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TylerDurden (DayZ)

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Everything posted by TylerDurden (DayZ)

  1. TylerDurden (DayZ)

    The biggest let down since I encountered my first wonderbra

    Son of a bitch, disappointed again. I was expecting a boob pic and its just some dude talking about his Dayz experiences :D Appreciate the comment. I just wanted to have my 2 cents on finally playing the game.
  2. TylerDurden (DayZ)

    The biggest let down since I encountered my first wonderbra

    Dude you hit the nail on the head, I'm like a kid in a sweet shop I just couldn't wait and now I'm disappointed. I know the devs work hard on the game and its in Alpha. Its a shame it didnt go through a closed beta. Rocket said in his interview with TotalBiscuit he didnt expect more than 600 concurrent users and he was weary of showing the game in its current state. Now the games gaining so much attention main streamers like me jump on the bandwagon.
  3. TylerDurden (DayZ)

    The biggest let down since I encountered my first wonderbra

    You can melee with no weapon? How do you do that? I just spawned at night got my flash light out walked 10 feet into a zombie and disconnected from the server.
  4. I've just done this for the first time. Its just no fun. Maybe they should work on new building models rather than adding pointless features like spawning with tits.
  5. TylerDurden (DayZ)

    7 Hours of fix's and tweaks and it just doesnt work

    Thanks for the reply. I'd be happy to play the game at a reasonable resolution with all the setting off or on low if i could get 30fps+. Playing a computer game for the graphics is like watching porn for the story. I've played around with various settings in game and in Catalyst but nothing improves the FPS. ARMA 2 CO runs fine but DayZ just dies. Also I installed playclaw but when trying to run it after I installed it AVG popped up and removed it as a virus.