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About skudd3r

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. skudd3r

    Base Buidlind and How it Works?

    There hasn't really been many official details about it. Like the majority of supporters to the game, you are better off playing something else and coming back in 6 months when there might be some bulk to the game, its pretty bare atm (~50% of the items in the game serve no purpose atm). Be cautious of expressing your opinions or concerns to the game as well, the "It's alpha" followers will eat you alive.
  2. I hate how people get all into the, "well in reality...". Well in reality, one does not need to eat and drink every 10 minutes. In reality, there are no zombies. In reality one does not find awesome guns just sitting in a tent. In reality one does not fix a bullet one with a bandage and continue running like nothing happened. If you are going to use reality as an argument for something like this... don't.
  3. Agreed, don't fix it if it ain't broken(old compass was better imo).
  4. skudd3r

    Server hoppers: A renewable resource.

    Already tried to address this as an opinion in the alpha to be put higher on priority list. Fanboi's came the rescue to ensure this in an alpha and that we are stupid... don't be fooled, your opinion does not matter.
  5. skudd3r

    Why is this not in the game yet?

    If that's the case, why have weapons at all. Just have players, items for testing, and increase zombie counter each patch to test stability. If there is no point to testing the other features of the game, don't put the items in to test them? Condense the scope.
  6. skudd3r

    Why is this not in the game yet?

    Loot. Where it spawns, how its spawn, frequency is all based off a stat. That stat is skewwed because of server hoppers. People cant find loot because of server hoppers. People who hop to farm are breaking the game and preventing real testing of how loot works from being tested. This is a major core feature of the game..
  7. skudd3r

    Why is this not in the game yet?

    The longer you wait and the closer it gets to beta, the less likely the feature will be changed/added.
  8. skudd3r

    Why is this not in the game yet?

    Not the case. Zombies running through walls is not an issue, because zombies atm are currently dumbed down. You can easily outrun and lose them. However to properly test the game, which is based primarily around real player interaction, they should fix how that interaction is controlled so you can probably test the main core mechanic. Zombies have always been just a side feature/annoyance of the game, anyone that thinks otherwise is blind. No one gets adrenaline or frightened from seeing a zombie... but a player on the other hand.. This is why I feel the logging needs to be fixed. How can you properly test loot spawn rates, where loots spawn, how loots spawns if all people are doing is swapping servers to get their loot. To me it sounds like you are trying to defend how you gear up fast to pray on fresh spawns. I don't want to run 25 minutes on the server I'm playing on, only to find that the area has already been raided by server hoppers and now I have to wait for a server restart.
  9. skudd3r

    Why is this not in the game yet?

    Also, they have no priority list, they work on whatever they work on... for example one of the last patches... don't see how this is important according to some of the replies about major things being addressed: improved transitions for restrained player
  10. skudd3r

    Why is this not in the game yet?

    The reason I pick this one as my suggestion is because it fits both sides, you get to keep your gear forces someone who wants to combat log or loot cycle to be punished by switching servers and moving them back to the coast to make the jog again. It doesn't add a timer to force people to not play. It builds incentive to stay on servers and find a home server It builds incentive to actually have to play nighttime which no one ever seems to like It makes someone think twice before combat logging far north It prevents server hopping, moving position, rejoining to get the upper hand on someone (flanking)
  11. skudd3r

    Why is this not in the game yet?

    If it bothers you, then don't post? I am simply posting my test of the alpha and the concerns I have. You don't have to agree to it, you also don't have to post and reply because you disagree. I don't get why every gamer thinks they are the ultimate tester and know it all. I work for a medical device company testing software, alpha is similar to feature spec, where you must get in all the odds and ends before software acceptance, otherwise new features will get left out and require a deviation and much more testing and validation. I am simply pointing out the concern, which is the same as how the mod was... which by the end of dayz mod most players were playing on private hives and non official servers because you didn't have to deal with this.
  12. skudd3r

    Why is this not in the game yet?

    Don't see how things like zombies going through walls has higher priority than player base abusing a broken core mechanic to loot up fast, or to server hop to flank and kill players. To me that's pretty broken and annoying. How can you properly test the game when all you have to do is sit in one area, and jump servers to loot up.
  13. skudd3r

    Why is this not in the game yet?

    Disagree. Alpha is the time to fix game core mechanics, this is a core mechanic, needs fixed. You usually bring a game to beta feature complete. I would consider this to be a feature. I have tested the game, and this is my feedback.
  14. skudd3r

    Why is this not in the game yet?

    People combat logging and loot cycling is incredibly game breaking. Also I merely said higher on the priority list.
  15. Player joins server Player gathers loot Player travels inland Player encounter player Player disconnects Player finds new server Player keeps loot gather Player gets put on closer to the shoreline again if server change I love persistence, but this farming(server cycling areas of high value) and no punishment for combat logging(server jumping) has got to be fixed. Things like server changing for loot farming... Server changing to flank someone... Server changing to avoid dying... This really needs to be higher on the priority list.