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About -Legion-xHawk

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  1. -Legion-xHawk

    Is rocket satisfied with us?

    rocket stated that he won't take money because money fucks things up. And if you ask me' date=' he's right. [/quote'] that's actually ridiculous.. few bucks to a CPA to handle his taxes and he could turn this into something big. Battlefield started as a mod.. There are not many successful game projects that required no money... You say that now, but have someone hand you a few million dollars... watch how fast you change. I know I changed and all I got was a couple thousand. Add to that that this seems to be a group of people working on different parts of the mod, and money will just make things far more complicated then they need to be, so money should be left out of it till it's in it's RC (Release Candidate) build phase.
  2. -Legion-xHawk

    Winny changes

  3. -Legion-xHawk

    Rocket, please read.

    How is it total disrespect when we are completely locked out of the box we pay 180$ a month for? We can't start up our Minecraft server, regular Arma server, or anything for that matter, the connections are all bounced, we're basically paying each month (as of right now) to say we have a pretty VPS. Perhaps Wildguns went about this the wrong way with the wording of the title, or perhaps people just jumped the gun and started spewing inaccuracies about Legion, thinking Legion is Goon Squad (which we are not), just as people assumed we were Pandemic Legion. I would just like to ask the people of this forum, before you go and make anymore accusations and assumptions (remember folks, assume and it makes a ass out of you and me), please, don't hesitate to send me a PM for the correct information, or read the forums indepth. We're that group people love to hate, so I don't expect anyone to follow this, but I put it out there.
  4. -Legion-xHawk

    Rocket, please read.

    Liar. Ghost server? Do you expect Rocket to believe such a lie? You guys were caught. There's plenty of evidence to support it. Rocket should ban you for life. Bye bye. It is unfortunate that this is the opinion we have to deal with. However, you are misinformed, and I will leave it at that, there is no need for anything more.
  5. -Legion-xHawk

    How did it happen.

  6. -Legion-xHawk

    1.5.8 this weekend?

    Based upon Rocket's post, it seems as if he is just adjusting the spawn timer on Zombies, and not the amount, however, it would be wise for us to wait and see before complaining/cheering.
  7. Z-Marshal Pallidum Treponema, I am stopping by here to inform you, Pandemic Legion, that we, Legion (We Are Legion) are well aware of this issue are taking the following steps. 1.) Tonight we will be holding a meeting among the leadership to determine our response to your demands 2.) We will post a response to your demands, publicly, tomorrow by 3pm Eastern Standard Time, within your 24 hour period.
  8. The Zombie spawn count is amazingly fun, we had the most interesting time last night in Berezino... HOWEVER, what does piss me off is the respawn timer. I have no issue killing 200 zombies to get in Cherno or Elektro... I do, however, have a issue killing 200 zombies to get in, killing 200 zombies while I'm there, and then kill 200 zombies to get out because of the respawn rate. Most of Legion concurs that the amount of zombies is perfectly acceptable, as long as the respawn rate is toned down a wee bit.
  9. -Legion-xHawk

    Stamina in Dayz

    It's 225 square kilometers, not 225km. It's only ~15 Kilometers across the map, and that's something your average Soldier/Athlete can run easy.
  10. Which server was it? Was it Atlanta 3 by chance? We had a issue earlier where there was a period of approximately 90 minutes where the server was up, but nothing was saving, upon a reboot, everything was as it was prior to those 90 minutes.