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Everything posted by termhn

  1. --- asked to remove ---
  2. WHAT? WHAT THE HECK IS A PATENT THEN? WHAT IS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY? Hell yes you can put ownership on ideas. If you create code then yes, you own it. That's why people are able to sell video games for god's sake.
  3. termhn

    DayZ Namalsk on Vilayer

    Does Vilayer give you access to the actual server files?
  4. This is what the creator of DayZ Redux (Venthos) posted on YOUR FORUMS, which you then DELETED and permanently BANNED him for: Honestly, all you needed to do was ASK. Didn't your mommy teach you that when you were younger? Ask before taking things. If you had asked, he probably would have made a compromise with you and you would be able to give your community what they wanted without being labeled a thief. Quote from dayz redux forums, and Venthos' response: Venthos said:
  5. Did you install the custom DayZ mod from here? dayzredux.com Make sure in your launch options you have -mod=@DayZRedux not -mod=@DayZ
  6. A few suggestions: -Vehicles I really think that the DayZ approach to vehicles is the wrong one (barely any vehicles but abundant parts). Rather, I think it would be much better if there were lots of vehicles found all around, but VERY limited parts. AKA, decrease the spawn rate of parts a lot. -Weapons This is kind of the same argument as vehicles in that I think there should be lots of civilian and/or military weapons (obviously less military than civ, but still...) but the AMMO should be VERY VERY rare. My 2 cents. I'm definitely enjoying the "mod" of the mod so far :)
  7. termhn

    Will my PC run DayZ / Arma II?

    It may be able to run it on low... not really familiar with those parts :/
  8. That's not the point. The point is that tents with id over 1 million WOULDNT SAVE ANYTHING.
  9. That is not true. Rocket himself has stated that it is cheating. The reason he hasn't yet isnt because he doesnt want to, but because its harder than you think. He's taking steps toward doing this in the next patch.
  10. termhn

    Think Satchels Didn't exist in DayZ? Watch this!

    satchels for free? sounds like a trap to me ;) I'd like some but I don't wanna die either....
  11. termhn

    Fuck you BATTLEEYE

    The max ping can be set by the server... not battleye's problem.
  12. Not rockets problem, it's how arma is coded. Anyway once the game goes standalone, there should be a significant reduction
  13. Its not an admin its a hacker... they're ruining this game for all of us sadly.
  14. termhn

    How to start a new character without losing my old one?

    Nope doesnt work. There's two things you can do: 1. easiest: in the filter in game on the server browser, in "mission" type "sanctuary", all of those servers will have private databases so on each server you will have a different character. 2. Buy another copy of the game and follow Sacriel's tutorial on youtube to have multiple characters.
  15. termhn

    Can't use ax or light

    Press L to turn the light on, only works at night time. The not enough room means that you have a weapon in your main inventory slot. Remove that and you should be able to use it.
  16. termhn

    HALP! I've flipped my ATV

    no you can just wiggle the wheels back and forth and it will eventually flip up
  17. I've seen so many threads where people are bitching about guns being "unbalanced." Well, here's what I say to that. <rant> I HATE the word "unbalanced." THIS GAME SHOULD NOT BE BALANCED. This isn't some other FPS in which everyone should be on a level playing field. In this one, you use the correct tool for the job and if you don't have that tool you suffer. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT. There wouldn't be a point of having "high class" loot otherwise. Besides, if you get the jump on someone, you can already rape them no matter what weapon you have. TACTICS are the name of the game. You're a lone wolf so you can't find the same good loot as grouped up bandits. THAT'S YOUR FAULT DUMBASS. YOU CHOOSE TO LONE WOLF SO YOU SUFFER. If you want the same good loot as a group of bandits, JOIN A GROUP OF FUCKING BANDITS. Why can't people connect the dots? This is supposed to be a simulation. IRL, there's no "balancing." You do what needs to be done or suffer for it. If you really want to suffer because you're not using all the advantages you could then that's your problem. </rant> Thoughts?
  18. God, I HATE the word "unbalanced." THIS GAME SHOULD NOT BE BALANCED. This isn't some other FPS in which everyone should be on a level playing field. In this one, you use the correct tool for the job and if you don't have that tool you suffer. THATS THE WHOLE POINT. There wouldn't be a point of having "high class" loot otherwise. Besides, if you get the jump on someone, you can already rape them no matter what weapon you have. TACTICS are the name of the game.
  19. "less frustrating with the removal of snipers and silenced weapons." The point of the game is to be frustrating. So no.
  20. termhn

    FPS performance terrible!

    ITS NOT UR FUCKIN GPU! Jesus. ArmA 2 is NOT LIKE OTHER MODERN GAMES! It doesn't use the GPU as much as most other games do. In ArmA, your cpu and HARD DRIVE (especially this) are what matter. Your problems are most likely to do with the server you're playing on being running for and extended period of time without a restart. If you get on a server with good performance that just restarted, you'll probably get 60 FPS in small towns. I have a i5 3570K, gtx 670, and a SSD and I STILL don't get 60 FPS in big cities and I often find myself at only 20-30 FPS on a crappy server.
  21. termhn

    FPS performance terrible!

    Also this. Some servers DO run like shit ;)
  22. termhn

    FPS performance terrible!

    GPU barely matters in arma. It doesn't store its data in VRAM, so it doesnt get processed by the gpu (for the most part). In arma, CPU and Hard drive matters more than GPU
  23. termhn

    FPS performance terrible!

    Lol that's def. not a potato. Try some of this: 1 (really good): http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/28160-guide-how-to-set-up-your-graphics-properly/ 2 (pretty good): http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/38865-how-to-increase-fpssmooth-out-the-game/ 3 turn antialiasing off and turn on PPAA settings to FXAA (sharp filter) on whatever setting.
  24. /rant It's really depressing how many threads like this there are... not on this topic but with this whiny attitude of "Man zombies are SOOOO TOUGH. I mean, Nobody has the patience to crawl through all the zombies!" This game is ABOUT THROWING YOU INTO SITUATIONS THAT YOU CAN'T SURVIVE! Thats the WHOLE POINT. Thats what made this game great. And now all of the cry babies that are used to being ushered through a game without ever meeting any real resistance think that this game should be like that too. Doing something like this would RUIN the game. While I agree that zombies aren't coded great and need to be re-done at some point, you need to realise that it's an ALPHA. You're not PLAYING the game, you're TESTING it. /end rant