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peters (DayZ)

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Posts posted by peters (DayZ)

  1. Whenever I try to connect to the server I get a message along the lines of "kicked by battleeye: wrong version"

    Yes because the patch was just released. You need to wait for BattlEye to support it. Just check the thread that I mentioned above. When it is supported Dwarden will update his post. Especially the part where it says "BattlEye status: ... pending ..."

    You will see something like "BattlEye status: ... supported ..." when BE support is added. In the meantime just play with Build 95054.

  2. How do I get the latest battleeye update?

    When installing Beta Patch Build 95099 or above you no longer need to update BattlEye manually because the Beta Patch includes the latest BattlEye version. However if you still want to install it manually goto http://www.battleye.com/download.html and follow the instructions.

    Ignore that, how do I revert back to 95054?

    Delete the beta folder inside your Arma2OA\Expansion folder and install Beta Patch Build 95054.

  3. With all the people who shelled out cash to buy ARMA 2 in order to play DayZ, you'd think that they'd at least have a mirror site for the beta downloads at this point.

    I know, I need to get a life. I should do something else until the load on the BI site is reduced, but with all the publicity this (DayZ) is bringing to them, I'd think they might spring for some additional resources to support the mod which has reinvigorated the sales of ARMA 2. It would just be a nice nod towards good customer service.


    They have a mirror site. Just check their forums http://forums.bistud...(1-61-MP-build)

    Official mirror is here http://www.gamefront...Build_95099.zip


    EDIT: Forgot to mention you need to wait until BattlEye supports Build 95099 though. Dwarden usually updates the post when BE support is added.

  4. It's a pain. Some server owners write 94997 in the server name but when you check the bottom right corner (wehre it says Required version) they're still running 94444, 94876 or even 93616. And that is the reason why so many people are confused. They think they did everything right and try to connect to such a server and get the "Waiting for Host"-of Death screen.

    Like DE 335; DE319; DE 230; DE315; DE 352.

    They should be warened or punished in some way!

    For some servers it doesnt even report a Build number at the required version field. See here pbDSQy.jpg . So I guess the admin did something wrong?

    Another thing is when I lookup the listed Expansions/Addons of a server I noticed that some are missing the Beta and Expansion field.

    I bet that causes problems too.

    No wonder why some servers are buggy as hell while others aren't. Most likely due to incompetent admins.

  5. http://cache.www.gam.../b_560_95_1.png

    Your server hasnt been full since last night afaik. Just wait for people to update according to the instructions and you'll be fine and back up to 60 players.

    The patch fixes a lot of issues that improves performance. Support for >4GB VRAM anyone?

    Dupe fixes and more.

    Does that mean we can set -maxMem=2047 commandline parameter higher than 2047 ?

    So whats the highest value we can set now? Since its an 32bit process it can't access more than 4GB I guess?

    So far my performance increased with every Arma2 beta patch + DayZ patch. Since the last 3 Arma beta updates my fps drops are nearly gone. Especially the new tbb4 version gave me a huge boost.

    Great work Rocket, DayZ Dev. Team & BI =) We appreciate your the effort.

  6. CZ01 and CZ02 servers are using 94945 beta patch. I cant connect to those servers, i just get battleye initilization failed message.

    I can confirm these servers work with the latest Arma2 Beta patch (94945). Other servers don't work because the server owner has to manually update the BattlEye server client.

    If you want to play on CZ01 and CZ01 you have to manually update your BattlEye client as well.

    Just grab the latest DLL on the BattlEye Homepage http://www.battleye.com/download.html ( the one where it says v1.61.94945+)

    and put the DLL inside C:\Users\*YOUR_WINDOWS_USERNAME*\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\BattlEye on Vista and Win7

    alternatively you can put it in your \Expansion\BattlEye folder inside your ARMA2 / ARMA2:OA directory.

    This worked for me.

  7. We discussed this further on IRC and I got told my character is maybe corrupt..

    Ok so I installed my friends ArmA 2: CO and used his cd-keys and guess what it worked. I was able to get on servers again but I had his character of course. I wanted to make sure the problem is not on my side. After that I reinstalled again using my keys and the problem was there again...

    So do I need to rebuy the game or is there a chance that I ever will get help with this?

    I really want to continue playing.

  8. Hello guys.

    Since today I can't manage to play DayZ anymore. I already asked for help in the irc channel but no solutions.

    What I have already tried.

    • Have you tried to restart Arma II? Steam? Computer?

    --> CHECK

    • Is your Arma II or DayZ Mod files up to date?

    --> CHECK using ARMA2_OA_Build_93965 and DayZ Mod

    • Have you tried to update battle-eye recently? Install? Reinstall?

    --> CHECK Yes it shows 1.156. Up-to-date when connecting

    • Have you tried searching the forum?

    • Did you check the other stickied threads yet?

    --> YES but no solution that was mentioned helped.

    I also reinstalled ARMA2 / OA / latest Beta patch / and DayZ Mod again but the problem still appears.

    Before the problem happened for the first time I logged in to my character and I was at 300 blood and on a different location and everything was grey. But I am sure when I logged out the last time I had like 9000 and wasn't at that location. I died. I pressed Abort -> disconnect -> Ok again to respawn. Then I spawned at the same location with the same gear and 300 blood again. The corpse from my last death was still on the ground and I was instantly death again. So I disconnected from the server and tried another one then I was stuck at the "Loading" screen for the first time and since then the problem appears. I tried other servers but it doesn't help.

    In IRC I got told to wait a while and try again but it didn't help either.

    I'm really lost and don't know what to do. I hope I can get some help here. Just want to start exploring chernarus again :(.

    Regards peters
