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Everything posted by Kothe

  1. Hey Jameskai, cool to see you on the forum. Here, have some beans. I take PayPal, direct debit, or we can meet in a dark alley sometime. ;)
  2. Hey all, we're having a bit of difficulties at the moment and are having to restructure the channel clusters. It shouldn't take long before things are back up and running smooth, but in the meantime the server is still online and fully operational. Custom channels will not be available until the issue is resolved, however.
  3. Hey dude, the "epic awesome channel" you're referring to is my personal channel. It's fine for you to use it whenever though, and I'm sorry to hear someone was spamming in there. I've recently been made an admin of the server so can kick/ban/help out in general whenever you see me on. Just give me a poke, I'll come running.
  4. So far I've just been jumping on and creating my own sub-channels named after whatever server I'm playing on. Seems to be a good system to use, although I'm fairly certain one guy my friend and I met up with in this way shot my friend in the face while he was AFK and blamed it on a sniper. Nothing to do with the server, that's just the way o' the game. My friend was silly for trusting a random so much. :D
  5. Pretty cool. Seems odd that the majority of people on the server seem to be Australian and the server isn't hosted locally, though. Fifteen Australians online right now, two Brits, two Swedes, and two Americans. I'm aware this could just be due to the time right now.