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Everything posted by daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

  1. daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

    I Am Now Witnessing My First Rainfall In Game

    I didn't even know this was in game, cant wait for it to rain on me!
  2. daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

    Lone wolf looking for a partner!

    So i have decided that going lone wolf is too lonely for me, Im looking for just one other guy to play regularly with, i have quite a lot of experience with pvp and banditry. Im not the type of bandit that runs along the coast shooting unarmed players, but the type of bandit who takes out other players legitimately. Im 20 years old and from the UK, so ideally i would be looking for someone around the same time zone. So if your looking for a friend to tag along with then let me know, just leave a message on here or add me on steam. Steam ID: indie_boy36
  3. daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

    Looking for small group or third player (uk)

    Hey im just a lone guy looking for a small group to play with, if you are still looking then let me know, add me on steam if you want: indie_boy36
  4. daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

    Need Medical Assistance in the Mod? Find a medic here!

    Bah! my guy just died anyway :( thanks for the help anyway guys, nothing you can do about these hackers!
  5. daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

    Need Medical Assistance in the Mod? Find a medic here!

    Havent got your request, whats your ID?
  6. daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

    Need Medical Assistance in the Mod? Find a medic here!

    Me and a friend are the victims or a hacker, we are passed out at approximately these coordinates: 045 060, somewhere in a field northeast of Vybor. I am wearing camo, and my friend is in normal outfit! My steam ID is 'Gok Wan'
  7. daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

    Dear crybaby's (hacking qq)

    Yeah i dont understand what these people think making a new thread everytime they witness a hack will achieve, it just clogs the forum with boring posts, im sure the dev team are well aware of the problem
  8. daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

    Quick question and some thoughts

    Its probably a much harder problem to fix than you think, but i think battleye is a complete waste of space, its too easy to get around
  9. daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

    Survivalist tactics or just being a c**t?

    Why do you feel the need to sign every post?
  10. daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

    use of cargo planes in Dayz

    i think rocket wanted to add things like factions and bases etc, so if he did this would be a cool thing to implement with it, but the game is nowhere near ready for this kind of stuff atm.
  11. daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

    Average Life Expectancy

    Because this is a forum, where you discuss things... And i dont think the life expectancy is really that accurate anyway, doesnt it count the people who used to respawn to get closer to cherno and electro etc?
  12. daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

    Can u grow a beard? How does the days survived work?

    there isnt anything in the game atm to show how long you been alive apart from the number that pops up when you log in, but i think rocket was talking about adding the beard feature, the longer you are alive the more rugged and worn down your guy looks.
  13. daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

    What the F*CK is wrong with this forum community ?!

    Also when people use the excuse 'its in alpha' to issues that dont really relate to that in the slightest
  14. daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

    i get those black lines in stary only

    I only ever get these at balota air field, looking towards the hangers, changing video settings doesnt help either.
  15. daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

    Make your own story: RPG style

    Sounds like a good idea if your that dedicated to sticking to the rules, but tbh i cant see many people doing this without cheating
  16. daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

    Dear Chad.

    look guys! its another trained killer, teach us all how to be so ruthless and cunning!
  17. Sorry what? 8 cents on a $16 purchase? where are you finding this information
  18. daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZ Motivational Posters

    lol nice posters!
  19. daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

    Soldier Uniform.

    might be hacked but thats some cool looking clothing, i hope stuff like this gets put in legit soon
  20. daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

    Dayz Merchandise

    Haha yes thats very accurate
  21. daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

    Could someobody

    Well if they have locked the server, and find all the helicopters and put them somewhere safe, then they open the server, its going to affect everyone who plays on that server....
  22. daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

    a day in my dayz..

    quite an accurate description of the major part of this game lol
  23. You actually serious? Not a lot of money from sales?
  24. daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

    Female Skins

    you just want to stare at that sexy body covered in foliage dont you
  25. daniel_coates@hotmail.co.uk

    1st Person vs. 3rd Person

    i prefer 3rd person, i just cant take the amount of screen wobble i get from 1st person