Monitor

    I would really like to see a date stamp added to the debug monitor. Since DayZ evolves so quickly, it is often difficult to tell what version is being used when watching any one of the hundreds (thousands?) of gameplay videos that have been posted on youtube. Sure, you could look at the date the video was posted, but fairly often there is a time-delay between recording and upload, or the video is a repost, or it's dated footage. And frankly, with rolling updates being released as frequently as multiple times in the same day (i.e. /, an in-game date-stamp would make it less confusing.
  18. NightRipper

    Tents and server restarts

    Sometimes tents randomly disappear for awhile. Don't give up hope, just check the area periodically.
  19. You, sir, get my beans. Here's why: You went looking for a firefight, got one, and STAYED FOR THE FIREFIGHT. You had great gear, a lot to lose, and unlike 95/100 so-called "bandits" out there, you didn't disconnect when you got hit and started bleeding. While I don't want to turn this thread into a "omg disconnecting during pvp QQ you have no balls" discussion, I will say that if you're going to deliberately set out to engage other players, you damn well better be ready to kill or be killed. You, my good man, are a true bandit, and I salute you. Also, that moment where the bullet hit the tree right next to you was pretty epic.
  20. NightRipper

    SD ammo in non-SD weapons

    What I've been told is that using SD mags in a non-SD gun will make them act as if they were silenced to zombies, but other players will still hear them as if you shot a regular mag of the same ammo type.
  21. I understand the whole "vicious circle" thing, and yes, it sucks that by being KoS enough times you're forced to adopt a similar attitude, but honestly, why would it be any different in a real life zombie apocalypse? You'd band together with the few friends you had nearby, you'd protect the ones closest to you first, and you'd be forced to look out for number one, if not immediately, then eventually. The persistant-death mechanic is a strong motivator in-game, so just imagine what kind of a motivator it is IRL. Just saying.
  22. NightRipper

    Its an M1911!!! -minirant

  23. NightRipper

    barbwire friendly fire

    This is what I'm going to do to the next bandit sniper I find camping a town.
  24. NightRipper

    DayZ Hunt then a hill shootout

    You got owned, bud.
  25. It got bad last night EST. I've noticed loading times fluctuate wildly day-to-day. Just gotta deal with it.