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Everything posted by -III

  1. -III

    My Good Suggestions List and discussion.

    +1 for number 15 I want to be able to shoot all these KOSers with non lethal rounds before they "decide" I'm a threat to their precious beans. Honestly I don't care what anyone else has on them, I'm just tired of being shot in the back and or face for hesitating to kill someone because that's how I choose to be.
  2. -III

    Tranquilizer gun, dart, rifle.

    I agree with the rubber bullets or beanbag rounds. Then you only have to add a new ammo type for weapons, though I'm sure there is a lot more to it than that, having to make them go unconscious rather than be dead.
  3. +1 for non lethal take downs!
  4. A common-ish suggestion that I happen to like is forms of non lethal take downs. Rubber bullets, beanbag rounds, etc. Then people can still be shoot on sight but you don't have to kill them.
  5. +1 I'd love to have beanbag rounds for shotguns or rubber bullets for whatever weapons. I don't even want to rob people, I just want a non lethal take down to stop me getting shot in the face while I wonder if they are friendly or not.